
Iran’s Supreme Leader looks pretty white. What’s the deal?

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of course. he's evil. all evil people are wh*te.

Iran has cold and hot seasons. Not everyone is as sunburnt as a southern Indian

Persian is a distinguished lineage ngl

damn strait we ok

He looks jewish. Jews have north iranian plateau ancestry

>nigger eye color
>upper lip thinner than a piece of a paper
>fat african nose
>eyebrows with 1+ inch long hair
kinda jewish, but kinda a nigger

Lots of Arabs and Persians have a light skin tone. Still Doesn't mean they’re actually white though.

inside all day eating baklava watching memri reruns


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Salman has brown tinge to his skin though. Iran’s leader skin is just white.

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go pick some cotton nigger scum

Real Persians don't exist, the Mongols wiped out the entire population of Persia a long time ago. I have no idea who these folks are.

honestly that honker is suspect as hell

>fat african nose
That's a caucasian nose you monkey. Austrians have it

Yea but I mean Arabs in countries such as Syria, Lebanon and Palestine. Some of them have a white skin tone

That’s what I’m thinking

Its just Tom Hanks (he works for the CIA) in a disguise, look closely, they just gave him a beard and dye his hair white

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ITT we expose the furnigger cult
>What i thought furries were just a joke
Furries are a Sex cult that employ cartoonish imagery, often combined with sexual scenes and then graphic shock content, to entice and groom children. They are extremely similar to trannies and Jews and an enormous number are pedophiles and sexual predators. They also aggressively defend their hobby from critics, likely due to addiction. They have coomed so much to furfag pornography their dopamine receptors are too fried to get input from anything else, so they lash out at normal intelligent people who criticise their hobby.

Pic related is Arnab Choudry, Anti-White furfaggot VP of genetic tech at (((23andme))), who controls who gets hired and fired for genetic testing, literally a Kalergo-communist pedophile and calls for genocide of White South Africans. He's also best friends with the CEOs of Google and Youtube. Here's a list of all his accounts lol. Bitch.

>Austrians have it
These look the same to you? Are you by chance a nigger?

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Persians are white and Indo-European.

What pic related?

>the supreme lawn gnome of iran

80% of males have a thin upper lip its a masculine trait.
The other 20% are just niggers with fat nigger lips

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Jews aren’t white

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Wait, holy shit his features really are white. Is this well known, or, like what the fuck? Mohammed was white according to the Quran, descriptions of Genghis Khan give him red hair and white skin, Attila the Hun was white, The ancient Greeks believed that Egypt was built by their white kin..... and now the cartoonishly Ayatollah is White? I always make fun of Afrocentric historical revisionists but I worry that I am the same but for white people, yet all the evidence we have shows white people. Can minorities even compete?

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Previous leader was white too

Little known fact: Both "Supreme Leaders" are actually British agents posing as ayatollahs, look it up

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is it from Roman/Greek bleaching them or is it the indigneous phenotype?

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a little of both

Ayatollah Khamenei is an Azeri. Not Persian. He is actually considered an ethnic minority within Iran. Azeri are Turkic people’s more closely related to Asians than whites, unlike ethnic Persians. However, years of mixing between Mongols, Persians, Turks, Arabs, and Europeans has left all of Southwest Asia a genetic clusterfuck.

He's whiter than shabbos Trump.

can confirm

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Persians are white, Arabs are not. There are basically no Persians outside of Iran

The deal is that he's based and redpilled. He came right out and said that the US is run by Zionist Jews, and four Republikikes tried to get him banned from twitter. He's a redpill in a turban.

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Just like how Osama bin Laden was actually Obama.

Looks jewish to me tbqh


They are Persian. Not Arab.

Try again, mutt. We have Iron Age Iranian autosomal samples.

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Azeris are Iranians and cluster with other Iranians. Most of them have negligible Turkic admixture.
The country has been called Iran since Sassanian empire.

No one but KSA arabs are ethnic arabs

Because they are based and hate the kikes about as much as we do.

This. Bedouin admixture is low among Levantines too. You can use Global 25 with R software to figure this stuff out.

so why are they called arabs then?

Bernie sanders brother.

Then wtf are they.

Burger education at its finest.

the story is they're from the part of iran (north east) which is associated with the snake from the garden of eden, its where he was banished to.
yes they're caucasian with huge noses and as someone else pointed out ashkenazi come from what is today east turkey back then persia 900AD or so, moved north to Khazaria from there.

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Arabized people like from north africa (mahgreb)

It's almost as if Iranians are the original Aryans...

they're called arabs but they're technically not arab DNA.
I think arabs have to be J1 y-haplogroup.

Iran is Ayrian

He is unironically whiter than amerimutts.

Ashkenazi come from an evil tribe of Iranians who were Mithraists. They come from a city called Ashkenaz, and they didn't have anything to do with Jews. They were either Manneans or Scythians who rejected Zarathustra's message, and they preferred the subversive nature of older Mithraism. It is very similar to Frankist-Sabbateans views. Our spirits have fought in higher-dimensions connected to dreams. Their ultimate goal is to blur good and evil on a global level, and they are still secretly Mithraists.

If you thinks he looks Jewish it’s not a coincidence. He is not a real Persian. Very red pill video on Iran.

rekt the kike propaganda

I thought they were secret manicheans aka gnostics.... everything else sounds correct.

>In addition to tracing AJs to the ancient Iranian lands of Ashkenaz and uncovering the villages whose names may derive from “Ashkenaz,” the partial Iranian origin of AJs, inferred by Das et al. (2016), was further supported by the genetic similarity of AJs to Sephardic Mountain Jews and Iranian Jews as well as their similarity to Near Eastern populations and simulated “native” Turkish and Caucasus populations.

Ashkenazi were Mithraists who rejected Zarathustra's message. Mithraists and Zoroastrians had a lot of civil war.

Because "arab" is a linguistic grouping, not an ethnic one. If you were to learn and speak Arabic, you would also be considered an Arab.

Also, note, older Mithraism is very different from Roman Mithraism. The former was a lot more Satanic. This is one reason Jason Jorjani supports Satanism and calls Ashkenazi Aryan.

>the etymological fallacy
Ashkenazi Jews are not from Ashekenaz anymore than Roman Catholics are from Rome. It's a name they chose for themselves to designate "European".

The views of Frankist-Sabbateans are too close to early Mithraists. Early Mithraists were very Satanic and Zarathustra rebelled against them.

While this may be true, it doesn't shine any light on the question of ethnic origin, but rather religious preference.

>memeflag wants war with Iran
My goodness you IDF pajeets need better scripts

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middle easterns are huwhite.

The real reason you're posting is so we're familiar with who this guy is for propoganda purposes.
He's not stupid enough to attack mutt golems in their mudman military bases, so you won't get your war

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haha is that right? wow what a funny guy that Jorjani.
What do you know about crypto-manicheans in today's world?

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