Why are Democrats so evil bros?
Why are Democrats so evil bros?
you bots and shills will not deter me with your fake doubt fear and fake outrage...MY CHECK IS COMING VERY SOON
You have no clue what’s in these bulls other than your welfare. Get a job loser.
nancy pill pushy pussy peloci has been up big pharma's ass her entire career and is the typical selfish dem that wouldn't actually support something like UBI or guaranteed basic human necessities
>gets a job
>gets let go from job because its 'non-essential'
Nobody needs a bailout, nobody.
have you seen pelosi's announcements
The problem is that 80% of the GOP welfare package is going to selected industries, wall street donors and assorted billionaires, only 20% going to working Americans. And they demand that Planned Parenthood close offices.
The Dems want 80% going to self-employed workers, retirees, wage employees and citizens. Legal fictions like corporations get the other 20%.
do you have any proof of your claims?
I'm ok with this. The bill did not include relief for neets and non-tax payers.
For the past few days I've been getting literally infinite captchas on my laptop to the extent I'm unable to post from it. Anyone else?
They would literally rather the economy go to shit than give Trump a win. Which is ironic, because by not passing the bill they're causing moderates to turn on them.
Those fuckers, I was looking forward to my Trumpbux.
>Implying that the airline bailout is bad
Are you mentally retarded? The only reason they're giving for not passing it is the money going to corporations. Even though in reality it's
the only relief you need is relief from oxygen.
They hate white people. The idea that white people would get money drove them crazy.
his ass
Damn this granny just needs a good dicking
Trump even said yesterday that Dems are "with him" about it.
It was all over the news. GOP originally giving 200 million Americans $1000 each, they were pressured to raise it to $1200. That's still only $250 billion in a $1.2 trillion package that mostly welfare for billionaires.
The Dems are including student load relief, rent and mortgage relief, extra social security payments, extra unemployment payments, free corona testing, extended sick leave for victims, extending Medicaid, and other safety nets for children and families.
as soon as the republican cave on the slush funding for the fat cat cronies of trumps my check will be in the mail...
Bitch $1200 ain’t shit. That’s barely utility bills and groceries for the month.
Call your representatives and tell them $1k a month until this Coronavirus fiasco created by the rich slows down
This is the second time we bail out these motherfuckers
Wake up anons
Mutt's law manifesting subconsciously I see.
Your trumpbux will get niggled down to $25 per person
Fuck off shareblue. Pelosi's bill isnt even corona related. Full of voting and green new deal bullshit
You are a brainwashed liberal so low IQ you cant see that you support evil people, sick evil people
Brainwashed liberal nazis are about to have a wake up call bigger then Trump winning
Stop supporting sick and evil people
>dem bill extends H1B for poo tech workers
This is a bad move for the dems. The EU is considering seriously to make coronaeuros real
Will this affect the house election in districts like pic related and OK-5?
Vote for some one better.
shouldn't you be thanking the dems from keeping america away from evil socialism> Can't get more socialist than giving free money; whether it's in the form of a tax writeoff or printed cash it's all the same
As long as you know your role.
They are going to bail out industries over this and we will pay for it with cuts to cool shit. Let us get TrumpBux for once.
>1 post
I'll bite
Completely ignored the part that said it will be based on your 2018 tax return, guess what you need in order to file your W2? A FUCKING JOB
I think the early voter shit they're trying to pass is mostly aimed at senate races, but I don't know for sure.
it is not socialism, it is taxpayers' money going back to them as loan and have to pay back later
Leave it to a leaf to not understand how economics work. The ((free money)) is aimed at relieving people that aren't able to work and giving spending power to people so they can keep the economy moving. Completely different from an actual structure of socialism and sustained periods of free shit.
That’s 250 billion a month. Not total
She's based!
No slush funds
Playing Republicants like fiddles
What a MILF!
She is a piece of shit
They're not writing checks directly to billionaires, they're giving liquidity to banks so the economy doesn't collapse and millions more people lose their jobs, you retarded mongrel.
>corporations are just the CEOs
Ignore the hundreds of thousands of employees and shareholders amirite?
It's just the Feds returning the money they robbed from us all last year.
why not nationalize the banks, and then bail them out?
Dems are trying to get illegals and felons to vote now because they're losing support from white citizens, lol.
>Bwaaaaaah Liberals make me shit my diapers!
Still waiting for an argument
Because imagine AOC and Maxine Waters trying to run a corporation.
Our politicians are chosen mostly on arbitrary popularity contests, not actual skill.
Retarded boomer
>Ignore the hundreds of thousands of employees
They're getting money while the company lays them off
>Ignore the hundreds of thousands of shareholders
They are capitalists who took on risk, risk has occasional consequences. If your capitalism keeps needing welfare and socialism to bail it out, to guarantee profits and dividends for the leisure class, then your executives are mismanaging your company.
>Why are Democrats so evil bros?
Why are Republicans hell bent on giving every penny the taxpayers have to their corporate masters?
niggers already get gibs for voting democrat. Dey not stupid
Okay, so just let them fail then?
Did the USSR refuse to bail-out its state-owned industries?
what the fuck is "other"
you don't necessarily need 'elected officials' to run them tho
you just need someone who's accountable to the public
a bureaucrat or technocrat will do
Anybody appointed in big blue cities will be an 80IQ nigger who rents gay prostitutes.
Why do Democrats vote against their own interest?
Because they want to cuck for random 3rd-world immigrants they never met. It's their fetish.
What interest U stupid idiot?
The fact that we bailed out rich fuckers twice in the last 15 years is fucking stupid
Either we all get $10k for the year or all politicians can go fuck themselves
>mfw his phone autocorrects to the word he uses more often
Said a friggin american. You know what a forced meme is right and that "mutt's law," is one
I don't get offended by mutt memes because I know it doesn't apply to me. I don't consider shitskins and liberals to be truly white.
The D one is better.
The answer is in her bank account
>Business man bad
>Job bad
>Money good
You can only pick one commietard
Fake student debt relief.
Anyone can get an income based payment plan
No income =No payment
All bullshit. Senate better vote NO
t. Democrat
>Has no leg to stand on
>playing Republicans like a fiddle"
Enjoy 4 more years of Trump and 24 more years of Republican rule
She's just mad the slush fund doesn't go to the billionaires paying for her.
It's emergency aid.
Why is emergency aid only emergency aid when it goes to Mexicans and Africans?
You're retarded. It says it's 50/50 for two months. All 50 to corporations, then 25 for two months for people. But fuck it, let's raise it from 1.2 trillion to 30 trillion to help every fucktard.
Except if they wake up they will see they are not helped so much as being kept in a containment they can never break free from
t. Broke free thanks to God
These hysterical maniacs deeply and sincerely HATE Americans, and Trump is simply an avatar of the hatred they have for YOU.
>imagine the level of pure-kike hatred in the very core of your marrow, it would take to block relief money to your own nations citizens, during a global virus epidemic.
The fucking audacity of these two to smugly deny desperately necessary relief because of "deficient provisions for wind and solar energy" is beyond comprehension, and truly it borders on the ludicrous.
These kikes are soulless, there is virtually no other conclusion you can draw.
Its truly time Americans physically do something about them.
Democrats blocked Trump money on grounds of:
>desire for solar and wind tax credits
>FULL funding of planned parenthood, now
>Canceling of $30k student debt
These people are a level of evil the average American simply is not prepared to embrace. The world-shattering effect the realization of this fact will have on the population will be cathartic.
Bout fucking time!
Hog-man can't control gravity? I guess he's no pig-emperor! LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
this picture is so great
>republicans trying to help those in need
>democrats trying to be fiscally responsible