Did Cardi B just drop a bombshell about the coronavirus?

Have celebrities went from being paid to promote products to being paid to promote the coronavirus?

Is Cardi B based?

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why would they need to get paid? You say you have it and boom! you're famous again for a day

Who is this shitskin and why should I listen to it?

Doubt they are being paid. Just trying to stay famous

I pointed this out in /cvg/ yonks ago. The WHO has been recruiting celebrities to push their memes on social media. All of those celebs are just play acting. This discussed doing this in one of their meetings about pandemics last year.

It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest


you should listen to it because it's simply too dumb to lie. I'm not even joking find ANY recording of Cardi B and see for yourself.

If I was rich and had big titties, maybe people would have listened to me when I said the same shit 6 days ago.

you're almost there cardi

Based Cardi. Great fake boobies too.

>trusting what a lukewarm IQ bimbo says because it confirms your biases

and just like that she will "overdose" and or never work again.

fuck off kike

Check'd & Kek'd

Would any of you bang Cardi B?

I think I would

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>Would any of you bang Cardi B?

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the coronavirus has devastated the strip club industry so she can't go do that now

is that a dude?

thats just her nigger 80 IQ showing

Lol i've banged hotter traps than that plastic whore.

shes right

even 9/11 had its crisis actors

This theory makes more sense than Q's imo.

Looks like a tranny who spent a million on surgeries, so no, I would not.

Based big titty retard conspicracy theorist.

What if Cardi B is really CARDI Q????????

makes sense if you don't think too hard

Assuming it's China paying them, the same people putting out ANNUDAH COLLAPSE IN WUHAN, that would work in line with what gatekeeper Alex Jones says about China owning Hollywood.

She corn maiden kachina.

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Off topic but does anyone hate those type of nails? I can't put my finger on why, but I really dislike those ones that are unnecessarily long.

stupid clueless nigger. thanks jews for promoting this trash.

>cardi B thinks
theres the issue.

>I can't put my finger on why
neither can they, have to hold everything for 'em

fuck long nails

>"Tell them anything but what it is"


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Nah. Corona is literally a flu and tens of millions of people have it. that's why the 0.009% of the population that are famous all have it. atm they're the only ones with enough pull to get tested. Once all the estimated cases out there are factored in it's going to be 0.01-0.03% death rate like the seasonal flu. congrats on getting psyoped everyone.

>tfw a weird looking creature like this accidentally stumbles upon the truth

would you?

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Those titties tho


Delete this


I want a foursome going on with her, Nikki Minaj, and Megan the Stallion where I’m just going down the line and putting my penis in their butts over and over again.

They are being ordered from above to make videos about them being in Quarantine.

Ordered by the same kind that planned an M240 attack in Vegas using Paddock as a scapegoat.

But that's none of your business... Yet.

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nah, celebrities are just getting it a lot because they travel a lot and come into contact with a lot of new people

Im a manlet with an amazon fetish, i only fuck girls who are 5'8 and taller.

The only shortgirls i would fuck are 5% body fat gym bunnies

more like Cardi D minus

I've done worse

I think the toilet paper hoarders rush was paid actors from “them” to cause a panic.

they're plastic

As if attention whores need incentive to attention whore

she looks so much more beautiful without makeup

fake tittays but I'd spunk off all over them.


those titties tho

>Is Cardi B based?
Cardi B is actually a genius. Seriously. She could probably outmaneuver the majority of the people posting here.

they need to be French cuts with flesh nail beds and long squared off white ends. Then when she's stroking by knob she can scrape her sexy sexy French cut nails lewdly across the ridge of my penis' glans over and over again until I coat her dainty fingers with cream sauce.

They're just doing it to keep coronavirus under constant discussion on the news.
Nobody actually knows a real person who's tested positive for the illness.
They're doing it for the benefit of the bugmen and other NPCs who have "bonded" with celebs over the years, so that they can "know" someone with the virus, when in reality very few people in this country of 328 million have actually contracted it.

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that picture makes me want to actually believe all those conspiracy weirdos on yt that think absolutely every famous person is a secret tranny.

That is 100% a man.

I've been saying this for a week on here, but no one trusts an user.

Who gives a literal anus hair what Cardi B fucking thinks?
>they're getting PAID to say they have the virus
I've heard different theories but not something insipid. What the hell does Tom Hanks need? "Hey Hanks, here's $500,000 to lie about having Chinese disease."
"Well thanks Bill, you know I need the cash!"

Looks like a trap

if that is fardi v then who is this?

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Wait the fake Becky g isn't allowed to notice things like this

Bang with a 12 gauge.

I actually do know of someone that is currently in the hospital with a severe case. thing is she's one of the first ones testing the chloroquine/azithromicin cocktail and it's already showing massive results. don't try to pretend it's not real, but do watch what they're trying to spin it as.

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