Other urls found in this thread:
just say jews ffs
A larp bullshitter and a total waste of time.
I'm embarrassed to even admit that I was something of a follower in the early days. At least I jumped off the train when the mountain of contrary evidence got to be too high and smelly.
same shit elites jews dirty merchants all in the same name
I kind of knew it when they start sucking this zionist president dick when they bring out how trump is actually trying use this coronavirus to kill of jews and sick celebrities lmao
You goddamned q-fags have just about got me to where I want the left to win. If it were for my deep hatred of niggers and jews I would dye my hair and join up.
>inb4 moved to bant
What is that evidence?
No you fucking moron, you have to prove the q-shit is real and not us prove the made up nonsense larp is fake. Go eat shit.
Go ahead and convince us.
The worst one you probably ever gotten in Yas Forums your welcome user.
>former drumpf supporter here
>but seriously
>muh nuclear codes
Literally kill yourself shill.
Id tell you to just stop but I know none of you will until either the money dries up or you get physically removed.
where are they at
We do. You don't care because are a bad faith shill shitting up the board with low-energy, low-IQ bullshit.
Literally 30+% of this board is paid zionist shills, ccp changs, and discord trannies
check these out if you want to know what Q is really about
it's a small group of people close to the president, likely in the NSA
here's some videos to understand what it's really about
remember, if this shit wasn't real then why are shills and the media this desperate?
fock off
It's not only jews in the global cabal, and not all jews are part of the cabal
Every single q-fag says they prove it is real and then reference other q-fags who are claiming shit is real. Never any clear proof, just Nostradamus bullshit that can be read any way the person wants to read it.
When this is pointed out all you do is call people shills without every providing proof.
The only reason you are here faggot is because Q hasn't posted anything for months. At least nothing beyond cheerleader bullshit that even you are bored of. You have your own board. If you want an echo chamber you can go there and circle jerk with your friends. If you come here and irritate everyone with bullshit, like "OMG! Gitmo has construction going on! That means tribunals will start any day!" We are going to point out that Trump spent a couple trillion on the military in the last couple of years, so of course an important base is getting an upgrade. Then we will call you a faggot, discuss your lack of education and low IQ, and may insult your mom. You may not like this, but that's the way it is here. If you don't like it, eat dick pussy.
Fine, Zionists then. Happy now, Jew?
>Q hasn't posted anything for months.
“the CHINA virus”
Worth remembering:
Wuhan Institute of Virology [geo location]?
[1st biosafety lvl 4 lab – 2015]
City/Province origin – hot zone [geo location]?
“Unbeknownst to Harvard University beginning in 2011, Lieber became a “Strategic Scientist” at [Wuhan] University of Technology (WUT) in China and was a contractual participant in China’s Thousand Talents Plan from in or about 2012 to 2017.”
[rapid spread]
>End POTUS rally(s)?
>End POTUS econ gains?
>End POTUS unemployment gains?
>End POTUS [A, B, C, D, ……]?
[weaken prior to P_elec?]
>Delay US/China trade negotiations?
[China pref Biden[+VP] as P?]
>Shelter [Biden] public appearances?
>Shelter [Biden] debate(s)?
>Push new/revised P_2020 > vote by mail? [unsecure]
>Push [D] ‘wish list’ [unrelated] items CV Bill [voting amends]?
What is the mathematical probability this occurs [the ‘time bomb’ explodes] at the exact point in time that allows for maximum damage [above] prior to the P_elec?
Outside of standard deviation?
[Mueller failed]
[Impeachment failed]
>Why was it critically important impeachment be rushed in the House?
[MSM[D party]/Hollywood narrative(s) failed]
[D] party leading nominee established [super T] prior to lock-down [take-over]? [Sanders ELIM_Biden_FRONT]
Occam's razor simply states that of any given set of explanations for an event occurring, the simplest one is most likely the correct one.
Not of these q anons videos are being censored at all and racking up huge numbers where actually people trying to expose the zionist jews can't even rack up to any close to 20k average atleast.
>Every single q-fag says they prove it is real and then reference other q-fags who are claiming shit is real
You mean YOU do that while shilling the other side of the argument.
Pro-tip: Formulaic, low energy posts over-saturated with buzzwords and steeped with arbitrary hostility give you away.
I am Q
and I predict this thread will be moved to /bant/
Q followers also assume that when their retardation and faggotry is insulted, that it means that everyone is desperate to shut down their brilliant analysis. If they looked at any threads not related to their cult however, they would learn about Christcucks, Jews, women, Bernie bros, trannies, fags, rich people, poor people, chads and incels, and other various groups and individuals that are viciously attacked here on a minute by minute basis. They would learn that they aren't special at all. Really they just attract their own brand of haters. People that have a dislike for blind faith, passiveness, stupidity, gullibility, follower mentality, weakness, and unjustified smugness in spite of all of the above.
>this is the best the gyppo intelligence service has to offer
Asking for the claimed proof is a slide technique? You posting irrelevant shill claims instead of proof is definitely a slide technique.
Tongue my anus
Thank logically
There are half a dozen "prove well understood concept to me Yas Forums" threads right now, all from different flags. Obviously Soros gave a midnight briefing to a few different intelligence agencies and they're all flooding us for ground level cultural understanding.
Understand that these people believe we are bad. They will not be swayed from that belief. They are ideologically unable to see our point of view, they want this information to pretend to be us better. Engaging with them is not good. Sage, hide and ignore intelligence gathering threads.
I won't let the jews take my post anywhere you hear user
Sorry bucko, I've learned through experience that engaging with shills is utterly pointless -- like Hitler arguing with jews.
How about this: You first prove beyond question that you're not a literal paid shill, and I'll prove that Q is white hat military intelligence.
Qanons explain to me if the filter is down why on youtube trump dailys, is Q stuff in top chat and everything uncensored in live(all)?
I think its a trap, I also think jeff E is a cover for AI nanotech related things but thats slightly off topic.
I take that back. He posted today. Fair enough. Nothing substantial that hasn't been kicked around here for a month or two already, but he did post after 2+ weeks of silence. Now let me take a wild stab at what happens next- no one will be arrested, and nothing will be disclosed.
Another installment of idiots being fooled by celebs and Q psyop, following a non existant rabbit while the kikes in the federal reserve buy entire sectors of the economy with their imaginary fiat money.
The US constitution is being scraped as we speak to give way for the ((new america)) and all of you "patriots" are waiting for mass arrests to comence.
keep it up retards, the coup is almost over.
You guys are hilarious. If you had proof you would shove it in my face. Instead you hide behind pure assholery and fake butthurt.
Also, asking people to doxx themselves is a banable offense.
we are fucked user fucked..
t. shill that can't prove he's not a shill because he is one
Dont ignore me "white hat" milanons.
Ireland is one of the nations most immune to jewish tricks. For you "the economy" is just a nice bonus for iPads and trips to Thailand. Most Irish people are fucking farmers, you can easily support your own people on what you produce. The jews have no hold over you apart from military force, and if it ever came to that Britain would be on your side. The Irish are the most fearsome fighters in the modern world, in fact there's a theory we only won The Napoleonic Wars because a huge part of the British Army was Irish.
You're only fucked if you're chickenshit.
Give up the heroin.
sorry user i was vague. i would also like for milfags to gib info cuz we know they are here
>another Q thread made by someone who hates Q
>discord shills and redditors will come to attack Q in it
wew, it's actually surprising how many threads you all are making recently
it must be important to someone
QAnon is the creation of Fred from YouTube and sponsored by Frazzledrip and CheesePizza with walnut sauce.
While I accept that your soldiers were there for heroin that picture does not display a soldier in a poppy field you absolute fucking retard.
Actually it does, my mistake. Carry on retard.
what does it show
This is a really good speech. Anons should watch this, as should the chink shills.
We are on to you.
What the fock no Jewish have already taken over Ireland oh shoot my bad i meant the communist party, Not only that we have shit ton of niggers and diversity here eventually this hellhole will turn to africa by 2040 by the irish goverment lmao.
I hear Mars has oil lets go :^)
It may or may not do. I don't know enough about flowers to say whether those are poppies, but certainly a cursory search for poppies before they bloom shows a pink bulb that doesn't look exactly like that but which is close enough.
There could be dozens of flowers it could be.
>no semtex nor our guns will ye' ever get from us
>assmad shill detected
yes we deploy our soldiers to guard a wide variety of flowers
Could just be walking through a flower field.
False prophet of revelations
he's standing still
Lisa off regard, the q larp was fun while it lasted, but it's the new chanology, cringe retards earnestly thinking they are relevant in any way.
You're literally retarded.
>but muh citizens have guns!
cool story bro
it would be really funny and wholesome if QAnon (the person) turned out to be a really washed out subcelebrity or common internet retard like DSP, Fred or Spoony, "just pretending to be retarded haha"
Well regardless am new to all this Yas Forums shitposting i guess am bit to behind of this q anons.
huey lewis would be my first choice
Everyone would instantly deny it despite any proof given.
>you have to prove the q-shit is real
It’s real. Do the research yourself nigger. Why am I gonna waste time with you? We all had the same opportunity to learn. But fags like you are so stubborn that even if I post proof after proof you’ll complain. I’ve done this 1000 times