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Because she hates us. It's fairly well known and straightforward.

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>Trump says $3000 for a family of FOUR



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Thank God she blocked the slush fund giveaway to Jews. I don't care why it was blocked, but I'm happy that it was just the same.


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dank oc

To make it seem like they did a good thing when they actually did nothing at all. Planned PR fluff.

Jugs Thread

Post 'em up boys

Like I said I don't care why she blocked it. I'm thinking the Dems smelled blood in the water and knowing the scale and scope of the planned theft, they insisted on everyone of their policy points to be put in the bill, hence killing it.
It doesn't matter. She saved us non-Jews $400 billion that would have been passed out to Jews completely in the dark and untraceably. That's enough to satisfy me.


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Gridlock is good. NOBODY gets bailouts, I'm fine with that. Maybe she's a turncoat jew and we never knew.

Obama-style "fuck you".

am I the only one seeing she's drunk or high on something?



Why can't she talk like a human being, this is someone that fancies herself a queen in some weird ass victorian drama where everyone talks in a robotic whisper.

I guess it's the dentures trying to slide out?

I love this cougar. She's playing Trump like a cougar! what a MILF!

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That's how she's been for her entire career. People aren't elected here for their charisma, intelligence, or competence.

she is 100% a drunk. They wouldn't have destroyed a random black guys life over a meme about it if it wasn't true.

Someone coof on her already.

The Republicans had set up a $400 billion dollar slush fund to be spent untraceably by pic related. White people wouldn't have gotten much and would have been on the hook to repay. Pelosi did the right thing and blocked the Weimar style financial theft.

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>meanwhile millions go unemployed and without pay, resorting to loans
>the kike wins any way

There won't be any loans from private kike businesses. Risk is just too high for them. Unless, of course, the Reps or the Dems give them government guarantees, and this would represent another huge theft from the public treasury.
The best is for the gov't to give the loans directly, or better still, let masses of people default so that they'll learn their lesson and live within their means rather than blowing economic bubbles that screw everyone else when they finally pop.

You mad, Chaim?

What meme?

this country is a joke, this world is a clown


The people default, cool, but where is the money for the food?

Fucking moron nigger.
It was always 1200 for each adult that was on a qualified tax return as either the primary or joint filer and $500 for every child as a dependent on that tax return.
The 3k was for a family of 4. Mom, dad, two kids

she does sound drunk I mean I've eard a lot of drunk peoples a lot

listening to her is fucking torture. i couldn't make it to 2 minutes and i have no idea what she said.

Not everyone names their files - and some people avoid it because they feel they can be traced by it. Of course you wouldn't know that newfriend, but you know it now. I name my files, but none of them are my memes, because I'm not a paintfag.
Maybe you've got some kind of point to make, but it's anyone's guess what that could be.

She said nothing.
>we wanted to pass OUR bill. Pray and be safe. We’re not going to vote until the end of the week.

Because her womb is barren

did Pelosi's bill have anything for neets??

Who do you think Piglosi takes her marching orders, from?

CA, NY and WA state are making up 3/4 of all pandemic deaths, the Dems are playing this foolishly, as those instantly unemployed in retail, entertainment hospitality food and bar tavern industries...generally vote blue.

Rape that twat

Lying her ass off and getting choked up on the lies.

Brown one probably

They can always counter that by insisting that they fought for unemployment insurance reform as well as multiple monthly rather than a one-time payment. They've covered that base.

Can somebody cite where in the proposal funding for planned parenthood is stated? I heard this earlier today, real or fake?

Ah yeah rather than just creating a bill that eliminates the part she has a problem with she decided to write 1400 pages of diversity, immigration, and climate change pork. It was all just 4d chess or something.

Neck yourself you wignat piece of shit.

Pelosi is a terrible centrist piece of shit but this is one of the few times she's actually done something good. The republican bill screwed millions of poor people out of receiving stimulus money and gave far, far more money to corporations with no supervision allowing them to do whatever the hell they wanted with it. Anyone who thinks that bill should have passed is a fucking moron.

talking about yourself, right? Why not read the thread instead of dropping a turd in it? If you don't know what's going on, it's better to read rather than post, because you're just buddy fucking the next guy who doesn't know what's going on.

i hope Nancy pelsosi dies

It literally doesn't matter what they do. Progressives and neoliberal shills would blame Republicans if Nancy personally walked up and set them on fire.

the usa dont have the 2 trillions dollars to pay for the stimulus package and this is why trump want you back at work in 7 days...nancy is stalling to buy time for trump announcement for everyone to return to work

Lmao so instead of a sitmulus package they are going to give us Low Interest Loans instead lmfaooooo have fun paying back quadruple what you need to care for your family after losing your jobs hahahaha

That wasn't covered in one of the 2 previous "relief" bills?

Repubs had many reservations with those first two relief bills, but pushed it throughanyesy because time wass crucial. But Dems are going to make millions suffer by dragging their feet wanting to stuff this bill with non-corona related issues.

Then why didn't she just propose a bill without the corporate money rather than 1400 pages of pork? At least Republicans can claim that the corporate bailout money was actually related to the fucking crisis. Were the diversity quotas, tax credits for solar care, collective bargaining for federal unions, etc. "doing the right thing"?

I didn't say it was 4d chess. I'm saying she acted like any skilled (and dirty) politician would and didn't let a crisis go to waste. That makes her no different than the other side.
There is a difference, however. Dem voters did vote and do support the Dem policy proposals.
Republican voters never voted for a $400 billion slush fund giveaway to zionist Jews here in America that can never be traced and isn't subject to oversight.
She's doing better for her supporters than the Republikikes are doing for theirs.

Poorfags already get fucking money.

You deserve a brick to the face.

based Nancy looking out for us neets. We're the ones that will actually spend the money to stimulate the economy. Wage cucks will just save it cause they don't need it

three of the biggest economies in the country being shut down to fuck us all over politics. if lyin hillary were president, they would be making up excuses as to why "its just the flue bro"

So? Is it any different with Trump supporters?

We're you the same faggot that made the thread the other night? It's $500 per kid. It always has been.

ok newfag

wage cucks absolutely seething

I think you should look up the word "pork" (pork barrel spending) and find out why you're using it incorrectly. That way, next time you post, you won't make a fool of yourself.

>400 billion slush fund giveaway to zionist Jews here in America that can never be traced and isn't subject to oversight.

Is that actually what it is user, or are you of the opinion that every corporation in America should be bankrupted by a global pandemic to own DA JOOS?

According to a source close to the process on Capitol Hill, in order to move forward with any kind of relief package, Pelosi and her far-left Democrat caucus will demand the following be included:
-Publication of corporate pay statistics by race and race statistics for all corporate boards
-A bail out on all current debt at the Postal Service
-Required early voting
-Required same day voter registration
-Provisions on official time for union collective bargaining
-Full offset of airline emissions by 2025
-Publication and reporting of greenhouse gas statistics for individual flights
-Retirement plans for community newspaper employees
-Federal $15 minimum wage
-Permanent paid leave
-Study on climate change mitigation efforts

The provisions will apply to the companies and business rescued by the bill.

I don't understand why both sides have to shove so much fucking pork into these bills. Just give Americans the checks they need for two weeks and figure the rest of the bullshit out later.

>gibs... can KILL

>there are now unironic Nancy Pelosi fans on Yas Forums

Top kek.

nobody cares

Pelosi stuck shit like making airlines carbon neutral by 2025 and having diversity quotas for companies that receive the aid. She's not "fighting for the little guy" both sides are turning this into a political football because they care more about their power and getting votes in November than actually helping people.

I can get behind this, but I am still enamored by Nancy playing Trump so easy

imagine thinking you deserve gibs without raising future members of society

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Fine with me too. I don't want gibz, I don't want bailouts, and I don't gibz in exchange for bailouts.
t. a white man with a job

t. leftist dipship who is ignoring that it won't pass because there isn't a fucking Green New Deal tied to it

Stop being a lying shitbag, you disingenuous faggot, nobody believes your lies anymore.

I'm of the opinion that:
a) most of them are owned by Zionist Jews and run for their exclusive benefit and more importantly,
b) our elected reps have no business giving public monies to private corporations to stave off losses that they created by their own malfeasanse, or any losses whatever.
c) if it IS the government's business to bail out private businesses, we should simply take ownership of them through nationalization, rather than giving something away and getting nothing in return

guys... I'm starting to think we should have an age cap on our leaders. Like... 60 max. I aint down with these 75+ year olds struggling to talk and breath with no understanding of modern reality leading us.

What are the other 1400 pages of her bill for gaynigger?

Not an argument. Prove that you aren't a total idiot by making one.

here's what's in the dem's bill.

if neets do not get the money then society should burn

fuck you...Yas Forums was never your secret fight club...I LOVE HER Yas Forums I REALLY DO but her list of shit is bat crazy as well as the slush funds for the fat cat cronies of trump

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Which jews? I've been purposely living under a rock

110 will not be kind to you.

My perspective of the US is that the red team vs blue thing is even worse over there than it is over here. Your cunt is divided as FUCK, to the very bone, I can't really see them agreeing on anything in the first place.

He’s using it correctly.
Solar has nothing to do with corona virus. Just like all their special interest plans and no oversight on the airlines money.

it's only going to get more dire in next few decades, technology is taking over more and more and these people never even figured out how to program a fucking vcr, at this point it's literally impossible for them to grasp

First, did you look up what pork-barrel spending means? Second, do you know that their bill merely contains all their publicly available policy platform in its entirety? Where's the pork? Can you point to a few items?

Just click on my ID and scroll up

Why do they go on MSNBC when more people watch Foxnews?

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Tell us how solar rebates will aid jobless people.

What's funny is that the blues and the reds are mostly the same to an average burger. Both suck coporate dick, start wars and fuck over voters.

And stupid burgers still hate each other over the colour of the team they are rooting for in this shit flinging contest.

you must eat onions

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Rand Paul giving the four senators the coronavirus was the best gift to our government...

Because they know they benefit if they don't do anything. They can go back to their constituents claiming they fought for them and blame the other side for nothing getting done. The voters are too stupid to see through the ruse.

she is scum but remember that the republicans want to bail out cruise ship companies which aren't even based in the US (for tax purposes obviously), and they want a 6 month gag on the corporate recipients of bailout money. the republicans want to funnel money to their donors, then their donors will keep the money and go through with their mass layoffs anyway.

fuck both sides. ram pikes up their assholes and put them all on display beside the Reflecting Pool.

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she can put all the special interest shit she wants in it, as long as I get my PelosiBux


fuck off.

What a MILF!

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That's not pork, it's merely something unrelated to the coronavirus. There are numerous things in their bill unrelated to the coronavirus. That's the norm in both houses of Congress and both sides of the aisle.
Pork barrel spending is spending that is directed towards a specific state and constituency. Lindsey Graham is presently the king of it, which is why so much federal money is spent in his state as opposed to other states. Rural states, red states, tend to have most of the pork, otherwise their economies would be even shittier than they already are.

Are they purposefully obstructionist pieces of shit, or just so power hungry they make a grab in a Faustian deal to literally help the people in exchange?

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They won't. Read the thread and stop being a shithead. Here, I'll spoonfeed, because you're a lazy troll:

I hope not it’s a loan that has to be paid back


You have too much faith in a political party. It blinds you.

Nigger is it any different in any other western countries? You receive a pittance in the form of being able to go to a Pajeet doctor to get your boo boos looked at and in return your country is flooded with foreigners and your children will be brainwashed into worshipping brown people and cross dressing. Half of you fuckers up there can't even afford a house near civilization. Look at your own backyard for once fucking leaf bastard.

>another "trumpcommies seething over their gibz" episode
Hope they add free helicopter rides to the bill.

Does she actualy want trump reelected? Is nancy unironically 7d chess redpilled?

It would have gone to wealthy American Jews to be recycled back as campaign contributions. I can't think of a better way to fuck white people.

she really is sexy

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but you shills can't produce the fucking lines in the bill that say that.

40 seconds in i screamed and whipped a beer bottle at the wall. Nobody deserves the torture of listening to this grim reaper. Truely disgusting

Criminally unpatriotically unchecked

>it’s not pork when we do it.
Figured you’d try the mental gymnastics. Government pork barrel spending is anything that’s snuck into a bill that has NOTHING to do with the bill.

No, I have no faith in either of the two parties. This is merely a case where the Dems acting dirty just so happened to yield a positive result, perhaps even unintentionally. The thing is I don't care why people do something helpful, I'm just happy when they do it.

Why do I need the green new deal to fight coronavirus?

How will putting emissions limits on airlines, one of the industries hardest hit by the pandemic, help them recover?

Why do we think we need to make sure the boards of companies getting bailout money are diverse? Will that help them recover from coronavirus?

But I'm glad to see that you admit that a 1400 page package is probably full of pork-barrel spending.