Whats your excuse for not owning a house and still living with your parents you manchild?

Whats your excuse for not owning a house and still living with your parents you manchild?

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I have crippling depression. I can’t find the will power to do anything other than shitpost here!!! Oh God; how did I get here!!!!!!


I wanted more than life could ever give me.

Home ownership is a myth. It's all "rates" this and "taxes" that.

I can't own it outright, so I wont even bother pretending.

>worthless degree
>never intended to get a career
>just went to college to party and fuck bitches
>have never paid rent
>parents still cook dinner for me
>have 60k inheritance coming my way in 6mo-1year

I'm gonna blow the inheritance on hookers in thailand and then OD on opium in Cambodia or something. this society is for normie NPC cattle faggots. id rather die than participate in this misery. fuck you OP you're a fucking nigger and i hope you die

>saving £6,000 in just six months
genuinely forget how shit everyone here has it, most people don't even have £100 saved up.

So they had $6000, then they saved $6000 more, then they went $208,000 into debt to live in a fancy house, yet they aren’t even married.

> feeding the real estate jew bubble
no ty

I’m sorry we are working with pounds not dollars, my b

>$6000 down payment
>on a $220000 houes
God the mortgage must be huge

>Thinking real life is like CSI
you are a potato and techniques used to trace chain of events aren't mystery school occult hieroglyphics you dumb faggot. I can see how it would seem like an impossible task to someone like you though. Nice that you larp about being a 100% altruist, how dare someone want to make a living by providing a service at their own ultimate expense and risk? This is why you ABC queers are a minority and stay that way, why you need media mouth pieces shilling global propaganda points for you to parrot. Enjoy the fact you cant and wont do anything to a property owner with a brain, so󠛡yboy

I take care of my mother and she doesn't want me to waste my money buying a different home. Intergenerational wealth is a large theme in my family

Sounds like their parents cosigned the mortgage. No way in hell do a pair of teenagers get one with

You are a child living at the expense of someone else

So with 12k of deposit they got 220k of a loan? How?

>35 years old
>still live with parents
>make $6K a year working part time
>rest of the time is taking care of my family and running errands for them
>desperately want to leave but I can't on my income
>too dumb to learn programming
>all business ideas I start fail within the 1st 2 months
>have starting dozens of failed businesses over the years
I could keep going but I'm getting depressed just listing my life.

>208k + interest in debt
i think me and you have different notions of what owning a house means

Never had a mortgage before? Debt is good lul

Sounds like you might be functionally retarded user, why not get on welfare?

Sofa surfing when you have money is theft.

Great bait post mate, you almost had me.

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whoa only SIX months to save 6k?

rich parent cosigner

How bad do you think they got fucked by extra costs and interest by not having the required down payment? Bankers here really fucking stick it to you for that.

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>£220 000 house


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Failure looks a lot like success until it doesn't.

I own a house though.

Am I supposed to be impressed they managed to get a 6k savings in 6 months? Thats not really super hard. If anything, I'm kind of worried they were spending that much going out. Who spends a solid grand every month going out?

This article is a mortgage advertisement.
>3% down payment, absolute lowest bs.
In US you need 10-20%
>Parents must be cosigning otherwise interest rate would be 20+%
>No way two 19-20 y/o would not be spending most of their entire take home pay on mortgage and insurance.
If one these young people stop working they will be struggling.
>Implying this is a smart move

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She'll be fucking chad in that house in no time and when the guy gets wind of it she'll call the cops, claim domestic abuse and his ass will be out on the street.

Best part is he'll be stuck paying for a house he can't even set foot in.

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i own a house and havent lived with my parents since I left for college

wow they owe 214,000 (?) pounds?
i sure hope that absolutely nothing happens between january 31 2020 and now that will prevent them from being able to make their monthly payments

Take away the currency signs and look at the numbers you simpleton

Everyone thinks this is pioneer America where they should be able to find a plot of land and settle down for free but the system has evolved the past hundred years or so

Do you even attempt to stay grounded in reality when you write this mutts law fanfic?

>couch surfing
Yeah, only the dude was sleeping on other people' couches. The 19 year old was sleeping in the host's bed making down payment money.

dont live with my parents but i still rent because i live in a place i dont want to stay long term. got enough money for a down payment in a better state, i just need a job I can do there.

anyone know anybody hiring in idaho, montana, wyoming, or northern utah?

this society is for literal fucking retards. anyone whom becomes domesticated and docile enough to actually get by in this jewish civilisation deserves this world

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I rent an apartment I pay for with my own job. I don't own a house because I tend to move around a lot and have no family to hold me where I'm at. I'll probably just cave and buy one in a year or two, especially if the market crumbles since everyone seems to be forcing the home ownership pill down my throat, but I just don't see any value unless you know you are going to be living there for 5+ years.

theres no excuse.
>muh rent/mortage too high
then move out of whatever shithole globohomo city youre in. not only are they going to be death traps because of wuflu, but even before it was a deathtrap. find a job in a less populated area. get a man job in oil/gas, mining, some blue colar work and MOVE. I did this and pay about 480 a month for my house. just figure it out, get a fucking house and escape the big cities. Everyone was misearble there, and they sure as hell will be miserable now.

My state had a great first time homebuyer grant that basically gave us our down payment. We got a good deal on our home. Our house has a mother in law suite and my mother in law lives in her own quarters with her own utilities, etc. She helps us with our kids greatly and we don't have to worry about daycare. It really works out great.

If these kids don't have cosigners or some other source of cash like a trust they will be paying 300k in interest alone easy

As long as you can show a steady stream of income that's reasonably higher than the would-be payments, you can get a loan with no down payment (at least in the US). It's just really stupid to do that.

>buying a house with your girlfriend

And what happens when she dumps his ass for Ahmed and Tyrone? Will he be forced to sleep in the cuck shed outside?

Relax Boomer, the neet Bux will flow to you in rent so you can pass it on to the bank in interest. The bank will then give it back to government in tax whilst the Jew skims his profit. Situation normal

Targeted Individual Program since years ago.

fuck you nigger, you wish it was bait, but im just dope as fuck. eat shit and die. fuck you

My first thought too. I bet mummy and daddy are very helpful though

How long until she dumps him and takes the house?

They'll be paying as much again in interest

>killing yourself with drugs and hedonism is BASED
>working to own property is BLUEPILLED
the absolute state of nu/pol/ + lefty/pol/ zoomers larping as Yas Forums

I'm a grandfather user. I have no intention of supporting my family OR my community. . I was aware of the problems of feminism before your mother even took a breath. I left my kids to rot in a vietnamese orphanage

cope harder.
>why dont you have a house?
I want you to tell someone in real life this. tell a man that owns a house this and he will just stare at you like you are smearing shit all over yourself.

>In US you need 10-20%
>>Parents must be cosigning otherwise interest rate would be 20+%
False for US, no clue about bongland
>>No way two 19-20 y/o would not be spending most of their entire take home pay on mortgage and insurance.
>If one these young people stop working they will be struggling.
You don't know their income, retard
>>Implying this is a smart move
See above


you be a man and dont allow that to happen. stop parroting shit you read on Yas Forums and using that as an excuse for being a fucking loser. better yourself.

>If you take personal responsibility you're a boomer
dumb faggot enjoy getting COOFed on while lining up in centerlink

You are nu/pol/ plain and simple

Imagine letting them sleep at your place because they are "doing it tough" then six months later they own a house.

>t. seething debt slave

Imagine not only cohabitating but BUYING A HOUSE with your 19 year old gf at age 20. They (probably just him tbqh) are going to financially crippled for the next 20 years. This is the most retarded decision I think I've ever seen. I give them 3 years tops.

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>No u

My mother inherited over £500k back in 2010 from her father when he died. She spent it all on makeup, clothes and various skin-creams from QVC while aside £50k to split for me and my 2 brothers.

I seriously hate her for what she's done. She's never worked more than 30 hours a week (I'm in my first job and working 40+), she's never paid rent and was able to just leech off my non-biological father (I'm a bastard as are my brothers) for a home. When an opportunity arose to really set me and my brothers up well and have us all get our own properties/expand the family by having our own kids, she instead chose to burn all that money on stupid fucking creams advertised to her by shows that take advantage of the mental illness within her.

Borrowing 214,000 pounds and buying a house one month before the biggest financial crash in history. Doesn't seem that smart to me.

this board is a shithole. old Yas Forums really was much better. 80% of posters here are absolute fucking faggots. or niggers

What a cunt.

>my couch surfing buddies are meant to reaffirm my apathy and stasis not make me feel inadequate!!!

And they're on-hook for $29,000 a year in property taxes.

You need to get on late at night for quality content.

It worked out really great. My kids love having their grandmother with them. I never had grand parents so it's nice that my kids have the opportunity. She's a hell of a good cook too.

That's pounds. So it's half to triple that in US dollars.

What do you mean?

8ch going down funnelled lefty/pol/ here, on top of the years of cancer newfaggotry

This place should have the Yas Forums unique filter for every post, would significantly improve the board

Well, since I'm a faggot who is rather enjoying himself than saving up for a house, I am simply working on making enough money to either pay off the mortgage in under five years or to buy the whole house at once with about one year of savings. Not that hard in Czech Republic when you're not retarded.

>spent £56k deposit on a £280k house in Jan
>mortgage starts April 1st

fuck my life. I've been saving for years


People need to have more appreciation for their lineage and their responsibility with their parents.

It is precisely consumism and hyperindividialism why we are in such a shitty state.

People need to stop thinking life is like movies.

The only scenary where I see logical wanting to get the fuck away, is when having a shitty family, and no, arguing with your parents over you spending half a day on you computer is definitely not having a shitty family.

Sage and report?

As it should be really

>be me
>make near six figures working as an apprentice plumber
>living with parents to save money
I have more money than any of you faggots.

>It's just really stupid to do that.
But if they were renting a place that would just be lost money. Isn’t it better to just buy a house and try to make larger than needed payments so you can finish it faster than paying rent and saving the down payment?

at 19, she hasnt had time to ruin her credit.


Buying is fucking retarded. Renting is the better strategy. I'm rich as fuck.

I had a similar situation. I don't know why, but it seems like these massive fortunes are always bestowed on the dumbest and worst people. This is a trend unique to baby boomers however because millennial and zoomers will never inherit shit.


They also couch surfed instead of renting. So they went semi-hobo for 6 months to save up 6k.

I work with people that make $70K and they get mortgages with less than 20% down, they bitch about this thing called "PMI" which is mortgage insurance......seems very odd, just wait until you have 20% down, or better yet 50% down.

>buying a 220k house after saving 6k up
i don't get it did they just clone the money?

Just wait a few days and his post will be accurate.

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down payment hans

>make near six figures working as an apprentice plumber
No, just no. You'll make that when you become a Journeyman and go into business for yourself though.

Jokes on you
I own the house that my parent live in

For Canadianfags......I can get you your downpayment if you have a large backlogged RRSP donation limit on your taxes.....just dont do this with a crashing market.

1. Take out a large loan and use it to buy an RRSP in something safe (money market)
2. Do this right before tax cutoff and then file your taxes with the RRSP included...the result is a huge windfall on your taxes....this is your downpayment.
3. Find and buy your house with the downpayment.
4. Partake of the first time home buyers program. This allows you to collapse a RRSP to buy a home, but the money can be used for anything as long as you are buying a home.
5. Pay off your loan with the RRSP withdrawal. You may have one or two months of loan payments.....also you now have an RRSP that you slowly have to pay back into, but that money is yours.

This works and I have done it. Also wait for the market to collapse and the Chinamen to get driven out and then go for it.

At least you have enough willpower to shitpost. Don't give those jannies a break.

>12000£ down payment
>220000£ house
The Jew who gave them that mortgage must be laughing hysterically

I could afford to buy a house but...
>Memphis, TN
not sure about putting down roots...

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Dont union apprentices make upper 20$/hr in the states, Journeyman like 30-45? $100K is doable when they work 7/12's.

I can only lay thanks at my non-biological Dad who was born before the Boomers. He's not related to me, yet he looked after me and my brothers, providing a home while working 12+ hours throughout my entire childhood so that we could all have £90k each. He's truly a saint and I can't say I'd have done the same things as him given I'm not his.


Only poor people call it that. Big boys call it leverage. Mortgages are the best thing about buying a house, if I had to pay upfront I’d be a renter for life and put all that money into stocks and bonds.

I was going to put an offer on a nice 2-bed place this week, however BoJo's recent announcements have put another layer of uncertainty on my job for the time being, so I'm going to play it safe.

What's more, it'd be a bit of a bastard if I dropped a £50k mortgage on a place only for its value to fall through the floor because of a market crash in the next couple of months.

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Buying a house in a city right now is the same as throwing $100,000 into an active bonfire.

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Well, I'm sure that someone at QVC bought a house for that. Seriously though, when I hear stories like this, I'm kinda glad that everyone in my family is poor so we have no wealth to fight over.

That explains everything.

This. It started with instituting public education during the Industrial Revolution and really kicked into gear after WWII with women entering the workplace and it's only gotten worse since then.

It's especially bad in Canada & US because of the boomer meme that to be successful one has to leave home at 18 and be completely self-sufficient.

so basically the went into 200k debt instead of renting a flat? god damn idiots

welfare nigger makes a shitpost

Literally this same situation happened with me except I got $0. My father died and left almost a million dollars, my mother spent it all on jewelry and literally giving it away to strangers to try to buy friendships.

>saved 6k in just six months
Is this supposed to be impressive?