
how do you make a makeshift/homeade supressor? not something i need tools for but just something that i can throw on that will quiet my shot enough to not alert the neighbors.

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Hi cia

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What type of gun are you working with?

You mean air filters?

I barely even know 'er!

Try earplugs.

Glow a little harder please.

They’ll smell you a few days later

Like some sorta compressor you mean? for an exhaust


I got you famalamadingdong. fuck jannies. fuck glowniggers. and fuck chinks.

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Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really don't have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average American uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP will be worth its weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

Just aim aim at your temple.

make your neighbors deaf, use loud noises or ototoxic drugs.

problem solved

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Isnt this illegal. Why do you ask about something illegal on a public forum like this. Drunk today or maybe you are...

Wedge the barrel into a potato like in that one gangster nigger movie

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Oil filter works

oil can + adapter on amazon

or adapter + pipe+ washers that have been bent. look on youtube for guides or use your imagination it isnt that are just making baffles for gas to be caught in.

Toilet paper roll


ATF has plans available just e mail them

OP is either a glownigger or sub-70 iq

it's not illegal in free countries, you memeflaggot.

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gee I dunno if you just give me a little dosh aka moola aka coinage aka moany I could reaseaech this and figure out what to to tell you about what your asking. What do you need it for. I’m unclear as to what exactly you’re asking Yas Forums to tell you

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Hey namefag,
Go ask /k/, I’m sure they would know more about this than us, and this thread is off topic for Yas Forums.

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Hello ATF

shooting at bottles is human right

Say goodbye to Fido.

use a pillow like in slum dog millionare.

and tom hank!

What caliber? Also why not /k/? If you search on YouTube, it's literally a 10-minute build. Maglite and some freeze plugs

You can't, oil can suppressors are a meme

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>something that i can throw on that will quiet my shot enough to not alert the neighbors.
you will alert the neighbours

I know a guy who bought a 6 pack of TP 6 days ago and has refused to leave his house.

You shove the gun up your ass then aim your mouth at the person you want to kill.

You're welcome, glownigger.

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>imagine giving a fuck about noise when banging on hood niggers

lol the BATFE is REALLY trying to justify staying employed.

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If you're gonna break the law you might as well go for broke and get yourself a mobile mg.

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Based tp spammer

>What is a solvent trap for 800, Alex?

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Tennis ball container with the tennisballs on. Only really works for .22's for the first 2 shots., Even just plug a potato on the end of the barrel. Shit works only shoot sub sonic ammo also

you dont need anything, just need to hold it in a way that dampens the sound energy. should be easy with a hand gun

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I'd like to see one of you faggots weld up a supressor, then watch you shoot the gun.

>You'll shoot your eye out

I'm sure you would GlowWorm.

I actually never thought of that. they basically make no revenue for the government. We might realistically reach a point where they have to be slashed from the budget.
imagine, it anons. dream with me.
>Federal budget being slashed to ribbons
>it becomes immediately apparent that batfe does basically fuck all besides baiting offenses.
>even then, their conviction rate is next to nothing
>penny pinchers decide batfe gets the axe.
>enforcement can be handled as an ancillary duty of the FBI and as stacked on charges.
>no more batfe arrest powers
>"but what is our purpose now, Mr budget man?"
>"you put approval stamps on things."

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But srsly you spend your day doing shit like this and presumably you haven't even looked into adrenochrome. That's where the real exciting law enforcement opportunities are. Do a Google image search for adrenochrome. Also look into Tony Podesta's art collection. If you have questions about the (disturbing) images you find, make a new thread about it and anons will be happy to help you investigate. The pain of using Yas Forums is discovering corruption that I'm powerless to fix, corruption that I get socially shamed if I even mention. Please search the archives for adrenochrome and Tony Podesta and James Rothschild Alefantis. The big picture here is that there is a sexual blackmail scheme at the highest levels. Unfortunately, the evidence is circumstantial, and anyone who finds any prosecutable evidence soon commits suicide with two shots to the back of their own head (Gary Webb), or by forcing themselves off of a road (Isaac Kappy), or by hanging themselves after making defensive wounds on themselves (Jeff Epstein), or by having a heart attack despite being in good health (Andrew Breitbart). There are many such stories. Nevertheless, the circumstantial evidence paints a pretty clear picture of what's going on.

The kikeocrats will never let that happen. BAFTE is in their wet dream to disarm Americans.


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Get fucked Mr ATF fag

>off topic
>asking about illegal shit
>I'm Too Fucking Stupid To Use A Search Engine: The Post
first day on the job chaim?

Considering I have 6 stamps myself, I would welcome the dissolution of the ATF. Fucking paying that shit to exercise a constitutional right.

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You mean ATF.

You don't think these guys are going to take on real threats? These are bank-tellers who went into LEO instead of getting a job at the bank. The last fucking thing they're gonna do is actually try to uphold the Constitution if it puts them at risk.

Ask r/the_donald. I heard a rumor they manufacture suppressors and short barrel rifles.

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Yeah, that's a great idea, we don't actually follow the constitution, just shift around which asshole group breaks it.
Cause shall not be infringed was difficult language to grasp.

a legal and reasonable answer, well done

Hold a megphone next to the gun when you shoot. It'll suck in all the noise and since it'll be so loud most people wont hear it, and those who do would hear a faint ping sound


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BATF has blueprints to every house containing a registered title III weapon with a X-marks-the-spot for location of those devices gunsafes

>When you are weak, appear strong

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Say. Is that a FRAMAS?

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Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads

Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

I would unironically be fine with the tax stamps if it meant modern full auto funs, and I want it to go to something real. Make it a local tax, and have it fund state parks.
state parks are the only acceptable use of my tax dollars.

Hi, Bot and/or shill! It seems you have posted your pre-scripted post in the wrong thread.

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How does that stay on? Is that a tractor filter?

Pvc pipe stuffed with window screens.

>that will quiet my shot enough
First things first you NEED Subsonic ammo
Buy oil filter
Stick on oil filter
load subsonic ammo
pew pew pew

This. Just use your hand, cooomer.

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You can easily make one with a 3D printer and a hex nut.

These are the best.

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With an adapter. This thread glows btw.

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Are mutts already killing each other for toilet paper? kek

One of these. They go for around $75. Threaded for a standard suppressor threaded barrel. Don't get caught using it illegally. Or make one if you're handy.

So you have to have a threaded barrel?



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A baby bottle rubber nipple is good for one shot on a smaller caliber handgun

Wait, these are commercially avilable? I thought you had to have a CNC programme to make one of these?

greetings fellow white nationalist. what acts of violence shall we plan today?

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They are sold all over as "solvent trap adapters", even on Amazon.

>Go ask /k/
Some of /k/ is already here, watching you faggots flounder around.