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Remember this in November.
A good fraction of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. He's preventing civil unrest.
Yes, lots of people will get infected now. Unless you absolutely need to leave the house for work, you know what to do.
Nigger do you have any idea how devastating going into a depression would be? More could die from that then the fucking Chinese aids flu.
So you're telling me trump crashed the economy, and infected and killed millions.
He flip flopped on the issue and now not only is your 401k is shit, but your mom might die.
You are a fucking lying moron!!!!!!!
civil unrest is coming regardless now!!
you're fucking stupid.
Yes I've heard worst
The worst thing about the quarantine is that there are summer fags now at the start of spring.
sorry can't hear you with that cock filled boot in your throat
He had to choose between Contagion-lite and Mad Max, damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.
fuck off back into the sea and drown nigger toothpaste
What did he actually say?
I believe this was a good move by trump. We can't let the economy tank into the ground and have half the country without jobs through summer. The problems off that alone is far worse than a few thousand deaths in mostly 80 year olds. We will have quick swab tests, 10x more ppe than before, and drugs to lessen the death rate. We will be fine
Another one of these threads huh?
what happened, give me a tl;dw
If we are playing by demographics then those mostly 80 year olds are usually conservative voters. So basically Trump is sacrificing these people if coronavirus gets worse which that too will result in him losing the election. The demographics in the US have only gotten worse since 2016 so Trump needs every vote he can get and allowing his older electorate to die off is not a smart move.
In trumps latest press briefing, he literally did a 180 and chose wall st. over the health and well being for YOU and your family. Then he squirmed and bullshitted his way by saying it's just a flu bro.
usa and the Italy at fault.
-american flu lives at 100000+
-america army at Wuhan
-great china economy now.
-we link supply countries europe no thanks.
-china solved American flu.
Why is the responsibility of the world because of bases American not looked at for spread virus?
LOL it was just a matter of time. taxes due in june goy. get back to work.
Cringe and ESLspam-pilled
I'm white, you algerian shitskin.
Pink nipples and all.
He doesn't want to win the election. He only wants Jews to win. This is why he married off his daughter so his family could be mixed with the jews and join the power elite.
There aren't many boomers around here. Who are you talking to?
So if everybody stays home, how are they going to get paid? All of the proposed Trumpbux aren’t enough to cover expenses. If they don’t have jobs, how are they going to get healthcare? How can “essential” businesses continue to stay open when the other business they rely on for their own business are closed? They won’t by the way. Everybody closes and everybody loses their jobs. There are no jobs out there to go into except grocery stores and hospitals, the latter of which most wouldn’t qualify for. The former won’t give you healthcare and will probably certainly give you the virus. It won’t give you a living wage either but what are you going to spend your money on anyways even if your expenses are covered? A lot of these businesses won’t ever reopen and even temporary layoffs are just something employers say due to the current climate. They’re permanent for most. The few that still have their jobs will have to do more work and take pay cuts. Supply chains for grocery and medical, how will those hold up? Labeling them essential and emergency isn’t going to sustain them?
We are at a bad place not even two weeks into this thing, no way we can go two more. No way at all. Maybe you think we can because you’re jobless and live with your parents and are on their insurance but none of those things are guaranteed. They’re very likely to lose them and you’re fucked even more than we are. Full economic and societal collapse, this isn’t some tiny socialist Euro state. So much for lowering that curve when the hospitals are closed. Everybody gets the virus anyways and nobody gets treated. Then General Jose and Lieutenant Tyrone, stationed in your neighborhood to keep order, kill you and your entire family because you coughed
You do realize this means people just dying on the street? Not exactly a good look for a politician. It's a lose-lose for him and he's just banking on the initial reaction being overblown and not that many people get sick.
If I were the Devil . . . I mean, if I were the Prince of Darkness, I would of course, want to engulf the whole earth in darkness. I would have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I would not be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree, so I should set about however necessary to take over the United States. I would begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve: “Do as you please.” “Do as you please.” To the young, I would whisper, “The Bible is a myth.” I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around. I would confide that what is bad is good, and what is good is “square”. In the ears of the young marrieds, I would whisper that work is debasing, that cocktail parties are good for you. I would caution them not to be extreme in religion, in patriotism, in moral conduct. And the old, I would teach to pray. I would teach them to say after me: “Our Father, which art in Washington.
The orange man came across the sea
He brought us pain and misery
He killed for his (((tribe))),he killed our creed
He took our oil for (((their))) own need
You shilled for him hard, you shilled for him well
You reelected the president of israel
Med time sweetie
Things are going to get worse my friend. Virus will spread wildly through May then come back next year
sacrifices will be made, whether its wall street toughing it out like most americans did during the 2008 crash or kill trump's voting base.
The people still run this country, piss them off enough by killing their family members you might get a barrel shoved down your mouth.
does this mean i should buy more stonks again or keep waiting for it to go lower
More people would commit suicide over losing their job than would die from coronavirus
millions of americans are facing evictions in two weeks
i wonder how theyll self quarantine or self distance themselves then
You ain't gonna do shit nigger. Dilate.
Pensions are insolvent. Boomer 401k will drop another 40-50%. Time to reduce the population. Major cities = dead. Boomers = dead. Stupid vaping fags = Dead. New economy to replace old one. . Check. Problems solved
No shit. Money is all he cares about.
Oh it's going way lower. I'm more worried about financial collapse than a virus at this point.
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suddenly, a thread on Yas Forums is indistinguishable from the comment section on
Trump specifically praised the common man and, hilariously, undermined the very premise of this Tulip Mania fiasco by (and this STILL triggers the fuck out of faggots) pointing out that the flu has killed 25x more Americans YTD than even this stupid fake and gay coronavirus.
Trump has been a cuck. But hearing the shitlib faggots in the White House Press Corp in a hissy rage for 90 minutes was absolutely priceless. I applaud Trump for standing up to these I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE! faggots. It's long overdue.
The Jews in the White House Press Corp have been aggressively campaigning for a mass release of "non-violent" niggers from federal prison.
In my state, the cunt governor did this a week ago. When these niggers' EBT cards run out, the rapes, robberies, and murders will be off the charts.
Nobody gaf about this stupid fucking flu when you're starving, you're under house arrest, and niggers are raping your wife.
Go fuck a nutmeg grater tranny
he's a giant orange kike
Nobody is falling for it Ling. Fuck off.
In the past week, RamzPaul - who was viciously mocked and shunned by Richard Thpenther, Greg Johnson, and TRS for doing this - was the lone voice of dissent against this Tulip Mania hoax.
He's being fully vindicated every day, and all the tales of bodies falling out of hospital windows and mass graves have been BULL-FUCKING-SHIT.
This is a fucking flu. Admit it. Stop doubling- and tripling-down on the fact that you fell for this Jew hoax. Just say, "I was wrong."
Here's RamzPaul taking a victory lap:
it's fact faggot watch the press conference yourself.
Not my fault you worship a jewish sell out.
We're facing a virus with the potential to end the human race. Shekels are secondary. I'd be willing to temporarily put the country under pure communism if it meant keeping us quarantined for how long we'll need
coronaviruses don't belong in the influenza family so, strike 1.
wanna try again?
kys shill faggot
>people have to work to eat
>i-i kno, i'll just call it wall street
Fuck off, retard.
>Thinking Covid-19 is fake
You shouldn't be allowed to reproduce if you're that stupid.
This. It's the beginning of the end of this larp.
O no,s people with get a mild dry COOF for 5 days. THE FUCKING BETRAYAL AND HORROR OF.IT.ALL!!!!!!
Let's not forget that the hardest hit areas are shitlib central, so those 80 year olds are going to be mostly shitbag hippies.
>chose wall st. over the health and well being
Stop being a śoÿfaggot and paraphrase what he said
All anybody needs to know about user here is that he is siding with insufferable anti-white shitlib faggots like the reporter on the left, who was ranting and raving at Trump that he needs to close every white man's hockey rink, barber shop, gym, video game store, office, and force all the white men to stay at home to watch impotent faggots like him.
Corona Chan was a fucking hoax. Admit defeat, faggot.
You know the rule, show them
Too late, faggot.
Proud papa of large, homeschooling, vaccine free family.
And my dad could kick your ass.
Trust the plan, go-guys!!
Get ready to see dead motherfuckers
we Wuhan now
This. Riots will begin soon. The confusion is making people restless.
10% death rate isn't a big deal, take your plaquenil and it should be around 2% fuck this situation, we need to get back to work, i'm willing to accept a 1 - 2% death toll at this point, in the long run economy completely fucked would kill 50% of population, simple maths morons.
You know it doesn't become any more of a hoax the more you say it right? I mean screech all you want nigger, its not going to be true.
Wuhan is thriving. This was a hoax.
Here are live camera feeds of your supposed "Zombie apocalypse". A productive Chinese city.
Corona Chan was a hoax. Admit it, faggot.