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Hilary would of handled this crisis so much better. FACTS.

Attached: Trump.jpg (1000x1000, 118.51K)

paper tiger


Majin Buu was bad ass

>go vote for biden
>starts coughing

yeah no thank you.

Biden would probably give us Coronabux... js..

>taken outside of a williamsburg coffee shop


Attached: tumblr_pefkyi42fL1vaupil_1280.jpg (1117x636, 87.51K)

Yes, Trump is a paper tiger.

How is it that every one of these threads you make the poll is different? If it is changing that dynamically, with such a small margin between the two, it is essentially a coin flip and meaningless to gloat over.

I don't get it, what the fuck does it matter what a betting page thinks? Didn't those people also said 99% Hillary 0% Trump 1% potato?

People who vote there are shitposters or angry SJW liberals that will commit suicide when Trump wins again.

Attached: Spirit of Hitler.jpg (1920x1080, 135.73K)

Hillary was, what, 98%?
46.4% is gonna be a landslide for Trump!

Imagine attacking Trump with a pandemic and Biden ONLY being .2% ahead of him.

Do American's vote blindly? Or do they willingly and knowingly vote on a pedophile? Either of those two is really fucking terrible. You are a terrible country. We didn't come close to doing the lasting damage you have caused, and you did it without ovens and camps, really amazing, boggles the mind.

Reddit must have crashed again

Does it even matter which senile boomer gets to be the next puppet of the Jews?

Attached: Zz8w.jpg (524x800, 82.21K)

Unironically true, so would my 18 year old nephew.

fuck i just realized 2020 is going to be like 2016
get ready for a new wave of r*ddit

Attached: 1497026866832.jpg (421x421, 34.76K)


>muh 0.2%

All Trump has to do is air an add of all the times Biden groped little kids.

Attached: Biden kid-touching compilation.jpg (953x960, 142.48K)

Can't wait for the debates, Trump will make biden lose track of his thoughts easily. it's going to be hillarious

Listen Fat, are you challenging me to aN IQ push-up contest?
sage in options

Bro, you continuously vote for a LADY who has straight up ruined your country.

Attached: 1515836544353.jpg (850x566, 37.25K)

this election is gunna be so much fun
>trump wins
4 more years of liberal reeing
wall will go up
beaners put back into a can
>biden wins
based accelerationism

(((they))) literally can't win against us

Trump will win with a landslide victory

Your people came close to ending this system of Jewish rule through puppets. At least you tried, nobody else even put up a serious fight, with the possible exception of Imperial Russia.

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You do realize Hillary literally had a 90% in these same betting odds, and she still lost.

Attached: Trump-and-Clinton-betting-payouts.jpg (305x334, 20.05K)

Trump has been credibly accused of sexual assault by over a dozen women.

We win in the end

They weren’t credible though

and nobody careeeeeeeeeees

Both will die from Covid-19

And nothing of value was lost.


Attached: F62C53CF-D69E-4E9C-95F0-D1772F5495C1.jpg (750x923, 120.95K)

biden has been continually declining and Trump continually increasing since you faggots started making these threads.

Biden was reddit’s favorite VP.
There were a ton of “bro-tier” memes about the guy.
Since we all know 4chin has no control over the elections and reddit always gets those AMA from politicians and celebs, in guessing biden is confirmed next president. Hmmmm how does it feel faggots that literal lehddit is more of an opinion maker than your shithole?

Electoral situation isn't the same as it was in 2016 dipshits. Trump is toast.



>handles it by having more market dependence on China and opening the borders wider

Leftist logic.

Attached: Antifa ball anti-protectionism.png (1200x1264, 366.45K)

Where is Joe Biden? I’m betting he will lose in November.

He is dropping the ball bigly

wtf is this, 2015?
>it's even easier

That's not "electoral simulation" you brainlet.

Those are betting odds.

You are so fucking dumb it's hilarious.

Attached: 1B9Tk3.jpg (800x550, 43.86K)

Trump didn't have 4 years serving in office. It's irreverent now.

As absolutely terrible as she is, she is not a literal pedophile.

Where is Joe anyway?

Not according to your poll in the OP which sets the odds for either winning well within the margin of error and has dynamically changed over the past few hours it has been reposted.

did he return from hiding?

You're either bait or a sad cope, kys anyway.

Attached: Mein Kampf.jpg (1920x2148, 380.21K)

Probably with a minor in his mansion

Is Biden even alive?

It's like they forgot all those "polls" showing Hillary with over 90% chance of winning

What happened that day? Is that when they threw her into the back of a van?

Did Joe catch the China flu, where is he?

Women and only accused

Biden on the other hand:
Children, and witnessed, on tape, for the world to see.

so many larping gooks here

The blood of younglings no doubt keeps him invigorated.

well, maybe she will soon

Can someone post the screenshot of the antifa discord that said they were gonna raid pol with anti-trump threads?

what gambling site is this from?

Yeah, okay. According to what?

Assuming that demented fuck does become president, within the first year they'll invoke the 25th and force him out. Then we'll have some dusty dyke for president. Better to keep Trump. The country is fucked enough without some anti-humanist anti-capitalist anti-American agenda being force-fucked into everyone's lives.

That was election day.


This! So much this!

True. Nobody ever accused Trump until he ran against Hillary

>anti-humanist anti-capitalist anti-American agenda being force-fucked

>implying it isn't.

Fuck sakes.
Rebellion now

You do realize Majin Buu is an unkillable good guy in Dragon Ball right?

>unlikely thing happened so likely things will never happen again!

So what's the price of a buy-in anyway? 46 cents? So spend 46 dollars, win 100 when Trump gets re-election.

>raiding a shithole
What are they gonna do? Post quality content for a change of pace we aren't accustomed to?

thank god. keep driving the odds up so i can cash in again.

Trump wins in every situation.

If this pandemic blows over, republitards will be out in full droves to vote for the man while demcucks make up excuses to not vote.

If the election is held online, Russians hack it in Trump's favor but nobody is savvy enough to make a case that results in Trump's removal.

If the election is delayed, Trump is president for longer and goes back to one of the previous two scenarios.

OP is a faggot.

>not buying the 1am dip


Who gives a fuck the whores wanted it, lefties ask to go in for a kiss.

They only accused him after he ran for president.

>gay low quality thread from anti-trump shill
>What are they gonna do? Post quality content for a change of pace we aren't accustomed to?
every day you fuckers get stupider

>he thinks voting actually determines the president

Attached: 1552943740858.jpg (640x533, 29.8K)

This, 17 of the last 19 Presidents were members of the Trilateral Commission

Imagine Antifa having to shill for Biden, lol.

Attached: Stonetoss Biden defeats socialism.png (1500x500, 63.9K)

OP, you know damn well that the polls are inaccurate. I know it’s a hard reality, and you tell yourself «this time the polls/odds are right» over and over again to make yourself feel better, but deep down you know Trump has already won and polls that shows otherwise are completely wrong

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B-but muh made up numbers tho!

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A more accurate poll!

Attached: Creepyy.jpg (446x330, 29.24K)

You see we have a constitution we like to uphold, even if that means some butthurt neo-retards

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Quality post newfriendo

Biden is gonna choke. He wont be trump.

Which site is best to use for US citizens?

o i am laffin

SPAY, QUEEN! Yassss!