

Attached: open-graph.png (1200x630, 79.97K)

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federal reserve hands out little baggies of shredded cash at conventions when they're recruiting. its meant for ash trays and such, its definitely a conversation piece.

Attached: brrr.jpg (912x794, 157.23K)

ok it was funny for a while. you can stop shilling this site now.

>block your path

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I love you op. Have an eternal (You). this is beautiful!

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Dare I say BASED

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OP not gay on this one lads

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hello based department?

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Two weeks ago
>Fed drops interest rate to 0
>Stocks drop 20%

Last week
>Fed injects 1 trillion dollars into markets
>Stocks go up for 1 hour, and then drop 10%

>Fed promises unlimited QE
>Markets only drop 4%

Not bad lmao

Fucking based.


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I'm ready to put 50% of what I have in stock funds. Stock markets will start soaring within a month.

Someone has to pay for tyrones baby


Pretty dumb question but does anyone know the name of the weeb song that is played on one of money printer go brrr variations? I am sure there's an user somewhere that knows what I am talking about

it's pretty fucking terrifying. what's weird is the options bettering the market will keep going down are... GOING DOWN while the market is going down. WTF is this called, what the fuck is happening?

you want this?

Not that, but nice effort. It is kind of eurobeat but it has female nightcore singers (pretty sure they're singing in japanese).


Kek out loud

brrrrd and redlined

Are you talking about caramelldansen?


This is my new favorite meme

>hahaha a 3 pictures animation, hahaha

How fucking new are you?


What happened is we closed our eyes and held our nose, then we jumped both feet right into a new great depression and possible dark ages. We will see the deflation as they furiously print and print (digitally), then we will get the hyperinflation. Food shortages are coming like you would not believe. Gold and silver will be incredible stores of value. Credit will freeze and then credit cards will freeze. Cash will be king at that point, until it hyperinflates. Then, finally, gold and silver and cryptos will remain. Learn to grow your own food boys.

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Karl Marx really was a mouth breathing nigger lover, wasn't he, Rabbi?

where is the super saiyan button?

Update it with the full range of the super saiyan rainbow colors!

It means that volatility is going down. Look up Black Scholes. An indication of a slowing of the velocity of the overall change.

he was right tho

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No, kike. He was wrong and he loved to suck cocks. I guess that is why you admire him.

the fed game is pretty good too

enjoy Great Depression, kid


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Talented sum bitches I must say.



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Right under our noses, the primary dealers are getting trillions in reserves through the Fed’s recently resuscitated Primary Dealer Credit Facility (aka the PDCF). The Primary Dealers (aka the big banks) are receiving funds in the form of reserves (not cash) from the PDCF for their now worthless treasuries, stocks, corporate bonds, mortgage-backed securities, etc. In 2008 the big banks were supposed to, but DID NOT, lend out these PDCF reserves to smaller banks, which drastically increased the Big Banks' balance sheets over the last decade. This allowed them to simultaneously collect interest on these reserve funds from the Fed via the IOER (Interest On Excess Reserves) rate, while screwing over the smaller banks and withholding much needed liquidity for regular people and small businesses.
Unfortunately, today’s new PDCF operation makes the 2008 PDCF operation look like child’s play. Trillions in reserves are currently being added to the Primary Dealers’ balance sheets each week (in the form of repos) with NO OBLIGATION TO PASS THIS LIQUIDITY ON TO THE SECONDARY MARKET, once again.
We are AGAIN bailing the big banks out RIGHT NOW, to save them and their cronies from financial firms holding junk corporate bonds and trillions in futures contracts in interest rate swaps (all under the guise of a solution to the coronavirus pandemic), right under all our noses and at our expense.
Can the American public be this dumb twice?

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I could watch this for hours

nailed it

Volatility crush

Based website, ty user

needs something stupid, like a click/tap/keypress here to print and then going super saiyan.

Thanks for the redpill


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Based kibbutznik

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250 million corpses discarded

Same what is the music?

based brrr man

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Fucking kek I never knew the link was real, just thought it was part of the meme

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I want to know who the fuck made it.

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This threat is a gem

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