Anyone else pretty impressed with how he's handling this?
Anyone else pretty impressed with how he's handling this?
Fuck no lmao what a shitshow
Dude’s on point. Never seen anybody works as hard and as effective when under constant fire. He’s God sent.
Totally, libtards BTFO by the second great depression LMAO hope he can crash it more.
I'm entertained. I really just want to see him show his true colors that he does not give two fucks. Maybe laugh at Rand Paul. I want to see him call the virus "Boomer Remover" for shits and giggles
when he talks its like he must hit some word count so it ends up all being elementary bs
Was Biden voter but will vote trump
Greatest President... We support him... Fuck you burger... Knows nothing about the world...
Not perfect, but doing a pretty good job in a crisis.
yeh nah fuck off cunt
he's been in the office for 4 years and hasn't done shit
bernie 2020
He hasn't gone shit throwing crazy like i expected.
Honestly he was given a fucked scenario where he had to choose between crashing the economy with no survivors or killing a fucking ton of old and unhealthy people.
He's trying to save both by slowing the spread and at the same time doing some sort of stimulus. At the end of the day he won't save as many boomers as he would have by going full nuts on a shutdown of the country, and he wont totally crash the economy. He's done probably the best that could be done for the situation.
He can't read from a script good. But he speaks like he means it
He's doing well considering the circumstances. Kikes will fuck everything up though, whether in Washington or New York, they'll spread it and impede any progress to stop it.
he is awesome in how he is handling it, best president we have had in decades. That being said, we are all being distracted and we need to focus on Earn IT
We need signatures to keep encryption alive. Get the word out we have just 2x weeks to 100,000 sigs, theyre trying to make it sound like its for the children when its for undermining our rights to privacy on everything.
Are you joking?
Someone post the pic where he knew about this threat since last year and played golf and is in denial.
He is so fucking done after this. Zero leadership capabilities.
I'm impressed with his devotion to the accelerationist cause.
Yeah pretty good. I was a trumper yano kind of basically disappointed in him sonce but he's doing well with this I feel the chaos is bringing out the old Trump for whom we all had fire in our hearts.
Every world leader is capable of doing this.
It's a fucking joke. He is delusional if he really thinks that self quarantine etc will only have to last another week or so.
I'll be impressed when people start getting arrested.
Absolutely not. There was a point a couple days ago where it looked like he was on point but he's fucked it up, now. He hears Fox News talk about the cure being worse than the disease and he's gonna parrot them? Cuckold. Imagine a leader who is a mouthpiece for the press and not the other way around. Cuck shit. Lock everyone down. Give NEETbux. Tell the Jews and their markets to fuck off.
Dems are doing everything they can to crash the economy into the dirt and keep people from getting a reimbursment for this 2 week period.
We will come back stronger than ever before while at the same time crushing this chinese virus
Yea he is doing very well in the face of a global pandemic that we have never seen. Also to add to that every liberal fucking hook nose and everyone in the media is trying to destroy him while he is fighting for the middle class. I feel bad for him, it’s almost tragic. But in the end the truth will prevail
He tried to please both sides, and his indecisiveness pissed off both sides.
He was afraid of hurting the stock market, then it got fucked anyway.
He's worried about re-election, and that is part of his calculus for all decisions.
He’s doing great and the liberals are going fucking crazy rn. Can’t wait to vote for him again.
Looking at Europe and Canada, clearly not every leader is up to par to deal with a crisis like this.
Who the fuck types like this? Fuck off, boomer.
Another good move.
Given?? Wasn't he basically in denial about all this shit before it got bad? Didn't him and his team have weeks to prepare and soften the blow in a major way?
Fuck you. America actually needed millions of illegals to be deported, and the swamp drained.
I hope all the faggots who wanted salt and lulz die a horrible death. You're worse than democrats
From the outside view, he's actually a pretty good president. He is making your country look quite good in a very American way. If he can hold it together until November, people will remember his legacy quite fondly, especially after he dies
He's doing fine so far, we'll see what happens in a few weeks.
Just give up. You’re done.
The markets will return to normal on their own in a couple months, there’s nothing wrong with the underlying businesses or finances. Now Trump will also get his 2 trillion in stimulus on top of that, DOW will be at 45,000 by November. Trump will have also guided the country through a massive disaster and look like a god. This is perfect timing and the landslide will be fucking off the charts.
he's all over the place
I don't get NEETbux from this so no.
the cope
Also, if this drug combo works, which it will, he’ll look like a smarty pants. They had the doctor disagree with him even though he knew it would work so Trump could look good.
>just a flu bro
>This is world war 3, I am a war time president
>back to just a flu bro
no he's a fucking retard
seethe cope dilate have sex
Yeah, he doesn't have a chance against Biden.
I'd suck Trump's dick all night.
This 100%. He might as well go all in on the memes, maybe thats enough for reelection desu
>Opens up the country again too soon because he wants to save big business
>Kills millions of Americans as a result
This is the future you picked
You’re actually a child
Grow up
If you think Canada is going to be nearly as bad as the states you're totally out of your mind. And I can tell you the press conferences we're having are way more cogent and informative than the one the president is currently giving. None of this 'it will just be a couple weeks, it will be fine because I say so' bullshit. None of these rambling monologues that are full of retarded bravado.
You too, cunt
>puts up fucking BARR over Fauci
lmao no. You fuckers literally voted for a Satanic kike puppet and it really shows with this press conference.
As each day passes, more people after waking up to the fact that Democrats hate Americans.
>He's done probably the best that could be done for the situation.
are you retarded? you faggots did a lockdown far too late, some states are STILL going happily about their business. then cases start spiking and first hospitals start filling up, he panics, announces draconian measures, few days pass, case growth accelerating and he says some bullshit about how everything will be fine in 2 weeks "because hydroxychloroquine" which is a hail mary at this point and walks away. wow, what a true mastermind. my meme of an eastern european country has more competent people in charge and that's saying something.
Honestly, yes. The guy is transparent and does a breefing everyday, while our european leaders just post a tweet to say "stay home" per day and do nothing
Pretty much this
I love how the right wing opposition here is critizing the current leftist government the exact same way as liberals are critizing Trump.
You guys only think he has done a good job because you support him politically. You can't be objective and just say that the situation is fucked and you guys aren't doing enough.
Americans voted for him because of his transparency.
Any country (like mine ffs) that quarantines is retarded.
Anyone thats scared of getting the virus should quarantine and everyone else whos not retarded/healthy should continue working.
And yes, the leftists defend our government the exact same way you guys defend Trump. I can see the exact same comments in this thread as I see in our forums.
Me. We aren't China. We aren't Italy, which belongs to China now. We are Americans. We will not be stopped.
>Anyone else pretty impressed with how he's handling this?
Yeah, I'm impressed with how retarded he is.
Parce que Trudeau le fait.......
C'est notre premier ministre qui est une couille.
If he were a democrat MAGAtards would be shitting all over him.
Pretty much everyone is.
Dying of the coronavirus to trigger the libtards
>Someone post the pic where he knew about this threat since last year and played golf and is in denial.
He knew about the threat before China even reported their first case?
>If you think Canada is going to be nearly as bad as the states you're totally out of your mind.
I mean, wtf does that even mean you shill? Of course the USA is gonna get the highest number of positive cases in the world, considering how fucking busy, huge and populated the place is. And so far, the number of deaths compared to the number of positive cases isn't really anything compared to France, Italy or Spain.
So yeah, you fucking stupid idiot, he is doing better than most of the world. He's got the might of the American Industrial power, whatever little is left anyway, what the fuck do you faggot canadians have other than pussy ass PM that would rather have his own people dead just to virtue signal.
>Someone post the pic
>nobody posts the pic
>mfw the pic doesn't exist
>mfw i have no face
I think Dondald is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills carona and doesnt afraid of anything.
I didn't even vote for Trudeau and I'm happy with how he's been handling this.
I think he's doing good. His decisiveness will serve him well and I think having Pence in the mix will keep things stable.
Damn right.
>congressmen refuse to act in support of US citizens and businesses
>Trump says "well fuck you then, we're opening back up"
If the US Congress wants to play in bad faith, then they'll get BTFO. I mean, it's not like a quarantine and martial law are even possible since there's not enough money and manpower to get it done.
Modern society and stable civilization depend on a functioning marketplace, and if that means sacrificing degenerates and old people, so be it. Natural selection.
Time moves on.
Brainwashed Trumptards have been fucking everything up for years now. But now its actually affecting my life. Your endless stupidity needs to be stopped by force.
Closing the borders and funding is all the fed can really do. The rest is up to the states.
Yeah. One of the commendable features of his response had been the daily briefings. I think they should go with a sharp china-tier nationwide (preferably worldwide) lockdown for three weeks but he’s been doing lots of stuff well other than that
kek kys faggot
Too bad your mom didn't sacrifice.
Yes actually. I wish our PM was as decisive. We've got decent enough measures now though.
>And so far, the number of deaths compared to the number of positive cases isn't really anything compared to France, Italy or Spain.
This is true for every country that is not one of those 3. This isn't because of Trump it is because those countries are aged countries were people live with their grandmas and kiss them on their cheeks every other day.
i cant believe how he peaks , he even raised his hand like a good boy
no they wouldn't and you know this, retard.
Would you rather he speak so far above most people's heads that they don't understand what he says and defer to self proclaimed experts where they can be scammed and misled? I? Fuck you.
My boomer parents agree though. They're not really afraid of death. Not to the level where they think the world should come to a stop.
Shit happens, people will survive and time will carry on.
Handling what? The Trump Virus?
Someone you know, maybe someone you love, will die because of his inaction long ago. I don't understand this blind support.
Barring some miracle treatment proven to be efficacious/safe, things are going to get REALLY bad in a way they didnt have to, had Trump thought this was a real threat a few weeks ago.
I honestly feel for Americans, especially those in NY, Washington state, and California. NYC especially is going to get fucking hammered by this.
I meant comparatively, not in terms of absolute numbers. You guys are being way too lax with social isolation and quarantine right now compared to what we're doing and it's going to fuck you over BIGLY.
Im going full terrorist on this government if my family members die.
Same with mine. Meanwhile, GenX is, as usual, "whatever" as are their kids. The only people who are hysterical about this shit are the millenial clowns.
what's your main source of DPS then?
He has really done a good job. I have to admit I was nervous given the scale of this but Trump always prevails. What a leader!
They've been brainwashed by the stupid red vs. blue MSM bullshit, leaf. They're beyond saving.
The country deserves to fall apart and be eaten alive by inhumane insect hive that is China at this point.
>protect the people
>money over the people, markets, capitalism, muh freedom and corporations more important than the people
Holy fucking shit I fucking hate America and I wish no European country becomes like this and luckily it doesn't seem like so. Even the little USA called Britain went on a lockdown just right now.
Hindsight is 20/20, chinaboy
only ones dying are the libtards. us country folks are doing just fine. seethe, get corona then die you filthy commie.