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Other urls found in this thread:


Post rare drumpfs

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Trump is a fucking clown Pence would've been a much better President even though he is a super christcuck.

>literally who
>man we hate drumpf now
Get lost retard 2020 landslide

nigga this has been the case for two years outside of you /r/the_donald faggots

No ones turning on Trump you literal-who twatter-posting faggot

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Anyone trusting the plan extra trustfully lately?


>1 post by this ID
>Trump is done this time
Op.... I'm sorry, but this thread is just sad.

>Get lost retard 2020 landslide

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>Anyone trusting the plan extra trustfully lately?
bigot! the real plan is to push for gay rights, give our paychecks the banks and to israel, and to release nigger rapists from prison. maga

who the fuck is will wescot

>Grifters showing their true colors oh no

>Post rare drumpfs

> (OP)
>Trump is a fucking clown Pence would've been a much better President even though he is a super christcuck.

>nigga this has been the case for two years outside of you /r/the_donald faggots

> (OP)
>Anyone trusting the plan extra trustfully lately?

>>Get lost retard 2020 landslide
Hey what's the discord again I lost it?

Attached: 1584755122110.jpg (686x1024, 123.62K)

>Hey what's the discord again I lost it?
[email protected]

I don't know who that is.

>meme president turns out to be a meme

>no blue check
opinion discarded!
everyone knows only the blue checks are truth


also, pence seems to genuinely care about america as opposed to trump who clearly just uses the office for profit and ego massaging

Seething kikes

Attached: 1584661799084.gif (303x228, 1.81M)

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH you almost got me there for a second and almost got those quads.

literally bra.

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Orangeman spaz

He's not even going to hold the fucking chinks responsible.
Damn right I'm going to turn on him.

daily reminder that trump set up the coronavirus taskforce and banned travel to and from china in january while the democrats were impeaching him and the media was screeching that his ban was racist and ineffective.

Gonna laugh when you kill yourself

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>you got to go back to your shit job that you hate so you can catch this disease and die! muh economy
fuck you

Attached: 1584799956249.jpg (1242x1219, 234.88K)

>trump approval skyrocketing
>literally who on twitter

how many times have you guys had to make new discords?

Attached: based expose.png (1506x718, 421.73K)

Trump ends war with Afghanistan.

Sends us all to die at home.

What a bait and switch that was huh?

You're wasting your propaganda moron

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Is ok bra just waiting on those TrumpBuk any day now.

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oh fuuck block EARN IT

We need signatures to keep encryption alive. Get the word out we have just 2x weeks to 100,000 sigs, theyre trying to make it sound like its for the children when its for undermining our rights to privacy on everything.



user I...


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Real right wingers realize the entire political system as a kabuki theater that always swims left. Red team is the outer party and those with trillions bend policy to their will no matter which team is in power. Neocons and civic nationalists are not right wingers.

>pence seems to genuinely care about america as opposed to trump who clearly just uses the office for profit and ego massaging

God we fucked up. a political/economic version of toll paid. we got fucked but no happy ending

500 likes.... riveting OP. Where's the money you donated to Yang? Oh right its Goneeee!



>Trump ends war with Afghanistan.
>Sends us all to die at home.
>What a bait and switch that was huh?

the cuck didn't end the war with Afghanistan though. President Lindsey Graham told trump to BTFO so now we are staying 4EVA to protect the cia's poppy fields

Will Wescott is basically a Richard Spencer sock puppet account. Spencer is literally an anti-white fed and everyone who still follows him is fucking retarded.

I'm at work as we speak... agriculture is essential. But please keep using the exact same dumb propaganda as you were told

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Dicky Spencer’s alt account.

Dont be mad bra Trump will win again what you so nervous about?

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what the fuck do you even care Argentia? I thought you were white... Fuck you regardless

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ahh, you really need to learn not to say shit, at least I know when it is now, and that you are a tranny nice way to out yourself.
Continue to seethe, even if Trump, gets kicked you entire communist globehomo plans just went up in dust.

Hey hey hey Im just taking the piss middle quarantine dont take personally.
You on the other hand keep getting mad.

You're the ones spamming tranny discord threads...

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Wait until he gets the virus

You think thats was a real link?

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Didnt Rand Paul was around him like a week ago?

>You on the other hand keep getting mad.

who said I was mad? why should I care about what some retarded trannie says on the internet, I only ever come to these threads to see how many of your friends I can draw in and trigger.

Attached: bernie bros.gif (379x400, 1.32M)

>who said I was mad?
You are mad I can tell.
I took a course on this shit.

>do nothing
>assemble task force

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>1 tweet from a literal who
please kill yourself OP

you need to work on your English but I applaud you on your efforts. good trolling.

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btw jews did 9/11
being gay is a choice
being transgender is a mental disease and (you) should be in a mental hospital right now.
>I took a course on this shit.
ahh, the psychology bachelor, how is that working out for you, working at MacDonald's?
>what is entp
should be easy for someone who "studied this shit".

Everybody criticizes Trump but there's no good way to handle this. I wouldn't want to be the leader of any Western nation right now. Fuck that. Fuck this shit.

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Why is it called H1N1 and not the American virus?

Based Will. Always has the hot takes

Yea I cant type for shit most of the time but what can you do public, school you know.
Man you still going huh?

because it too originated in china

Pence is a straight jewish bootlicker

It came from US pig farms

>literally who
Are you on twitter? If so, how do you not know that account?


Pretty much par for the course when it comes to Republicans.