we're cucks
Argie government wants to offer aid to the Falkland Islands
>maybe if we give them shit they can get themselves we'll finally get those godforsaken islands
What for? Theres no one sick there and the Brits have enough resources to sort them even if they were. Nice to see you guys getting along though.
I don't even get why the Argentinians want them so bad really?
Fuck that I bet you sneaky spics will sneak Coronavirus in there.
It’s like Mexicans/La Raza with “Aztlan”, it’s a justification for their existence or policies and to rile their brand of nationalism in their people, rather than earning their people’s respect through genuine governing and strong/beneficial policy making.
It’s distorting populism and nationalism to gain power and favor rather than because you genuinely care.
Argie cuck
>La Raza with “Aztlan"
that sounds like something that only chicanos care about, mexicans aren't that stupid. it's definitely not the same.
>niggers offering aid to a white country
just like my animes
Anybody else from Yas Forums here?
There's a fucking shitload of oil in the territorial waters of The Falklands.
Trojan horse, they've got another thing coming if they think Bojo won't crush them with an iron fist.
A country can only deploy 30% of its military force abroad. It needs 30% ready to replace the deployment, 30% resting from previous deployment and 10% non-applicable, administrative or otherwise ineligible forces.
Every soldier we deploy on the streets on Britain is 3.33 soldiers we can't send to The Falklands. BoJo's iron fist is about to become remarkably brittle by his own doing.
You paranoid tranny maybe they want to make peace in this horrible time
>trusting Argies
These people would slit your throat for a toilet roll.
>we're cucks
And that's a good thing
hmmm this is true, with the Corona lockdown they are going to need a soldier for every nigger in London now would be a good time for Argentina to reclaim their land.
lol no, why would they do that?
Yes you fucking idiot that's the plan
Last time i read Argentina didn't have an army, why are you so scared?
You make a good point, allowing Argies on to the island will allow them to map strategic sites and form alliances with the very limited number of locals. Even allowing them to get a sense of who does what and where could allow them to take hostages in The Falklands 2: Electric Boogaloo which does not end well for the war's public opinion.
>toilet roll
We have bidets, dirty savages.
They didn't the first time either. A few left wing pieces of media tried to massacre us for murdering teenage conscripts on the ARA General Belgrano the last time around. Fortunately we weren't cucked then so nobody cared.
Yes, I imagine you bought them from the French while they were repairing your Exocet missiles.
Nah, it's mainly territorial oil claims on the sea bed.
Look, the falklanders can do whatever the fuck they want, I couldn't give less of a shit. That said, what the brits did is more akin to "Aztlan".
As I said, as long as they're white I don't give a shit, although it sometimes the question pops up if they would fare better being annexed by us instead, given how insistent Britain is in forcefully mongrelizing its own subjects.
We have bidets, butter knifes, normal knifes, cool knifes, TV, weapons you know... Those things that in Engladinstan need license if you excuse me now I'm gonna take a huge shit and then I'm gonna wash my ass because thank God I'm not and shitty disgusting smelly eternal Anglo meme
>sometimes the question pops up if they would fare better being annexed by us instead
Please fucking try. God I am so desperate for a casus belli on a far flung nation where we can do some pro-empire propaganda. Burning all that ordnance would kick start our economy on a relative scale never seen before. The explosive capacity we will bring to bear on the few hard military targets you allowed to leave port will inspire 2 generations of warriors and reverse this trend of cultural and social decay. Plus we need to test all those new F-35s we got from America. So please, fucking do it faggot.
Las malvinas son Íngles.
Screw your meme planes, it's the jihadis I'm concerned about.
>We have bidets, butter knifes, normal knifes, cool knifes, TV, weapons you know... Those things that in Engladinstan need license if you excuse me now I'm gonna take a huge shit and then I'm gonna wash my ass because thank God I'm not and shitty disgusting smelly eternal Anglo meme
absolutely based
I never tought that I would see the day when Britain becomes more of a shithole than Argentina
Sorry sweetie is "las Malvinas son inglesas" but I not surprise that you get that wrong after all your lenguage is Muslim so I'm gonna take the modesty to type something in your sub human talk
>يأكل الأسود أنبوب
Are you gonna invade sovereign territory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, her dependencies, protectorates and territories or what? We have elite soldiers shooting effigies of political leaders at the range here because we're so fucking bored. Fucking do it. Do it. Do it your brown inbred fuck.
I give absolutely no shits about your irrelevant, dead, dark skinned language. Bite my arse you favela infesting cockroach of a human being mimicking animal.
>We have elite soldiers shooting effigies of political leaders at the range here because we're so fucking bored.
while the muslims take your country
Why is the UK so determined to hold onto an island full of sheep 7,500 miles away?
So angry BTW is "bite my ass" if don't care about our lenguage at least try to learn inglish you know that lenguage that people talk in England before it got converted into a province of the Caliphate
Lol chill out retard, someone mentions the falklanders would do better under someone else's control and you lose your shit.
Are you niggers so starved of glory that you beat your drum whenever you hear echoes from that one time you had a little weeks long military intervention in some island across the Atlantic?
Britain used to be cool.
Fix yourself up, you may yet redeem your shitstain of a cuckold nation. Not to late to kick the roths out, mend mistakes, and stop being the biggest shabbos goy in Europe.
Last reminder of glory long gone
Well the Queen won't bloody yet them kill all the muslims yet will she? fucking stupid Argie.
Kill yourself.
Las malvinas son Ingles motherfucker.
It's the old disease-in-the-blankets trick.
Don't fall for it!
It's full of oil. Read the thread moron.
>is too bad that we lost our country and our people died but at least we didn't disobey the queen
smart brit
The Monarch has total control. If our Monarch gets it wrong we die. We're not dead yet so our Monarch has not been wrong yet.
Yeah Satan, y'all keep saying that but somehow the oil never gets produced. Face it, those islands are crap and the only reason why either country wants them is to save face. Had the Argies not gotten violent about it, the UK probably would have handed them over just to get the expenses off the books. They're not useful for force projection and there is little of economic value there, imaginary Saudi Arabia under the water or not.
Ay yo professor, which Falkland islands you talkin about?
>We're not dead yet
reminds me of our economy, don't worry you will get there
Yes, but do you have an aircraft carrier with a ski ramp?
The far right/nationalist party of Mexico (which is pretty much irrelevant) wants to take back the former states of Mexico that are now under American occupation. Colorado, California, Texas, etc
>muh fracking
President Trump is fighting a war for you right now against OPEC and here you are shitting on his greatest ally. Try killing yourself.
جزر فوكلاند أرجنتينية
To the last man you brown skinned little shit.
>bong poster
>weak af banter
What happened? He even sounds mad
We're not deploying our best on the imageboards.
You are clearly not the best
Outsource to Straya.
Wait, it's no longer part of the empire.
Maybe outsource to a nearby foreign nation like London?
They are basically the basis for englands claim on part of Antarctica
Mmmm yes~~
Literally what I just said Negrito Galtieri.
Or we could keep it in house and outsource to The Falklands.
America should give Puerto Rico to Bongland, they don't want it anyways, in exchange we get Malvinas and everyone happy.