>20 y/o
>life just getting started
>world fucked
i was born cursed
>20 y/o
>life just getting started
>world fucked
i was born cursed
You are getting in on the bottom faggot. Consider yourself lucky
you are still an infant LMAO
what the fuck are you talking about
You haven't seen anything yet.
Fuck you dude. Fuck fucking you
>tfw 19
Geezers damnit
my graduation was 2012, you're lucky bud.
every asset which normally appreciates is at a massive discount you brainlet
world economy is doomed forever because of chinks.
If there is a world after this.
Shits fucked
Imagine starting at the very top and watching everything go to shit. I won't even get drafted for WWIII because I'm too old and I definitely won't benefit from a potential US victory.
Hahaha okay kiddo.
Been working longer then you've been alive and watching it it all go down the shitter. You don't know pain child
Sorry, my dude. My teenage years got cucked by 9/11, and my 20s got cucked by '08. IKTFB
at least you were born at a time when 9/11 didn't exist yet and the world wasn't afraid. That fucked up the entire planet. American way of life died that morning.
You're not alone.
you would have just screwed your life up anyways
What an absolute piece of shit.
I’m 19 and just feel like utter shit all the time. How about you guys?
>almost 30
>finally starting to find life tolerable after climbing out of 10 years of depression
oh well, better luck next life haha
There's a long way to go before we reach the bottom. We're still practically at the top.
kek literally what happened to me.
I can't even pay bills because no one is hiring currently.
You are only alive when you are able to wake up with blood on your eyes and a pumping heart, so if you are gonna die you don't need to be a pussy ass. Go farm, buy a plot of land to work on, do some minion work to buy it. any random farmer is able to shit-post for great part of the year. now if you have your game on you can try to do business after the bio-weapon menace is over with. Is like the last century all over again, maybe third world war and fourth world war coming soon?
Same :(
Relax. It's just changing direction, opportunity will come from this.
In crisis there is opportunity OP.
I was feeling pretty good honestly getting ready to start a new career and this faggot virus starts and puts me in a bad mood
opportunities for jews. Wonder what they're doing outside while the country is quarantined over something that only kills the immunocompromised.
Learn Chaos Trading
>life just getting started
That's wrong. Your life's already finished.
>“Generally speaking, you’re free until you’re about 4 years old. Then you go to grammar school and then you start becoming…oriented and shoved into areas. You lose what individualism you have. If you have enough of course, you retain some of it… Then you work the 8 hour job with almost a feeling of goodness, like you’re doing something. Then you get married like marriage is a victory, and you have children like children is a victory… Marriage, birth, children. It’s something they have to do because there’s nothing else to do. There’s no glory in it, there’s no steam, there’s no fire. It’s very, very flat… You get caught into the structure of what you’re supposed to be and you have no other choice. You’re finally molded and melded into what you’re supposed to be. I didn’t like this.”
– Charles Bukowski.
>Got over depression and alcoholism
>Started getting Yas Forums and put on a good amount of weight (was skeleton)
>World is ending
I honestly have lost all motivation for anything these past few weeks. Just as I was beginning to get it all together, this happens and once again my life is stuck in limbo. I haven't even worked out in a week and barely find the energy to eat with how blackpilling this all is. I wish I lived in a different country.
You’ll be alright.
>T. Millenial who graduated during the Great Recession and trying to address climate change with retard boomers and normally chill but also do nothing Gen Xers and now get to through a second “one in a lifetime” type recession.
I graduated in 2008, now that was rough. The economy was so bad I couldn't even get a fast food job.
Just a few months ago I was looking at jobs on Craigslist and saw places like Chick-fil-A starting at $17/hr and I thought to myself "man, zoomers have it easy. I would have killed to make that kind of money when I was 18." But of course with the economy in the shitter, all those jobs are long gone. Now zoomers have it just as bad as I did when I was a youngster.
Everybody is fucked except booms and even then most of them are broke with no retirement savings
Millennials graduated into the 2009 economic crash, gen X was buying houses and shit just in time for the housing bubble to explode, millennials just starting to recover and then this happens, zoomers are fucked from the start
It's over
at least you got guns
>world fucked
This is gonna be over in like 2 months drama queen memeflaggot
same, applied to lots of jobs, literally zero got back because this corona shit halted interview processes. why now, stupid fucking chinks
the world isnt fucked, user
it is always changing
and so are you
No one likes you when you're 33
pic related is the world as our governments keep it. it's only a good thing that the world is 'fucked'
Welcome to the club buddy. I was 20 when the 2008 crisis hit.
2 months
lol the quarantines, maybe.
the political and economic effects will last for years.
>already depressed and taking pills
>already an alcoholic
i came to the conclusion that i can't run away from reality forever and the only exit is suicide
6 to 18 months depending on your countries response
At 20 you should already be working full time to provide for your wife and children.
You already had your shot at life you just wasted it.
My life got fucked at 23 and I bounced back. Don't be a fucking pussy.
Vargism is going to be the defining social movement of the 2020's as people say fuck it and abandon modern civilization to live in right wing hippy communes
Same. Timing is a royal honk
I’m in a similar boat as you. I’m having suicidal thoughts constantly even before this corona shit. Only thing stopping me is I don’t want my family dealing with this
>His 20's ahead of him
You should kill yourself, you monumental fucking faggot.
The only thing keeping me alive are my ways since i abandoned all others that i practiced in my culture. Let the old ways die.
>imagine thinking you were going to amount to anything in life other than a wage slave
Are those real faces?
how do you cope?
i'm giving myself two more years before i pull the trigger
Shared feels. Accept god's will. Accept mediocrity.
all it takes is one person to start the entire thing again. Plus it comes every year now but it wont be as bad.
even if your life is complete shit might as well see through with it completely. then you can have regrets at the end for not pulling the trigger earlier
shut up and take the bbc
I try to read books or focus on philosophy and stuff but nothing works. I don’t know what the fuck I’m gonna do
at least you've got an excuse for your shitty future
The world isn't fucking ending wtf, this virus in comparsion with all those horrible wars and other disasters is nothing, watch some interview with people who survived WW2 and think that u must only stay in your room for couple weeks with food, water, electricity and internet, so horrible. Im using this time to improve myself individually: workout, reading and creating some art, it would be shame to waste it on being sad.
You find a way to get numb to it, you think now you are the only ones who feel as bad as you do but most of us oldfags went through that in our 20s too. You push on and as much as it will pain you when you finally realise it, you realise they were all right and you were just a little bitch and you learn to handle shit
I mean you're right but 'few weeks', no one has the slightest idea how long the world will be on lockdown.
faggots need to talk to someone and if this shit is long-term depression unironically take three grams of psilocybin mushrooms - it will help develop your grey and white matter, help restore your motivation, drive, or some shit. I did it and it helped a lot and got me out of my clinical depression I had for years. It is a one-time drug free of addiction and anything else. After this seek fulfilment and contentment, whatever comes first I suppose. Focus on strength and having a good heart. Gradually you will feel better.
>made 73k last year.
>in good shape and handsome
>wife left last year for a soiboi
if love can die and betray me like this there was no love its not real. i hope it all ends i hope everything and everyone suffers im in hell and soon so will everyone else. destroy it all god.
youre an absolute fucking retard. do not take mushrooms if youre depressed or have other issues, itll only make them worse.
>20 y/o
Post dick.
>psilocybin mushrooms
my local drug dealer doesn't do shrooms
any ideaon how to get them?
im girl
>im girl
Never post again, you piece of shit.
>any ideaon how to get them?
How hard can it be to order a kit from the Netherlands and grow them yourself, you piece of shit.
I'm 24 and just stopped drinking after a 5 year binge. I'm fucking 6'2 135lbs right now from not eating for weeks. I was just about to become you.
>mfw there are people who've never experienced the good times before 2000
truly sorry you never experienced real good times
No one in all of human history except those faggots born directly after WW2 got to enjoy a peaceful and bountiful life.
Literally fuck off, grandpa lmao
Post war boom is different because of the new profit created from theft of the defeated nation as well as native die off.
Corona has popped every bubble in the market created since 2004. 2008 was it releasing a little steam before QE and manipulations pushed all the market to the current superficial levels. True wealth cannot be printed. Economy will be wrecked, wealth started, hyperinflation will likely insure.
Tldr; your hot pocket will soon cost $14
Post feminine penis.
nigger culture was taking hold in the 90s. World was already jewish by then and since 1918.
Imagine the good times that we will never experience in hundreds or thousands of years from now.
>nigger culture was taking hold
in ur moms clunge lmao
happens to everyone honestly. 911, 2008, Trump (for some...)
This too shall pass.
I can tell this guy is an idiot not just by the contents of his post, but also by the flag he posts under.
>implying you know the world is fucked because of what you hear on the tv or even here.
>I'm special because special things are happening in my lifetime.
Cope literal faggot. The world is the same as it's always been. Check out if you can't handle it.
My nipples are so erect right now.
I'm 22 and I'm having none of this shit, you retards behave like fucking brats and children, no wonder boomers don't respect you
>boohoo im only 19/20 :(
>life was getting started and chinkaids destroyed everything buaaaah
>cant do anything and its orange mans fault :(
Fucking grow up. I've taken matters into my own hands and became a public servant in Brazil, the only way you literally cannot be fired no matter what over here. I'm 100% immune to any crisis of any sort, including this one. Of course you are not in Brazil and there is no such thing as this in the US, but the essence of the matter is that you need to behave like adults and not children. Look at the shit you're saying.
When I was 19-20 I saw myself as a boy, now I see myself as a man. Do what you must and pull through. Just take the plunge already, stop considering yourself a boy and take responsibility. If I were you, and I know jack shit about the economy in the US, I'd read about technical analysis and look to buy stocks. Shit's crashing down and will keep tumbling for a while, you have prime time to learn and invest whatever resources you can muster.
I have no pity or simpathy whatsoever for people who make arguments like you're doing right now. 'Oh but I'm so young!', 'Oh but I'm only 20!', it's pathetic. I would never take anyone like you seriously irl. Man up, find a way. Don't take shit for granted. When you take the jump and go from the 'boohoo im only 20!' mindset to the go-getter that wont stop no matter how fucked shit is, you'll get there.
>When I was 19-20 I saw myself as a boy, now I see myself as a man
Everyone else sees you as a total cunt.
I "got in at the bottom" during 2008
Its not worth shit if you were just starting out, asshole.
OP go out and earn some cash and buy assets once it starts picking up again. 2 years tops
I work for government so I am literally recession-proof. I feel bad for you guys honestly. This world is fucked. Btw no one in the gov actually cares about you. They literally refer to you as "people outside the fence"
The quicker you understand that you're alone on this world, the better.
Im a fuck up and i didn't start my career until 27. As long as you have youre shit together better than i did( a dope head) you'll be good.
no gas mask for the horse, shit, no wonder the krauts lost
>Btw no one in the gov actually cares about you. They literally refer to you as "people outside the fence"
Welcome to Trump's America.
Also i was your age during the 08 recession.
wrong and if true, it is a chance one should be willing to take to get their life in order.
memeflags were here before county flags and pirates are cool. /of discussion
deep web. Get Tor, VPN, bitcoin wallet, convert some cash, research legitimate illegitimate places to visit and don't stray off the path. Be smart too.
I guess you could grow some but I reckon it would be simpler to order some online. It cost me about £40 or something so not too bad, at least for me. Worth every penny I think.
Welcome to [current president]s America.
FTFY germ
Stop being a bunch of bitches. I invaded a country at 23. War is fun. Went back for years. Can't wait for round 2. I'm going to fuck you bitches up
>tfw 26
>fresh male just got out from college
>ready to take on life
>no jobs, shitty wages, pandemia, more pajeets and spics coming over because their shitty countries can stop having babies
i'm literally done
Wealth is a figment. People will do as they always have, grow food, build houses, sell widgets, die.