Why are chapolarps here? They got anything better to do?
Why are chapolarps here? They got anything better to do?
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You might mean me. IDK I'm a commie and post a lot on this site. I'm not a chapolarp though. I don't go on reddit. I prefer this site cuz IDK it's politically incorrect and I hate all that politically correct gayness on the left. I'm only in it for the economic justice against our tyrannical billionaire rulers
Yes lets replace tyrannical billionnaire rulers with tyrannical communist party rulers. That will solve everything. It's worked every time
No. I never said anything like that. I'm a libertarian lefty. Not someone advocating for USSR 2.0 or anything like that.
>"I'm a commie"
>"Actual I'm a libertarian lefty"
What's next, you're a Reagan republican?
I guess I don't understand what you're trying to say or why you would say any of this.
I'm trying to say that believing in a failed ideology such as communism is retarded. Communism never works. You say you post a lot on this board, but you're surprised for being attacked for this? I'm starting to doubt how frequently you come here.
You ever go on r/chapotraphouse? That shit is so boring and stale. They’re so desperate for any form of ideological validation that it creates this odd self indulgent culture where they discuss nothing while simultaneously having this sense of superiority, as if they’re doing some great revolutionary work and not just pouting on a subreddit. I don’t agree with anything Yas Forums stands for but at least this place is entertaining enough lurk after happenings.
OK IDK dude I didn't say I was surprised. You seem to be pulling a lot of things from nowhere. "Communism" is pretty broad. I don't believe in private property in the sense that you likely do. I see private property as statism and oppression. I believe you only "own" land that you inhabit directly or tie your labor to. That means I don't believe in most business, or "vacation homes" and all of these tiny private empires build up by corporations or private citizens and protected via violence and statism.
In terms of communism not working, I guess I don't understand that argument. What do you define as "communism"? You mean a handful of military dictatorships and autocratic rulers in places like the USSR or Maoist China that ostensibly were Marxists? Marxist Leninists, specifically? Yeah, well, like I said I'm a libertarian lefty. I'm not pro-state. I probably would support taxation of the rich, and a welfare state and stuff like that, but only as an offset to the injustice of private property. And believing in those things is no different than exactly the economic policies of the USA from the 1930s up through the 1990s, into Clinton's second term of office. We had "welfare as a human right" for all of that time. The USA was basically a far left-wing nation economically for all of it's best years. If we went back to the EXACT same policies that we had under Reagan then conservatives would tweak out and cry "OH MY GOD THIS IS SOCIALISM". That's the truth so IDK where you or anyone else would get off saying "those ideas don't work!"
Commie here.
Here since /new/
Probably hate chaposhits more than most here
reagan was based desu
found the incel
>They got anything better to do?
S M H. You're enslaved and hate the few people that actually want to end that slavery. You are a golem of your hated Jewish masters.
Get a job, faggot.
I'm a farmer.
california seattle and new york city are on lockdown user. no, they have nothing better to do.
You're never going to get anywhere with that kind of belittling tone, and you don't have to be a communist to disagree with (((them)))
>Yas Forums 99% of the time
>Yas Forums the second someone politely challenges them and calls them a "golem" and suggests they might be helping the very people they pretend to hate
>"Whoa bruh, like why aren't you polite and stuff?"
The good old conservative fragility.
Why don't you believe in people owning more than the land their direct private property?
Because it's statism. You only "own" land outside of your direct purview via statism. And stopping that statism really stops a lot of awful problems in our society, such as corporatism, big business, land barons, absentee property. So much in our society is owned by just a few people, so that restricts supply of the land and demand still skyrockets. This is why land values are so expensive in our society today. This is why nobody can afford a house. I believe in people having a few acres maybe. Enough for them to tie their labor to. To curate and grow on and be self-sufficient on themselves.
With capitalism also comes consumerism. And with consumerism comes a profit incentive to keep people stupid and helpless. Stupid and helpless people buy more, because they NEED to buy in order to live. So our entire society is structured around keeping people ignorant, confused, in pain, stressed out. That is how our leaders bleed us dry and finance their easy fat cat lives.
I believe in people just having a few acres and basically doing things for themselves. Using green energy. Canning their own food. Making their own soap. Using Earth pipes to cool their homes. Solar power maybe. Maybe having some sort of local economy. That's my belief. We don't live that way because of corruption, capitalism and the profit incentive which drives consumerism, which in turn drives the forced helplessness and intentional miseducations of humanity.
I'm the archetypal Chapo-listening Bernie Bro but honestly I've been pretty disillusioned from the podcast and the Left in general so I thought I'd come back to Yas Forums like I used to do and see what everyone else is thinking. The movement is so weak and people are being so delusional. I don't even really like Bernie. He's old and derpy. I'm a femboy who sucks cock but I don't believe in actual trannies or queers so I find it hard to fit in anywhere.
Tbh I don't think Trump is that bad. He's kinda like my boomer dad but I don't think he's a fascist. He's also hilarious af.
I have more contempt for the DNC than anything else.
>I'm a femboy who sucks cock
show bussy faggot
That's a cool belief. People can afford houses by the way in 90% of the country. Stop looking at major city prices. People NEED to buy things in order to live because people cannot PRODUCE things that enable them to live. Your cute fantasy of living on a few acres is cool until your kid catches pneumonia. Do I think humanity would be happier relegated to a few acres trying to be independent producers? Possibly. Do I think they'd make it? No.
By the way, who prevents people from owning more land? Who keeps your arbitrary rules in place? You think everyone is going to sit down and suddenly think that this is the best idea? God libertarians drink so much of their own kool-aid they refuse to acknowledge that their plan requires a massive government to implement a non-aggressive pact and to prevent other individuals from suddenly realizing they can be selfish at others expenses. Setting aside happiness and feasibility, how about civil rights? I'm on my acre of land and my neighbor owns a slave. Who stops him? He wants to steal my cow. Who stops him? It's a nice pipe dream you have. Oh and guess what? It's totally available to you. Go buy cheap land in Wyoming and live out your fantasy. Nobody is stopping you.
No one can afford a house because of excess credit lines inflating prices. Capitalism isn't tied to fiat currency and big banking. (((They've))) just convinced you to tune out of society instead with your libertarian dream instead of facing the cold harsh reality that what you want will never happen.
Anyone who actually watches that crap and takes themselves to be intellectual needs to be gassed. They're so fucking retarded and easy in a debate
You'd be surprised how much you inherently agree with National Socialism
chapo is funny and 100% right about the Democratic Party desu
It's a board about politcs.
Deal with it, bootlicker
Average chapo faggot
>we're edgy bro, we're not SJWs, we're the dirtbag left and we will make people uncomfortable
>oh yeah also we don't say nigger or kike or spic or faggot or any slur that denigrates people based on immutable characteristics like religion, race, sexual orientation, gender identity or ethnicity
>instead we call people we disagree with "chuds" because that way we can have an insult for them while also respecting their humanity
>oh yeah also we believe all the same bullshit that your typical woke SJW leftist does but we just don't harp on it all the time, but in a debate we will defend these principles
quarantine shilling.
90% of the people you think are chapotards are probably just actual natives of this board who are natsoc or third positionists but you call them commies because they don’t worship a neocon in trump. In short, you should go back to your facebook group.
>based anti SJW commie
>likes Reagan
>Reagan ffs
you blew it user...you almost had me.
You don't believe in businesses or private property. Gotcha. Good luck training every individual to be self sufficient. They can make their own food, energy, medicine, entertainment, and education? Wow, I had no idea the average human is so intelligent. /s
I define communism as a state seizing the means of production and taking control of said production and private property. Communism can only be done by a dictator because it requires a dictator. US was not left-wing economy for its best years - we had a strong middle class. We shipped it out overseas (with left and right agreeing to it) to cheaper countries. Outsourcing fucked us. Protectionist capitalism is the way to go. Keep US buying and selling US goods and services. Oh and gut the banking system and stop immigration (which suppresses wages to the tune of $500B each year). But let me guess, you find a way to allow illegals in your lefty libertarian stance
They're all urban bugmen who are under strict quarantine right now.
>Third position
what defines a "chapotard"? aren't they basically bernie bros?
>People NEED to buy things in order to live because people cannot PRODUCE things that enable them to live.
This is entirely non-factual and the statement of someone who lives a consumerist lifestyle, and just doesn't know how to take care of himself or his family.
>People can afford houses by the way in 90% of the country. Stop looking at major city prices.
Delusion. What are you trying to say exactly? Poverty doesn't exist outside of cities? This is absolute madness you're speaking. Everything you're saying is the polar opposite of reality. I'm not even going to bother with the rest of your meaningless post
>By the way, who prevents people from owning more land? Who keeps your arbitrary rules in place?
It's not a "rule". It's a LACK of a "rule". It's literally the absence of government I'm advocating for. Your "private property" only exists because of statism. Holy crap, it is very frustrating how conservatives, republicans and capitalists seem to genuinely not even understand this. It's like they literally think private property "comes from God" or some weird Christian shit.
Admit it. You would be natsoc if you were white but aren’t. You realize that you need white people even in communism or you are doomed.
Nah I am completely and fully removed from national socialism. Totally antithetical to everything I believe.
>Oh and show hog because nothing wins an argument or insult contest more than asking someone to show their dick
Do you even know what third position is dude?
He’s not white. If he was he would be natsoc. Since he isn’t he has to be communist. I’ve seen plenty of “redpilled” communists but they break down on the race realism pill because it would destroy their ego and if they admitted to race realism they would have to admit that whites would have to be involved and essentially subsidize them in a communist multiculti state.
i always wanted to ask
what IS chapotraphouse exactly
i know it's a podcast, but how are all these individuals riled up to raid boards within the podcast/subreddit culture?
Is it just tangentially related through discord servers or is the podcast explicitly anti/pol/ or pro /leftypol/ within the chans?
Everything about it is so alien to me
>Chapotrap are NS
I forgot they existed
>Good luck training every individual to be self sufficient. They can make their own food, energy, medicine, entertainment, and education? Wow, I had no idea the average human is so intelligent.
Literal cavemen did this.
>Communism can only be done by a dictator because it requires a dictator.
>US was not left-wing economy for its best years
If you're just going to say things that are historically untrue, factually inaccurate, or random platitude then whatever. It's not worth responding to. All I'll say is do you like.......not know what the New Deal, or the "Great Society" were? Do you not know the state of welfare and entitlements in this country up until Clinton's second term? Jesus, conservatives are historically clueless
I'm white IDK what you're talking about. Not 50% mutt white either. I am white white. National socialism is antithetical to everything I believe. Most white people are opposed to national socialism. It's usually the mutts and people who are obviously mixed race who end up enmeshed in national socialism. Ever see a Yas Forums meetup? It's a very real phenomena.
What parts of it don't you agree with. If you're going to whine about murder then unless you're a pacifist skip past that and tell me what you inherently disagree with it
I've seen non whites either NS or have a cruder understanding. Once you master it you'd be surprised how many people you can get to agree with it by simply changing some names and dates.
Can you read? Anyone who says “capitalism bad” to a boomer is automatically a communist. I was letting him know that there were more options.
I'm not a pacifist but murder at the hands of the state and state violence is not the same as someone who will, for example, act violently in order to protect themselves or their family.
Dude you're probably sipping a Starbucks latte writing this. If you could do half of what you say you're doing, you wouldn't be posting here. You would be out tending to the fields while your wife sews. But instead you like to pretend that this is all possible to give yourself a self of superiority over your fellow man who just "doesn't get it." I can guarantee you don't know how anything about hunting, farming, carpentry, medicine, etc. but sure. Anyone can do it. Except you.
A "lack" of a rule? Oh cool, just like how there will be a "lack" of a rule against theft? Slavery? Awesome, this new world sounds like there are a lot of opportunities.
I don’t care what “most people believe in.” The truth is usually what most people don’t believe in. National socialism solves every single issue you’ve stated and doesn’t involve lolbert tier missing variables like human nature. You are just straight up wrong. Communism always follows a cycle. Lower class retards have a revolution and are completely loyal to the state. They impart authoritarianism onto the state and then purge all of the undesirables and rebuild into a meritocracy with a slave underclass. See: every single communist revolution in history. You don’t follow natural law from the bottom up so you are wrong. If you aren’t a race realist you are wrong and your opinion is worthless.
they do not.
>Cavemen did this
Because back then it was "be productive, a slave, or die". If you weren't farming or making your own food, and didn't work for someone doing that, then you pretty much died.
Ok, and what if the state is protecting the society as a whole. Also this whole thing of "muh family" sure doesn't work when the family is the one burning your house down and looting you. Violence happens, it's apart of nature. It's better for a state to have a monopoly on it and be able to dish it out where needed (like against an invader or attempt at revolution). Violence will always exist, and you don't want to live in a world where you get shanked or shot because someone "had to feed their family". That's an excuse crack heads will say when taking your money before going off to buy 40 and an 8 ball. While one should be willing and able to protect their family, it's better to also have a state that can do that, and is made of people who live among you as your own ethnic kin and work the land
Well......this was an entirely meaningless post of yours. You really feel good about this meaningless post?
>A "lack" of a rule? Oh cool, just like how there will be a "lack" of a rule against theft? Slavery? Awesome, this new world sounds like there are a lot of opportunities.
Wait lol, where does "slavery" come from? There would be rules against theft of your personal property, yeah. That is a different political concept from "private" property. It's a different concept of ownership. It's ownership tied to direct inhabitance / possession and land that you tie your labor to. It's a concept that goes back to John Locke, who laid much of the foundation for our political philosophy in this country, and exerted much influence over our founders
Alright, still seemed like a comparison. Chapo brainlets are way beneath us
Wow, why didn't you tell me I could have the quality of life as a caveman. Shit, I'll go join one of those indigenous Amazonian tribes and live the good life. Thanks!
Please tell me one country that went communism without a dictator? I'll wait. Oh wow the New Deal was the peak of US society. Boy I wish I could go back to 1933 and live out the good life. US went to shit starting in the 1970s and you're literally trying to tell me that government handouts were the "peak of US society?"
You don't want to respond because I'm actually fleshing out your retarded arguments. Keep em coming
Leftist shitskins don't want whites to have sovereignty because our taxes pay for their gibs.
Alt-Hype did an in-depth review of it:
I’m going to bet 100% the race realism part or the “class is the main struggle of mankind” is what he actually believes. He’s stuck in the 1800s and probably doesn’t know that Marx didn’t ever even conceive of a society with brown people in it at all. Literally no white person pre 1945 saw brown people as human beings but they like to retcon the founding fathers and Marx into being egalitarians because he didn’t explicitly exclude niggers. It was common sense back then.
The problem is that everything you're saying is just empty, meaningless platitude. YOUR personal idea of "human nature" and "natural law", which sounds like it comes from a person who is very frightened of others, and desperately NEEDS the state to protect his elevated position in society. I would suggest if you were stronger and more self-sufficient, you would not feel so insecure, and thus would not be so willing to cuck yourself out to the state and becomes its bitchslave
hey trannies
Im that russian bot you all heard about
I hope you die of AIDS in a very painful manner
Dilate plz
The reason schools didn't shut down completely in the US was because so many niggers got used to the free food they provide and are chimping out now that they can't spend their wic checks and food stamps on soda, cheetos, and "in da club"
the tranny jannies are so aggressive and censorious on leftist sites that they can't even post there so they have to post here.
communism will win
Please explain to me why you're here telling us about the good life that can exist and not out there leading by example? You know how tiresome it is to listen to someone tell us that they have all the answers but then actually don't even follow their own advice?
Where does slavery come from? It comes from human nature when there isn't a state enforced policy against it. Who would enforce rules against theft? Yes, John Locke laid the foundation for individual rights. You know, those rights that only a representative government can provide?
>Because back then it was "be productive, a slave, or die". If you weren't farming or making your own food, and didn't work for someone doing that, then you pretty much died.
That's not true at all. Lol. Jesus, historical ignorance.
In terms of the second half of your post. I'm not an anarchist, so IDK I feel like this comment is directed toward someone who is an anarchist. I've never claimed to be one. I'm a lefty libertarian, that doesn't inherently make me "an anarchist". But your comment really sounds like someone who is just glorifying violence, and embracing it, and arguing that we should have a violent society and that the state should be needlessly violent, even in situations when it obviously does not need to be, or when that violence exists to protect the interests of a small oligarchal class of people
shut up you canacu i wil find dog and sodomize for 16 gallons of inecticie tuo hare me nigger btich stit tits sacid i love acid i niggers oh no no more chocolate face in my face spit and spread disease coronavirus is sars 2.0 helo help full pull me out from inside jak siemaszz
A state will always exist you absolute lunatic. You deny human nature and man as an animal. You are completely retarded as I expected. I’m sure if niggers were just better educated their brains would grow and they would be just as intelligent as whites right? For a “materialist” you seem to forget the most essential material of human life, the gene. Now get off my board you little midwit.
Bioleninists only show up when thier masters command a raid.
Yep, niggers are leeches.
Most of the left's social engineering is geared at trying to make niggers equal to whites, when they only way to do that is with like 100,000 years of selective evolution in cold environments, or possibly some kind of advanced CRISPR.
Marx alone is literally the same people on Reddit today
>Do nothing
>Leached off friend who inherited daddies factory
>Wrote about how things are bad and any second the class war would start
>Die but not before spreading it around enough to topple the Russian empire
Marxist doctrine is where we get this shit of
>Anytime period before X was evil, racist, oppressive, and literally Hitler
Because they see everything through socioeconomics, so to them the past is when the bourgiesie were in control making the lives of lower classes and non whites absolute torture. They can't possibly comprehend ethnic, racial, religious, tribal, ideological, and so many other different divides and causes for wars and strife, so they naturally work with in a reduced state. They're looking at the painting through a keyhole, while we're just looking at it through the glass
>Please tell me one country that went communism without a dictator?
Well there was revolutionary spain. There are the kurds right now. There are other examples, too.
>Wow, why didn't you tell me I could have the quality of life as a caveman. Shit, I'll go join one of those indigenous Amazonian tribes and live the good life. Thanks!
You people love to strawman. I didn't tell you to be a caveman. I just told you that literal cavemen, people with less developed brains, were able to live off the land and survive and be self-sufficient. Whereas you claimed "people aren't that smart". You're obviously wrong. It's not rocket science.
>Boy I wish I could go back to 1933 and live out the good life.
Well conservatives do often pine for the "good old days", which came about after the New Deal, and the war too, but it was the new deal which allowed the wealth from the war to be spread around equally, rather than concentrated like it was in the 20s after WW1 and like it is right now.
>US went to shit starting in the 1970s and you're literally trying to tell me that government handouts were the "peak of US society?"
Nixon's policies did a number on us, yes. "Conservatism" as it exists today came about in the late 60s as a response to the civil rights movement. Many politicians learned then that they could get Americans to disregard their own economic interests by playing the race card and pandering to racial divisions. It was a sad turn of events in our history and yes our country began to fall apart because of it. And yes, that is due to Nixon and what he represented, and his policies
>You don't want to respond because I'm actually fleshing out your retarded arguments. Keep em coming
OK IDK. This is just a weird and cringe statement. You need to relax, dude. Here, listen to this relaxing music to calm down:
It’s a genetic difference with millions of iterations over the amount of people we have here. Niggers. Will. Never. Achieve. Anything. Close. To. Whites. Without. The. State. It’s a genetic difference. It’s impossible but they will keep smashing the square peg into the round hole. I bet our commie friend here isn’t even race realist. How is that even possible in 2020? There are people on this board sub 120 iq?
I don't care if you're a native. If you support Bernie you should be murdered.
I like how he’s just picking apart the low hanging fruit neocon boomer in this thread now lol. They always avoid the hard arguments.
We don’t support bernie or trump. We want all niggers and mexicans gone and only white people counted as human beings. Does that sound like bernie boom boom?
bro you can't say gay like that. this random person who has no meaning to you and that you we're not being demeaning to at all may see it!