You are all sheep
You are all sheep
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Fucking CRINGE
Says the memeflag
tell me something I don't know. But If I'm a sheep its safer in the flock because im retarded
Four legs good, two legs better
I love watching the commies be all excited thinking their revolution is near.
Wh*toids are the virus
Having an appetite for lamb chop again, gomrade? ;)
The black virus stain shall die out in Africa.
really makes me think
vote hillary 2016
Anybody who says anything other then socialism is the future is a retard. When the world is completely automated by robots in the future how do you expect everyone to live without socialism? Do you just expect some robot company to have 100% of the wealth while everyone else just dies of hunger because society doesn't need them anymore. I do not believe anyone to be so evil that they allow that to happen given socialism as an alternative.
and I am the sheepshagger
How edge, OP. I just pity the bastard that will need to paint the wall up because of your kindergarten graffiti.
>memeflaggot wants big daddy government to have control over every aspect of his life(communism), but capitalists are the sheep
kek, the ironing.
Workers of the world unite.
>machine owners take power in a nation
>need to sell products
>nobody has money to buy product
>people either innovate, as a free market has always done, or it's really the end and the system collapses on itself
>kill and steal crops from the farmers
>eat all the food
>no more food, no more farmers
>everyone dies
If you ran a nation, who would you protect? Those who produce or those who consume? Who is more important?
Better dead than red.
Easy, we kill off the robots and live Doon Stye
Open borders globalism is the virus.
But your ideology is the most sheep like one
Have sex
Terminate the IMF and The World Bank
Nationalise all banks
Ban usury
Delete all world debt
>implying that capitalism exists
a strawman invented by mr karl marx
Hey OP, if you had a chance, you'd be out making a difference. You aren't because you don't. We're here because we like it. You're here because you're desperate.
Kill a commie for mommy
That didn't age well did it. What the fuck is happening?
Show me your tummy you dirty pinko.
The west morality and sense of community is dead the day Hitler's Germany had fallen. This pandemic pointed out those false values even more. They talk about how chinks or nazis are evils, but they still go around despite warning about severity of the virus, give zero fuck if their family or community catch it. Now it's all about "muh economy".
Yeah, so is communism. Anyone who isn’t braindead is a third positionist.
There is a perfect evola quote for this.
Edgy brah
>When the world is completely automated by robots in the future how do you expect everyone to live without socialism?
You meant to say IF
>Wh*toids are the virus
I don't give a fuck about economic policies. I just want to stop demographic replacement. Stop demographic replacement. This infuriates the shill.
Hey rabbi, watcha doin?
>Lmao guys let's turn to communism
>Wait, what did you say? It creates a permanent underclass where no one on the bottom can eat?
>Whu...What's that? It murdered nearly 100 million people?
>Huh? It's a Jewish idea?
Communists cannot be reasoned, only way to talk to him is with a bullet.
>You are all sheep
Says the collectivist
Fuck off globohomo.
>lefty fags can't cope and get violent when they're not in control
Imagine my shock.
based and truly redpilled
>as he sports the battle flag of the army of northern virginia
the cringe is you senpai
Worthy is the lamb.
Lmao this is rich
>leftists spend years claiming that humans are polluting the planet
>human activity grinds to a halt because of a virus
>”gee, maybe humans are the virus”
I got this.
that is really deep
i wonder if OP is a faggot???
Chapofags are a dry hole
>babbys first political theory
>ill sbread thee word comrads
Europe is a shithole
So, a communist country's mistake gave us Capitalism
>Because we're all about the people
communism is a form of capitalism
tell me when and where you wont use a fiat debt back currency issued by a central bank
Reminds me of this.
Joseph stalin, pol pot, and mao zedong answer the final part
National Socialism yes. Agree 100%
leftists are head lice