Dems want to bailout a class privileged enough to go to expensive colleges who probably won't lose their jobs because they can work remotely
Nobody told you to get a degree in photography, Skylar.
Not happening. The economy is opening back up in 2-3 weeks. They can spend their reimbursement check on their loans.
My parents saved up for my college, why don't they get $30,000 in cash?
>t. Gender studies major
just following orders huh? just like the nazis
Yeah, what the fuck
I'd be able to clear the last of my and my wife's debt and I still think this is just welfare promises for moderate votes
I'll be fine, so they'll basically wipe out the remaining $6k that I owe if it passes.
Hurrr hurrr I followed the system and became sub par, I deserve a bailout... You bernie bros and Wang bangers cry out in privilege its so cringe
zoomies don't understand what happened to millennials because they were still in diapers.
I literally don't have a problem with this, this debt causes unnecessary hardship for me and my spouse. We can't even afford a home.
fuck a college debt bailout unless they're including a plan to make college either mostly free/cheaper
Just doing what I was told, nigger
They got a thriving economy during the prime of their careers.
I was told for my entire childhood that going to college was the most important thing I could possibly do. This turned out to be an outright lie, but I fell for it anyway.
The only people who are against this are boomer fags who were able to cover tuition with their part time gas station job. As far as i'm concerned, cancelling it just makes us even for the last generation lying to our fucking faces our entire lives.
Do I get refunded 30k for the debts I actually paid, or do I just get free avocado toast and Chipotle for the next 10 years?
In Oregon the trades are an essential "service", rich people house remodels must not be interrupted in these times of crisis.
Yeah it's fucked up. If people paid upfront or paid their loan back they at least deserve tax credits.
Consider yourself fortunate enough to have gone to an expensive, well-reputed school while the rest of us went to state school and community college
Pay debnts
You are dumb as rocks.
No. Fuck you. Some of us didn't take loans.
> Paid off just under $20k in student loans within 9 months of graduating
> Mfw $20k in a good mutual fund over 40 years would have made me oodles of cash
Fucking commies, pay your debts.
>No. Fuck you. Some of us come from wealthy families.
America is going down the toilet anyway. Fuck it do a loan bail out.
When Rome was failing a rich senator was found in a line for handouts for the poor. When asked why he was there he said(paraphrased)"If Rome is giving out aid to all citizens, I shall receive it all the same."
Everything is bullshit, hurt no one, take what you can and get out. Our entire system is built on lies.
The bootstrap and fairness days are over. Fuck these corrupt motherfuckers in minecraft.
Fuck off boomer
I'll take this and vote for Emperor Orangeman.
If all these leftist colleges were stuck with the debt and not the taxpayers, I'd totally be down with it. Would be amazingly ironic if the students that they trained to be socialists end up destroying the very people that indoctrinated them.
>everyone else must suffer as i did
You get free 20 cent iced coffee!
Yeah I'd much rather it go to propping up failing airlines instead of actually helping people.
Nobody would be stuck with the debt dum dum.
hrm, 13k left on mine. Would be nice to wipe out
I don't see an issue.
this would be amazing.
kids will then be able to inject some money into the economy once it gets going again.
love this idea!
God damn neeko is as close to a 10/10 as I've ever seen.
I swear if they pay off mr sissy no funds with a meme degree I'm gonna fed post irl.
I grew up very poor, and still paid the bit I had
Nah, better to teach kids responsibility and accountability.
Fuck this cunts. One of my idiot friends stayed in college for 6 years because he liked doing cocaine and partying. He literally delayed graduating twice to party longer. He owes 180k in student loans.
How the fuck is that the taxpayers problem? He's a retard who made retarded choices. I don't doubt half the 'omg i owe 100k+' people are exactly the same. Some thot who hung around because it was easier than getting a job and she could get fresh cock every 2nd night.
Thats the least bad thing. Their election, diversity and green bs is 10000x worse
BS. I worked. My senpai is poor af.
SO, No tax break for tax payers. BUT we tax payers get get to pay the banks back the money that the liberal colleges pocketed.
>Btw the reason you cant declare bankruptcy from a collage loan is because BILL CLINTON made it illegal. Making it a A+ rated security to be traded by CLINTONS buddys.
Taking out student loans is 100% elective. I'm not going to subsidize morons that borrowed money on degree programs that have a poor ROI. It sucks that the first adult decision these people made at 18 was a bad one, but it's their burden. Hopefully they remember what it feels like before they go out and buy a car they can't afford, or buy a home they can't afford.
The borrowed is slave to the lender. Pay your debt cuck.
can't you even into Economics 101?
They're never going to agree on a bill.
A tragedy for the republicans. And naturally, a chance for us to reassert our own superiority over the fake president and enhance Biden's standings in the poll.
but a 30K bailout won't not teach them that.
there's not logical argument that forgiving student loans somehow magically teaches people not to be reasonable.
30K might even teach them to be better at responsibility as it can be viewed as a reward for being responsible and going to higher education and increasingly the intellectual capacity of the nation.
>everyone else must suffer as i did
I guess working throughout college was a waste of time.
Just let student loans be discharged in bankruptcy. The courts can decide on a case-to-case basis where applicable. Thanks, Biden.
Fuck it I've got 17k left. Let them take it off my shoulders.
ok, boomer.
This. People who paid should get some tax credits or something, but all the fags who think this is bad are deluded. They're going to bailout shit companies like Carnival Cruises, but student loan debt will crush younger millenials and zoomers if we don't do something. The catch is that Federal loans have to no longer being a thing after this. Otherwise the cycle will just repeat.
is this how pearls are made?
Ok joomer.
How far back does this tax credit go? 10 years 15 years 25 years?
Fuck that noise. If I knew I would get a free $30k but only if I took out a loan for that much to go to college then you better fucking believe I would have done so instead of skipping it. Everyone who either passed on college due to not being able to afford it or being unwilling to go into debt for it, and all the people who paid off their loans prior to this shit are MORE deserving of free money than these spoiled cunts. Literally subsidizing the least productive members of society.
I'm fine to forgive student loans if it comes in the form of a $30k check to every american under 40, with the stipend that people who have outstanding student loans are required to spend the money paying off their loans first.
Those retards DESERVE the burden they asked for. FUCK THEM.
God I wish this would happen in Aus.
>The only people who are against this are boomer fags
I'm against this because I decided to get a job instead of going into debt for college. If I had known I would get my debt waived, I would have absolutely accepted free schooling. Forgiving student loans is a huge fuck you to people like me unless we get checks for the same amount. Same goes for people who have already paid off their loans. I imagine I'd be even more against it if I'd taken a loan and busted my ass paying it back just for some whiny cunts to get theirs paid off for free.
>blame dumb ass naive kids who were told "you MUST go to college or its mcdonalds burger flipping"
>not the people who told them that
>which extends to everyone from public speakers to student advisers to their own parents
>not the banks who loaned them 120k for a liberal arts degree in the first place
>not the colleges for raising fees to astronomical numbers
>not the federal government for blatantly ensnaring an entire generation with college debt because they wanted to play profiteering ping-pong with lenders
>graduate in 2019
>get high paying job
>fill up savings account with the full debt amount while making only the bare minimum payments
>most of my income is in a tax-exempt per-diem payment, so adjust my payments to look like I'm poor as shit and only send a handful of interest accrual payments in
>wait patiently for the economy to tailspin and the 2020 election
Well it's about fucking time. Haven't decided if I'm going to get a down-payment on some acreage, buy a sweet motorcycle, or go all-in on some blue chip stocks. Shit, I might be able to do all three if these crackheads go crazy enough.
Incredibly hyped to become a boomer looked down upon by the next generation. This shit is gonna be great.
Why would you take out so much debt as to crush yourself? There is financial aid, scholarships, grants, community college, stipends, part time jobs, staying with family, etc. The only people in debt are the ones who treated college like 4 more years of high school, and refused to be adults.
>ok, boomer.
Whatever you say Your Gayness. I guess faggots from your generation prefer dirty assholes and tranny dicks.
I chose not to go to college in part because I saw it as a big risk.
Do I get 25k for missing out on a college degree that would've been almost free if I waited for a bailout after taking out loans?
Yeah, it's such BS. I've known people that lived off student loans for years. Housing, food, drinks, etc, all on the loan, and they got degrees in shit like art history or media.
How are they being responsible by not paying back their loans?
>doctorate in toxicology
Why the fuck would anyone want a toxicologist who gets cancer in their 20s? Did you drink malathion as a child?
No shit. Take some time and think about how corrupt both sides are during your lockdown. Remember, you're just a number to the govt.
Who comes up with the ideas and how do they convince someone to do this
30k I wouldn't do shit to your pile of debt. You're fucked regardless. You're in the same situation as anyone else who failed to complete their program, except you picked one of the most expensive programs knowing you'd have to pay it back.
Why'd you choose to get cancer though?
i paid off my student loan debt in full during grad school.
it was miserable.
if i don't get a refund of $30,000 then i don't want anyone to get one either.
I want the virus to kill all Democrats including most of my retarded Joe Biden loving family. Fuck anyone who would
Unironically vote for them
This. It's easy to get an academic scholarship. As long as I kept my GPA above 3.5 I had 2/3 of my tuition waived at the university I attended.
>work 80-100 hour weeks to support parents and save enough for college
>4.0 double major in accounting and finance; considered EE since I had work experience.
>fags who just took free money and switched social science majors for 8 years and never paid a dime get a bailout
lmao fuck that.
>say the line shill
I paid for my college working at kmart. Why the fuck do i need to pay for the retards who didnt work in college.
this is totally fair towards working class and minorities
even if they don't get tens of thousands of free gibs
it's all gonna trickle down in the form of entitled and enlightened zoomer piss
>Forgiving student loans is a huge fuck you to people like me unless we get checks for the same amount.
i've been trying to save up for a house. this gives a crazy advantage to fiscally irresponsible idiots over those that are proven to make sound fiscal decisions.
if i don't get a check for the same amount that gets forgiven, then i don't want anyone to get anything.
You people are sick in the head. It's not like I used my loan to pay for video games of a car. IT WENT TOWARDS MY EDUCATION. We deserve this
>congratulations on paying back shekelstein
>you're a good goy!
>We deserve this
you literally don't.
Like I said, there are only two ways for this shit to work:
>people who didn't go to college or haven't yet get the same amount of money loans are being forgiven for to put toward schooling
>every single person under a certain age gets a check for the same amount and student loan fags are required to put it toward their loans while everyone else can do w/e they want with it
These are both terrible ideas but just forgiving people with loans is even worse and will result in some society wrecking shit if it's done once everyone else realizes the level of bullshit pulled off by irresponsible debtors.
Literally this...
Based and civilization pilled. Every selfish prick who thinks "but i paid muh loans!" is a boomer, in spirit if not in age.
Good. Fuck the goddamn money lenders. They've made everything 90% more expensive than it should be.
>tfw have paid off 18000 of my debt
>have only 800 left
>paid in 4 months or if I got my trumpbux
>some fag will get their entire debt paid off if this passes
>I get not 1 cent over the 800 even though I put 18k of my own money into it
I don't even.
Pay your debts fucking deadbeat failure.
Then why did you put yourself in debt? Own that shit.... where is my mortgage bailout?
hardcore lesbian subculture
it's queensnake
graias and other southeast european productions are also pretty rad
i mean it's less brutal than the most brutal amateur lesbian porn, particular those that involve bathrooms and heads on ceramic
but it's really way up there with their brother subculture for similarly hardcore gay porn
i mean if you compare stuff without shit and piss
that's a completely worse rabbit hole involving strange role play and lots of shit and rape
one of the leading nazi figures in westgermany around the time of the chaos days produced lots of porn with his iron heart brothers, it usually was shot in pig stalls, involved some middle aged fat fuck dad bod type being raped by a grunt of strong aryan people with pig masks while there's shit everywhere, mostly pig shit
And what do I deserve for taking out a loan but paying it back? Nothing? You get free money for being less capable/responsible than me? Does that seem fair to you?
>every college student gets into debt for dumb degrees
Uneducated poltards really are this stupid.
Sorry you weren't smart enough to get into college. I'm contributing to society and this 10k will allow me to contribute more. Why you defending the banks bro? Bootlicker
silly goyim, money can only be given to corporations and jews.
Would this only count for government loans or private as well? I'm guessing only federal stuff.
No. Only communist faggots that don’t know how to care of themselves.
No, you do not deserve it. But the system is fucked and most of you were swindled to one degree or another. And if we want the economy and civilization to advance then we have to deal with this by forgiving student loan debt AND simultaneously terminating Federally backed student loans.
It's amazing to me how alt-right save western civ types become utterly retarded boomers when it comes to student loans. It's not about BUT I PAID MUH LOANS and it's not about MUH FAIRNESS, it's about a system that is choking the life out of the country.
>I support the kikes and banks commiting usury
GTFO kike enabler
The fairest proposal I've heard so far is eliminating interest on current outstanding student loans. I think that's fair to everyone.