Ms. Carafa was very popular among her male students in New Jersey

>Ms. Carafa was very popular among her male students in New Jersey.

>Teacher Stephanie Carafa, 32, is accused of sending sexually explicit photos and videos of herself to a 13-year-old boy via Snapchat. Then she asked for photos of the boy.

>Cops say the raunchy photos came to light after students at her school began passing them around.

>Asst. prosecutor Kristin DeMarco said: “Naked photos, sexual conversations and even meetings after school in her classroom did, in fact, occur.”

>Carafa is now on paid leave. Her lawyer said the snaps don’t show the teacher’s face and could have been altered or lifted from her cell phone

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>Carafa is now on paid leave.
I wonder if male teachers would be on paid leave too?

OP is a lazyfag. Post the pics or delete

>believes the sexes are equal
Stfu feminist scum

Post the pics you faggot.

I don't have the pics you horny coomers

Then don't shit up the board with this lazyfag post. Delete.

So...the pics are where?

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>32 year old smilf succubus teacher
>13 year old student
Dat age gap.

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He'd be in jail right now; his wife filing for divorce, and liquidating his bank accounts; his friends and family disowning him. But when a woman exploits a young male it's Nice. Unless she's ugly, then it becomes bad.

My thoughts exactly.

everybody seems pretty ok with this

>Yas Forums is a porn board
go back to Yas Forums kiddo

Kid was really punching above his weight class.
She hit the wall and no men over the age of 18 wanted a fucking thing to do with her so she turned to pedophilia. Why is this so common among millennial women?

Because not everyones a feminist like you, sorry snowflake

I'll bet that nowadays if she were ugly, the boy would get arrested.

If you were an oldfag, you'd have archived the PostMedia link....but you're a lazyfag with no evidence.

The only thing that would mess with a young boys head is if he was like truly in love with her or something. Maybe some notoriety (for being an absolute legend) within his comunity school.

Guys on girls - it is - indeed - totally different. My unprestigous college is right next door to a very prestigous all girls catholic HS. Those bitches are crazy, and quite frankly its extremely unfair and life detrimental to be caught up in something like that for them.

Yeah the teacher will lose her job, but I dont forsee much lasting damage. But hey, maybe im wrong. It would be interesting to hear from 30+ yo dudes that banged their teacher back in the 80s or whatever to get their perspective

>my dad says you're new here
KYS leafbro

>Kid was really punching above his weight class.
Kid really fucked up. He had a thing going and should have went all in on that roastie P and kept it on the DL. Instead he passes the pics to his fag friends and misses out on getting free teachie roastie P.

Was this the chick that sent a full frontal to a kid and he replied with "IDC"?

Eyetalians are fucking trash
Dirty fucking animals like the greeks

You think young female don't fantasize about getting pounded by older guys?


Why would you make a post like this without posting the pictures? OP is gay.

Not really. It's kind of a sign of the times though. It's entirely ok for a younger woman to prey on a young boy and it's not even judged to harshly. The opposite doesn't apply though. Boys aren't indestructible and they will have lasting issues after something like this. If anything this will end up indirectly harming the young girls he comes into contact with after this, maybe that will get people to finally care.


Every teacher I know is a young degenerate lefty piece of shit. This new gen of teachers needs gassing

What makes a woman do this? Couldn't she just go to a bar on a weekend and fuck Chad?

>woman is a pedophile
>gets paid leave

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>If anything this will end up indirectly harming the young girls he comes into contact with after this, maybe that will get people to finally care.
They will never connect the dots. They will blame porn, or something, and ignore the fact that he was taken advantage of by a woman in authority over him which has influenced his future interactions with the female sex.

she's ugly af and apparently she's also some mayor's daughter. go figure.

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agreed. Young or old they are all devout leftists

was the 13yo kid a nigger by any random chance?

Some women are actually just bad people and they like doing bad things. She probably touches herself thinking about how all the kids passed her picture around. It's funny that the school system seems to be having a lot of cases like this but we don't see any counter measures taking place.

niggers in canada? nice try rasheed

Thinking about all these kids jerking off to her gets her off


No of course not, because a man defiling a young girl is objectively worse than vice versa.

>The crime is she isn't doing it with me

I came here for pics and there weren't any. Fuck you op. You owe my dick an apology

this shit needs to get decriminalized, fucking really.
What? do they develop iron deficiency from shock of having sex with teacher? What?

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New Jersey isn't in Canada retard.

You have to realise by age 30 in america the beautiful your average woman has slept with men of every race , age , religon. Knotted by multiple dogs , horses and sometimes snakes. They have been sugar baby's, sucked dick that one time for rent , had threesomes with all men , gang bangs , been shared in many ways , sex with homeless men , they have rape baited random men ommn the streets , hundrends of cocks from tinder and the bar , fucked there bosses , coworkers , cashiers . woman love to live out there sick fantasies like if there the main actor in. Porno film . They love it. So this bitch at 30 years old after having done everything and anything one of the few taboo things left for her was pedo shit. Its not that teachers are pedos nowadays its that they are such whores that one of the few and only things that can even excite them anymore after all the fucked up sexual whore shit they done is pedo stuff.

Probably a degenerate mason

Chad isn't a barely pubescent boy. Some women like them young.

sauce? asking for a friend.

So basically the crime is that the dick is too old?

hold on you mean to tell me online pics are not real life?
I'm a cumbrain Yas Forums retard and I am on suicide watch

Another degenerate catholic wop. Filthy stinking southern mud race people.

she should hang

Seconded. Same reason why elites fuck infants

women shouldnt teach

A woman's fall back option is to become a teacher. You rarely ever hear of Male teachers on girls, but every couple of months there comes a new story on how an attention starved post wall old lady wants to suck some kiddie dicks. I blame Judges for not coming down hard on them. 15 years minimum. Plus a lifetime as a registered sex offender. As a teacher, there should be an oath that you take to make you liable should you ever want to suck kiddie dicks.

>paid leave

I hate women. They should be beaten regularly

Nah, she's fuckable. I don't know what they expected hiring a broad with hair like that though.

>He will having lasting issues after this.
He won't, and neither would girls. You think high school girls don't fantasize about getting fucked by an attractive male faculty member?

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This is fucking hilarious and unfortunately very true

>Then she asked for photos of the boy
what the fuck is wrong with american teachers

I got all the way to the bottom of this thread and no one posted the pics? What the fuck anons. Slide thread.

These types of women were likely either ugly losers back in high school who was so jaded by her lack of a proper high school experience she becomes a teacher so she can go back and do it all over again and get fucked
she was a high school pretty & popular beauty queen. once she left high school she noticed nobody gave a fuck about her or her opinions anymore so she has to go back to high school as a teacher so she can relive her glory days.

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Unless he’s gay or it was an absolute 1/10 ugly old hag, no teenage boy has ever been traumatized from the sexual advances of a female teacher.


You city niggers are insane mostly all white couples out of cities most women that fuck with other races are delusional dumb ass pagans and fat girls so quit promoting your agenda trying to destroy white people fag

ive always been a hebe, still want a nice mormon virgin to impregnate to raise my kids who id never think of in that way. Maybe this is too complicated for your tiny american brain to handle but there it is

Pic semi related

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No nudes online lame.

your polluting the air w
aves trying to spread that shit through out the country polluting the minds of children you dirty cockroach

So...he got to fuck a hottie AND got rich. Lucky piece of shit.

based and blackpilled

Well said. They can't stand not being wanted so much so that they will corrupt and distort an innocent child for their pleasure. The kid never grows up to be stable in all aspects. Even if they are praised for fucking a teacher, nobody ever forgets it and neither do they. Their character and psyche starts to revolve around that fact and it trips them up later in life because of it.

just fuck her lmao

Was thinking the exact same thing. Imagine all that luck

The thing is even a 16 year old boy would have no problem beating up a 32 year old woman, if she forces him to do something uncomfortable, assuming she didn't drug him.


>All men are rapists

but it didn't happen? So now we are judging men because "if things went a different way"?

I though she had good facial proportions and was better looking than the average woman, so I ran her pic in a face analyzer app.

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all boy everywhere want to fuck that hot teacher, thats a fact. You are a freak if you never thought of that, FREAK
