I'm wasted as fuck now. I thought that drinking could make me feel better...

I'm wasted as fuck now. I thought that drinking could make me feel better, but now I just can't help thinking how I hate this fucked up world. And well, sooner or later I'll be death alone, exactly the same thing as I'm lonely and dead inside now.
Give me a reason why I shouldn't leave this world tonight?

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Death is a dream.

You will always wake up.


c'mon man. start by telling us your life story

The COVID-19 PCR tests are for genes that if found individually result in a negative test, but found together result in a positive test. So one false positive is negative, but two false positives makes it positive. How accurate are these tests? We have no reference to know if someone recieves a false positive, or if the tests are accurate. No one can be sure they have the virus. 86% of infected never show symptoms. It's just like the HIV/AIDS hoax!

The chances of a virus mutating across species is ZERO, and across multiple species even less. It has never happened, never will happen, and never could happen. The only way humans can get a virus or flu from another species is if it is injected into them, period. And the chances of it going across species multiple times? It can not happen, ever. Dogs, cats, sheep, pigs, and others have tested positive for this COVID-19. It's 100% impossible. All signs point to the testing being false positive. How many times are we going to fall for this?

It's exactly like the HIV hoax. West Nile, SARS, AIDS, and Hepatitis C are all invented by the CDC and WHO. The testing is even similar to HIV, which is fake. The statistics make ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE.

Watch this documentary House of Numbers on how the CDC and world governments invented the AIDS epidemic out of nowhere: youtu.be/BsT4GrimfLQ

Thousands of people died to the h1n1 vaccine. The spanish flu was created by vaccinations. All viruses are symbiotic in that they detoxify the body to prevent aging, especially in the respiratory system. They have been evolving with us for billions of years. They are manufactured within the cells. They are not foreign invaders that hijack your cells. That is fantasy. They are as much a part of us as our immune system. We have never proven viral infections are contagious. ANY deadly virus is either man-made or made-up.

Do NOT get tested. Do NOT take any drugs they give you. And for the love of jesus christ DO NOT GET VACCINATED!

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pls rember that wen u feel scare or frigten
never forget ttimes wen u feeled happy
wen day is dark alway rember happy day

>Give me a reason why I shouldn't leave this world tonight?
What do you thinks after deaths

Because I’ll be very sad if you died. Maybe you should seek some therapy or counseling, I’m sure it will help you feel much better

do it faggot

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well drunk ass do something useful and stop EARN IT

We need signatures to keep encryption alive. Get the word out we have just 2x weeks to 100,000 sigs, theyre trying to make it sound like its for the children when its for undermining our rights to privacy on everything.


You guys will hate me, I promise. I hate myself, too
Absolutely nothing, I guess, and I hope so

Terry Davis. Never forget who they took from you. Live on just to spite them. God bless user.

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s'il te plaît user, s'il te plaît... fait pas ça d'accord ? T'as bu, tu ne raisonnes pas, tu as l'alcool triste,

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Honestly it's up to you man, if you think it's your time then go ahead. I would wait until you aren't drunk though because you're liable to mess up and cripple yourself or something
Try and make it painless

Have another drink, go for a walk, nothing beats a walk across fields drunk out of your mind.

So full of cider and hatred.

That's a nice quote.

>I'll be death

ultimate sin

Hang on for a few more years and you'll see some shit. You don't wanna miss it.

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don't you have to be american to sign?

Because it get better.
Simple as that.

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we reach the ultimate happening, and you wanna check out ? wtf user. alcohol is fuckng your head.

It is but it sounds way to coherent for Terry Davis

Life is a gift, as shitty as it may be sometimes
Look after yourself and be kind to yourself, it can be a little better on occasion

mais qu'il est con

2 simple reasons: killing yourself might take you to a worse place, living through pain and suffering in life might take you to a better place. Keep moving forward, faggot.

OP, like someone else asked here what's your life story? things right now really might look like a sinking ship but as i did the other night myself in getting pretty fucking wasted for the negatives that crept through my head i still came to the conclusion that i love life, and if it comes to being past tense eventually loved it. Maybe part of that is despite being alone i had family and friends who were able to soften that. Know this though and know it well, even if your life wasn't what it seemed or what you wanted i want you to know that in many ways you might've done more than you thought. Take care of yourself as best as you can OP.

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Proof that France has never won a war, everybody.

Just do it, it’s going to get so much worse in the next few months it’s not worth going on

you du nut wanna miss the final Show lad

Are you still there ? Sleep, then tomorrow look at the sun, read, listen to music, quit this awful place user, stop exposing yourself to negativity, you don't need that


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Drinking does make you feel better.
When you're drunk. But there's always a price to pay come next morning.

So what's wrong?

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>op youtube.com/watch?v=VahuChwc_O8

>Give me a reason why I shouldn't leave this world tonight?
You wouldn't believe how good things are gonna get soon once Coronachan passes.

People will see why borders are important.
People will see how the rise of China affects their life and why China must be stopped.
People will notice that while everyone else sacrificed and pulled together during the crises, the banking class profited and sent the world into a recession.
People will wonder why they should bother paying back the banks at all.

This is all gonna really wake people up. There's gonna be an uprising against the Jewish banking systems but this time it's not just gonna be Germany it'll be the entire world. It's gonna be great, you don't wanna miss it

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>But there's always a price to pay come next morning.
what does it feel to have a hangover? I dont think I can get one

>Give me a reason why I shouldn't leave this world tonight?

You got a rocket ship?

You get to live in france man. 30 million canadians are jelious of you.

Big boys don't ask for permission

Like death, but you actually have to live through it.

If you're white you will kys either way. You lot seem to like doing that so yeah, just kys François.

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idk why I cant have it
I drank both little and A LOT of alcohol a few times, and never had even a mild migraine

the time I drank the most I was still a bit drunk in the morning but no head pain or dizzyness

I had this in a dream once. I was on a high mountain with my wife on vacation and we could see into space.

I've met a few people who don't get hangovers.. count your blessings, they suck.

I jest. You people have my respect. I love your new culture.

As Jesus said, "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And yet not one falls to the ground outside of your Father's care. And even the very hairs of your head are numbered. So don't be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows."

If God cares for each sparrow and numbers the hairs on our head, he loves you even more and has a plan he needs you to fulfill.

Isn't it lovely
All alone
Heart made glass
My mind of stone

I'm sorry. To everyone. For everything.
I'm so sorry


We can ficky ficky to make things better

Eat some chocolate butter and you will feel better soon. Yea dont drink again. Also look at the monty python video look at the bright side of life. You will understand how its all just a shit show. Make the best of it. Dont take it so serious. gosh. Cheer up.

Oh yea, stop worshipping materialistic things that will make you want to eff yourself too. Start to look into the deeper things in life beyond this shallow shit place.

Fuck off faggot

extremely based

based and i hope your country doesnt go to shit

Stop giving up you bitch ass frog. We are descended from Kangs.

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For the record, I feel all the things that the op does but I also recognize OP is probably a government scientist, or a scumbag journo, doing a "study" about how "Nazis" feel having been left out of globohomo because they said jews exist, or they didn't borrow 100k on a fake degree, or they weren't born to nigger parents, or or or.

>I made a heaven that only I can get into, everybody else can go to hell

>literal germanoid faggot invader who let half of france be invaded and looted by arabs to get rid of his rival

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Stay alive!

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>It is, but it sounds way too coherent for Terry Davis
Well, that's the thing. A lot of people only knew Terry for his schizo "highlights", but there were many many times he was coherent and thoughtful, just like the quote above. You had to watch a lot of his live streams to see it, though. Terry Davis was a poet-warrior.

If time is cyclical, death will not save you from your suffering

Frog it's up to you to stop your drinking. It's not helping you at all. Start working out, go to church, stop drinking.

First get something to eat and then sleep it off. Then change your life.

Your country is full of Niggers, pick up a machete and an hero.

Go out and preach it made me feel better today

Newfound respect for him

Drinking makes things worse. I hope you've learned a lesson.

Stop drinking and sort your fucking life out loser.

OP is kill

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Nigga unironically don't. Theres always a bloody way and if you need someone to talk to hit me up.
No matter what has happened in the past, the past is the past and you cannot change it anymore. You still have your future ahead of you lad, and it does get better, I promise, if you take action.
And lastly, if you are at the point that you would end your life, you might as well keep going. It cannot possibly get any worse than that.
So go ahead, post your story ITT and get advice and shitposts.

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Very based

booze not only kills brain cells, but also prevents new ones from growing. it literally makes you stupid and stupid people aren't happy. small problems seem huge. quit