Brit/pol/ - Norf Korea Edition

Boris Johnson tonight announced a lockdown plan to stem the spread of the coronavirus in the UK as he told the nation to stay at home. People will only be allowed to leave their home for the following 'very limited' purposes:

>Shopping for basic necessities as infrequently as possible.
>One form of exercise a day.
>Any medical need, to provide care or to help a vulnerable person.
>Travelling to and from work, but only where this is absolutely necessary.

Meanwhile, the PM has announced a ban on:
>Meeting with friends.
>Meeting with family members you do not live with.
>All weddings, baptisms and other ceremonies but excluding funerals.
>All gatherings of more than two people in public.

The PM said the police will have the powers to enforce the lockdown measures through fines and dispersing gatherings.

To ensure people comply the government is also:
>Closing all shops selling non-essential goods.
>Closing all libraries, playground, outdoor gyms and places of worship.
>Parks will remain open for exercise, but will be patrolled.

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Other urls found in this thread:

first for cup of beans

Attached: coop a beans like.jpg (768x1024, 79.69K)

first for going for a walk in the morning

put it on some toast, lad

do we have a new strain of the virus or something? our CFR is 40% higher than the average outside of china.

Attached: uk cfr.png (345x263, 5.8K)

2nd for n95

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What's home like right now lads
I'm stuck in Australia until all this blows over

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Nadiya Husseins willy

First for being a freeman on the land.

>not me triumph stagg!

You use the sausge to scoop the beans oot.

You aren't testing as many people
Germany is testing literally everyone, drive through free testing clinics etc
So thats why they have stupidly high infection rates and low death rates, same with China
Fact is there are tonnes of people who got the virus, never knew, recovered and were none-the-wiser

it's not going to "blow over". the virus is mutating too quickly and there's no way to become immune after you "survive".

Worst thing is that Greggs is shut.

Home is dark and full of pakis.

get a ban you faggot

Source: trust me bro

how would Muslims react when they're not allowed to go to the mosque by law?

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>same with China
is that why 21 million people suddenly died in china since the start of the year?

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sorry I meant Korea

First for admitting first posting is gay as fuck.

>source: trust me bro
>source: read /cvg/ bro
Lmao, you're all spastics. A dose of Calpol can fix this shit.

Do you ever sleep?

i'm hoping they keep going and end up getting the coof and/or their heads caved in by riot police

are we going to have /cvg/ whingers on every thread now
the virus is bullshit mate, the whole thing is a pretext for NWO power grab

the mutations and presence of ADE are widely known.

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Rationing when?

Deus Vult!

lol so now it's gone from liver damage to an indeterminate state between life and death


Basically the same as us brit bro.
The Dutch and British are copying eachothers homework again. Like the old sailor days. Good times

What are you? I got this also

shave it off, if it looks shit you've got two weeks so its sound

He can't sleep coz Corona is maybe under his bed.

It feels like 1945 again

mass testing like korea's doesn't help unless you're re-testing every single person at least once per day, or you have a vaccine. people can get infected after being tested.

The single confirmed mutation doesn't back up 'its mutating so fast you can't become immune and will die'

oh fuck who is that

I agree it just goes to explain the difference in stats
It's better to actually focus on treatment than to diagnose a bunch of people that don't need help in order to get a better score card to show the world

I fucked girl in pic, her name is Jackie and I'm pretty sure she's half retarded

the estimated death in china is going to be 300-400 million people by the end of it

the virus damages all of your organs, your nervous system and your reproductive system. reinfection is almost always fatal, so you don't really "recover" or "survive", you just get a little more time to suffer.


Hope you make it Toothpaste bro.

So is Mike the Cunt Ashley keeping house of fraisers opens aswell?

We fucking wish, even though we wasted our men and money on the most pointless war ever, and least then demographics were still on our aide.

At least for a few more decades

I somewhat respect the dedication.

Go out for a jog, lad.

i'll damage all of your organs you boring cunt

nurse told me we're 3 weeks behind Italy but in a much worse situation

a mutation like this after 2-3 months is bad news, especially when all of the vaccine candidates are at least 18 months away, even if they get around ADE somehow. there will be hundreds of individual, deadly strains around by that point.

a dumb phoneposting 15 year old with a poorly labelled graph that doesn't understand what he's looking at

You haven't been following for the last couple of months, have you cattle fag?

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>ex-gf is in the UK
>she is prone to anxiety and depression, hates being stuck inside the house
>wanna get in touch to wish her well in these crazy times
>she'll probably be getting fucked by her husband as she receives my message
stay safe and comfy, laddies

feels a bit grubby replying to you knowing you've got your hand on your cock all the time but here's another (you) I suppose



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I shaved mine of yesterday. I imagine a lot of people will do this too. I wonder if the Guardian will run a story about the increase in skinheads?

Watching this /comfy/ kino

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>people have it, non the wiser
>it kills other people

Something I don't get, I know that they're at risk, but just being asymptomatic?

Take your meds

night lass

state of this poof

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I'm just gonna shave the sides and go tommeh shelby

believing the numbers the CCP posted

Is he- is he right tho lads?

>Sticking your dick in a jewess

You fucked up big time m8.

I've been at home for 4 days now. How safe is it to nip to my sainsburies local? I don't want to get the aids just for some milk m80s.


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Tbh the guy on the right looks better