Why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
because capitalism always wins.
fuck socialism
Because you signed a contract to live there?
Well, what are the options then?
Next time you get a job you can pay 3x the amount or something?
Talk to the landlord and get back to us
Delete your garbage half-ass lacking information thread.
>Dear Landlord
>Thank you for your kind words
>yada yada
>With best regards
>PS: I kindly remind you hereby that I am positive
>PPS: I also licked the paper so we can fistbump each other like bros
I once had a asshole of a landlord.
Firebombed his house, he survived with severe burns. O well.
>Then everyone clapped
Pay up, deadbeat.
sounds like a thing niggers and other violent subhumans would do
I got your rent right here.
fake and gay
shouldnt be allowed to vote if your a renter
>Sign contract to pay rent on time monthly
>Think some disease will change that
don't care your opinions, this isn't reddit, fag.
sorry Hans, I forgot you lost your cock to Mohammed while he rapes the woman in your country.
>puts millions on the street in one fell swoop
Not even the Soviet Union did this. Absolutely ridiculous.
>evictions banned
>landlord falls behind on the mortgage and is foreclosed on
Top kek.
Not my fault landlords are as over leveraged as a nigger with a Mercedes.
which womAn mohammed raped exactly?
maybe your mom while she is cleaning toilets in an office building here?
>I’ve made a lifetime of bad decisions and haven’t saved a cent so let’s start a movement against the person I identify as the antagonist in my dumb broken brain
April 1 is National Don't Pay Rent Day
If fags can have June, we get rent free April from now on
Just dont pay. These boomer parasites can eat shit
Hell if corporations do it, why not the people?
If they evict too many americans, will they find enough people with a job to replace them? It seems like a lose-lose situation.
Americans don't think, user.
victim shaming is a mutt religion
Why are Germans so fucking pathetic?
Because nobody said fuck no, like we need ppl to say on EARN IT
We need signatures to keep encryption alive. Get the word out we have just 2x weeks to 100,000 sigs, theyre trying to make it sound like its for the children when its for undermining our rights to privacy on everything.
Is the way of capitalist
Because that’s how the landowners make their money to buy food??
>every young person deserves to be fucked in the ass by kike landlords because their white boomer parents kicked them out at 18 and, amazingly, they can't afford college and mortgage at the same time with the amazing job they somehow got with zero experience or education
usa and the Italy at fault.
-american flu lives at 100000+
-america army at Wuhan
-great china economy now.
-we link supply countries europe no thanks.
-china solved American flu.
Why is the responsibility of the world because of bases American not looked at for spread virus?
it's more about allowing chinks to buy all of our real estate, destroy the mortgage system by giving niggers loans they'll never pay, and then forcing whites out into the streets to starve and get killed by rampaging shitskins by shutting down the economy
I so look forward to the end of Corona.
I will kick in any Germans face with a smile.
wtf is a legal right?
shut up asthma fag, you will be dead soon.
Says the Meximutt. Pretty sure if you had thought you wouldn't be controled by a criminal cartel government that's even more evil then the American government.
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Or non white or non Christian you hadji midget
Man this site is dogshit
The captcha is thrid world tier primitive horseshit
The mods are fucking trannie pieces of shit and leftypol nigher lovers hate us but cant fucking stay away because even this place is better than all of their echo chambers
Yeah they did, just into gulags, not the street
Pass a law where tenants get to know the address of their landowners. That's it. Landowners obviously know where their renters live, so make it fair.
>t. Shylock
If you rent a place and don't have at least 6 months worth of rent money in your bank, you deserve to be kicked, fucking leech.
Simple, if they come to remove you from the house, spit in their face, aim for the eyes if the mouth is covered
The company is Canadian. And the answer is they don't know. They just have to hope because their entire business expansion model is based off that income and using it to acquire additional property through mortgages. So yeah, when economic troubles happen, it's a lose-lose situation for literally everybody.
this is precisely the right way to do it. Why should all the frothing at the mouth liberals sitting at home on their asses getting full pay while shaming children for playing in parks at a distance less than six feet have a reduction in rent?
They are saying to reach out and we may be able to help. They’ll
probably want proof and some info on finances and will work with people who have lost their income.
What is wrong with this approach?
what an edgy fucking gypsie.
don't worry, you will have enough to smile when your prostitute sister comes back from germany bringing 2000€ saving she made in 6 months getting fucked by arabs and fat germans.
maybe she will bring you a new pair of nike shoes and a chocolate bar to increase the life in your disgusting shithole
Do you expect that your netflix stop working because of the corona crisis? Or your vidya? Internet? Electricity?
No right? Since you pay for a service and you want it working, 24/7, 100% perfectly.
Rent is no fucking different. You are paying for temporarily having a roof over your head. If you don't like it then buy a house. If you don't have the money then stay with your parents. If you have no parents or they hate you since you're a failure, then go sell your ass and mouth on the street until you have the rent money.
The landlord most of the time is a person just like you, not some evil billionaire who takes your rent money because he's evil. He has bills to pay and shit he needs to buy because of the virus, just like you. Maybe he's still paying that house to the bank and he needs part of your rent money to pay them back.
"Oh but its this evil apartment managing company or whatever its called" Yeah and if a million shitters refuse to pay rent because of the virus, the company will fall apart which will screw the people that always pay their rent.
Some people really think the world should just stop and hear their cries and pat them in the back, supporting every step they take or helping every time they fall or need something, which is extremely fucking childish. Plan ahead. SAVE MONEY. Stop wasting all your cash with stupid shit.
I'm terrified of the future since in 20-30 years or so, we will have a legion of 50+ people out there who will demand gibs because of their horrible life decisions.
poor jew their business model is to acquire everything
poor them
Fucking savage.
Go back
the cry of a boomer landlord
Imagine being the guy that pays rent days before martial law, fucking pathetic
This is why you'll be lined up along a wall and shot.
It's your fault you can't pay your bills and no one else's.
They have delayed the process of eviction though so there’s that.
> get a flu
> stop paying rent
there is no victim here, tho
unless you mean self-victimizing
I'm not a landlord but I'll be one in a couple of years. I'm a 36yo homeowner and I'll buy an apartment in NZ after I'm transferred there then rent this place. Just because you can't get out of your mcdonalds job doesn't mean everyone in the planet is just as fucked.
yes yes there is a mass of them being abused by hyper inflation central banking usury predatory market price gouging and more yes
but you're a stupid coward with no balls a little faggot unable defend anyone
a disgusting monkey future immigrant and landlord
you ask yourself why peoples hate you really?
why are op's fags? why did you only make one post in your own thread? why don't people sage?
the world may never know...
take meds please
>take meds please
>look mom I said it again
>I said him to take his med mom
cool story bro
force majure.
I'm for sure whiter than you. I'm moving to NZ because of my career, it could be Uganda or even Chinkcouver and I wouldn't care, since I want to go as far as possible with my work/financial life. You can call me monkey or whatever as much as you want, it won't change the fact that although you might think very highly of yourself, you're still a leaf who will never achieve 10% of what you call a monkey. Cope with that tonight whenever you go to sleep after jacking off like always.
Hopefuly some favela rat blows your brains out before you have the chance to shit up NZ