Nooooooo!!!! Look what you done user.

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just don't go to their house then you dumb bitch


I would love to see someone throw acid in this bitch's face.

I'd throw my dick in her face, if you know what I mean

Most logical and family oriented thing she's done since the last time Harvy's vaginacock fell out of her mouth and emptied the last of his nuts on her neck tits and dress.

kek this

so you are saying sucking Harvy off was more logical and family orientetd?


i'd stay with her. we could play yahtzee.

Did she visit Weinstein in prison?

How can she afford to even do that?

Celebrities are just saying this shit now for headlines.

the NPCs

I wish she would shit in my mouth

Fuck Off Emma !!!!

I'd put it in her ass until I blasted baby batter inside then pull it out and rub it on her face if you know what I mean.

Expecting 98% of the population to endure/risk bankruptcy, unemployment and homlessness, so the 1-2% of the population that are so close to the end of their lives, that the flu is a mortal threat, can live through one more flu season, is an absurdity beyond measure.

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this virtue signaling from celebrities parroting this bullshit is doing more harm than good. coincidentally all these cases about young people getting it. zoomers are going to see right through this shit

So lemme get this right...she has no males in her life she cares for? This bitch is obsessed with cunts.

What happened in 2006?

Show your whole body whore. I wanna see the ravages of the wall

I hope you get that chance some day too fren

stop talking about her as if she's some cute teen, she's 30 yo for fucks sake

This, unless they're dying of pneumonia literally who cares.

Actors and actress are probably the least affected group of people by the quarantine, they make millions of dollars by making a shitty movie every couple of years.


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Shh he thinks his fb boomer meme means something

Celebrities always need to have attention.

It's incredibly depressing seeing what she has become, but at least she isn't Lindsay Lohan. Now THAT would be truly depressing.

Of course the dumb bitch thanks another dumb bitch for the tips to save the dumb bitches in her life.


Checks out.

what is their end goal trying to keep everyone staying home? I know they're purposefully fucking the economy and stock market, but there must be more.

>>Dumb (((Female)))
>>Michael Obama
Pick one.


user, she spent the last decade or so being facefucked and asspounded by a fat greasy jew with a vaginacock and floppyskinned old man balls.

It's highly unlikely she's had a single positive interaction with a man since her tits outgrew her first bra.



Take your pick.

You have a point.

Are you serious? They're virtue signalling... Staying at home?

What's that movie where Every time that guy yells yahtzee he stands up and hits his head on that shelf and gets knocked out?

>wide twat segregated
she's black

Preventing a larger number of infected people?

fpbp. Also, she should never go near her grandmother again if she's this fucking paranoid. She could spread any disease on any day of the year. Or go near anyone. In fact, she should probably just fuck off.

Very good point, user, however there must be a father, grandfather, uncle or brother in her life that has been a positive and healthy role model. I've known females that always talked shit about guys and they grew up with the nicest families, completey ignoring all the good done for them by their male role models and counterparts.

i stay home fow niggers kikes jews and media stars who sucked off harvey weinstein.

Scary movie 4 or 5...maybe 3...it's the guy that was the white rapper.

so that when they try to force vaccinate, or whatever horrible thing they're trying to do... people will be at home like "I should go out and protest... oh wait, everyones stuck at home, well I don't wanna be the only one out, I'll just stay home too and watch on my tv"
with the additional feeling of "being alone" which leads people to not feel like they can band together to stand up for whatever is being taken.

I hate this meme so much

>doing what 90% of the country is doing
>posting on social media about it for attention
I'm sick of thots.

Economy gets fucked. Country burns to the ground financially. Dems envision themselves swooping in, blaming Trump as the culprit of it all (hoping and praying that too few people noticed them actively engineering this country's collapse to call them on their bullshit), proclaiming they're here to 'save America' with 'sweeping reforms' that constitute modern Bolshevik Communism. The Autocrats and their puppets get fat off the state tit while the state robs the other 99.9% of the population at literal gunpoint for every dime they can even halfassedly imagine a reason to take.

The useful idiots are put against walls and shot. The rest are forced to comply under threat of being crushed under the treads of an M1 Abrams. Then the purges and starvation starts. It'd unironically be a class A federal felony hate crime to simply be a straight white man about 3 years into their utopia.

Oh it wouldn't have been 5, that movie had a whole new cast and all.

I’m not understanding you guys. What do you mean?

I've got a couple Opinel knives made from the scrap wood that built the Hermione ship, beautiful ship too.

are you talking about that car that harry and ron crashed into the whomping willow? because hermione wasnt involved in that.

you still believe this "pandemic" is actually real? you don't even realize what they're using this event for and how it benefits them.. really need to wake up

lmao she fucked harvey’s tranny clitoris


I'd stay home for her, if you know what I mean.

heh triggered

Isn't everyone in quarantine? Boris and Trump have locked you all up like Chinks in a cuck chair. Is anything that is similar to what happens to normal people noteworthy for the goddamn Hollyweird freaks?

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Ok let me explain; My penis would be engorged, hard as a rock from the dirty talk Hermione would engage in. I'd subsequntly put it in her anus beginning to stroke hard and fast. I would be very rough while stroking her raw and pulling her hair, she would beg me to release unto her and I would. I would then pull my penis out of her worn out anus and rub it all over her face thus concluding my sexual gratification.

Why is every thing the modern woman does viewed only as a chance to publicly virtue signal, fuck they make me sick to my guts.

so fucking SELFISH! oooh noo, my old grandma or mother with shitty illness because she couldn't care less living a healthy lifestyle DESERVE TO LIVE at the cost of your economy! I've got my millions and can retire today and still live a high affluent lifestyle until I die of old age. WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT YOUR WORKING CLASS PLEBS!

Anyone over age 65 should not be allowed to use any medical services besides what's available at a pharmacy and those with shit like diabetes should be at the mercy of nature. If you can't survive without constant medical intervention then you shouldn't be alive!

These faggot celebrities are promoting this stay home shit when they have millions in disposable money. Pretty disgusting

All those 'good male role models' and 'positive figures' weren't able to protect her from Harvey blasting open her bootyhole or dumping gallons of jew cum on and in her and passing her around to his buddies like a Backwoods in Snoop's trailer before a show. Fuck, user. Ol' Harv is probably the one that popped her cherry and we both know he didn't wait until she was 18. Every inch of her body, inside and out, was saturated by that fat slimy kike's nutbutter for close to 10 years. And none of the men around her, be they actors, peers, producers, family members, friends or schoolmates were willing or able to lift a finger to save her.

A lot of them probably jumped at the chance to take their turn with her busted up fucktunnels as soon as Harv gave the goahead.

Her just distancing herself from men is the public face. I would venture a guess that she has a searing, overriding, all consuming hatred for anything and everything with a Y chromosome.

No. Harry Potter is for faggots and you are clearly a fag.

Well this is what happens when women get rights and animals such as kikes are allowed to run amock.

It's #3


you want me to prove im not a fag? post a picture of your hot cock and it wont even make me hard. ill get really pissed off if you do that


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kek what a retard

must be real hard to be quarantined with every comfort imaginable and not worrying about money

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I hope she has enough toilet paper. Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

problem with these faggots who get paid millions for working 6 weeks to make a movie and then relaxing for 6 months while everyone gives them everything they ever want for free; They think that if they make millions then everyone does too and that if it easy for them so it is for everyone else. Why do you think they wear shirts like "STOP BEING POOR"?

Their money doesn't bother me, their entitled fucking attitudes do though...also how goddamn dumb they are, spout the dumbest shit such as "stop being poor" as you pointed out...insufferable.

That one and when he tells that girl his teachers dead. And the klan hood.

what is this vapid cunt looking smug about this time?

oh god I forgot about the "your teachers dead" scene, holy shit the way he screams then the girl screams gets me everytime...funny fucking movie. If you're a fan of comedies check out Tucker and Dale Vs Evil, probably the best comedy IMO...THis scene here absolutely smashes my funny bone, "why the hell are they running away?!" lmao youtube.com/watch?v=MjC0kVIUGYU