Should landlords cut rent or forfeit property?

How do you feel about this? Discuss.

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>1 post by this id
Think before you post. OP is a soulless chink bugman shill with small penis and smooth brain who thinks like a cat. His parents are ashamed.

The landlord is right, pay or go, a deal is a deal.

so is it true that not a single native English speaker can use the words affected/effected properly, or is everyone just using them wrong on purpose?

Lol I got an email similar to that. Told the landlord to fuck himself because the cops aren't evicting people rn so if he wants me gone he has to do it himself. He's a fucking pussy tho and he knows it.

there are so many problems caused by state intervention that could be rolled back to fix the problem caused by landlords. The solution isnt more interference because all that happens is the renters evolve into more opportunistic parasites.

I agree, i have a right to other peoples property but they dont have a right to mine

Who cares? Just don't pay them. What are they going to do? Put a notice on your door? Oooooooohhh nooooooooo

Oakland set a precedent

If you have the community on your side, the landlord is totally fucked

The whole concept of renting your long term living space is fucked, it should be illegal. If you can only buy a living space then it won’t be so profitable to sit on a bunch of real estate, and housing will be cheaper and then you won’t be at the mercy of the landjew.

Now I’m ready to hear you guys explain why I’m retarded

I'm a landlord. The jews on wallstreet who own my notes and my insurance policies aren't giving me any help. I worked many hard hours to get where I'm at. I'm the only one not getting bailed out because I'm not poor and not a corporation. FUCK them.

This. Also what if you were infected with Corona? Would the landlords response be this as well?


Kick you out of your home and rent it out to someone else?

>they we suggest

How? The police sure as fuck ain't going to help you and doing anything forceful by yourself leaves you open to a whole slew of violent charges. Landlords have no power right now.

Some unemployed person is going to get evicted and will take his AR-15 on a nationwide landlord murdering spree. I'd take bets on it.

If my landlord (if I had one) tried that shit, I'd gun him and his family down.

Hows he going to get evicted? Most jurisdictions wont evict now

Someone bought the property and accepted the risk of not only owning it, but also of maintaining it to a standard decided by law while handing it over to someone who could be any of you psychopaths, again because law dictated they can not discriminate. Why should they absorb the loss because you choose to work some shit job? You had your whole life up to now to better yourself. Should you be paying your babysitter now that they are obsolete?

u r fuct HAHAHHAHAHA faggot.

P.S. My landlord came by and cancelled my rent until this is over. My rent is $5208 per month.

It's very unlikely anyone is going to get evicted right now. Landlords aren't idiots. Nothing says "great for business" like kicking people out of their homes during a nationwide crisis.

Your life is finite and this is how you spend it?

Your landlord is a fucking moron. I bet his bank didn't cancel the note payment until this is over. Good luck with a receivership LL

Enjoy not getting a renewal when your lease is up. Also hope you don't expect your security back wage slave.

Dumb Bing Bong. This is a civil matter and likely those courts are closed in their area right now. If the landlord comes by, you can call the cops for trespassing, do it twice and the landlord will be arrested. Criminal courts are open but low manned and backlogged, the landlord would likely bond out in a couple days.

Bottom line, fuck this asshole landlord, don't pay and call the cops if they show their smelly ass.

Let’s wait til they collect all the data first.
After all, this is a controlled experiment in cash flows.

We forget that money is about stocks and flows- a stock of trillions of dollars in the financial markets is effectively dead money.

Now that we have limited well -defined areas under lockdown for defined periods of time, economists will actually have an excellent gauge of how much money flows through economies at the city and state level for necessities- the assumption being that non-essential purchases will be largely deferred until the experiment ends.

As to what that data’s used for, that’s above my pay grade.

Most of these “asshole landlord” emails/texts reek of things that didn’t happen

what is emergency savings?


oh yeah, something 80% of Americans don't have because they are financially irresponsible

>You have no reason to not retweet this.
I don't have a Twitter account you fucking faggot

>Enjoy not getting a renewal when your lease is up
Then squatters rights kick in and they pay nothing legally. Go for it.

A friend just spent $18,000 on a new roof. Glad the landlord pays for stuff like that.

Imagine paying $5200 a month and getting no equity this is retard tier

nah, she actually OWNS the property. Shes' based af

Well tennants should sign this petition against EARN IT

We need signatures to keep encryption alive. Get the word out we have just 2x weeks to 100,000 sigs, theyre trying to make it sound like its for the children when its for undermining our rights to privacy on everything.

They can't evict ALL of you
Refuse to pay
What is the eviction process in the US?

Also the tough talking retarded nigger will have a shit credit score and tough time finding any decent rental for years.

BASED Pinto user

its a 10k sqft building with an apt built inside.

doing my part anons. texted the faggot well wishes. i suggest you all do the same

Yes with a but: lots of folks live and work in metro areas where they are effectively priced out of the rental market because there’s no “starter home” market left. Young people starting out can’t afford housing in many major cities- it’s why the left thinks raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour will help. PS it won’t.

>How do you feel about this? Discuss.
I own a house and rent it out since I moved for a new job opportunity and didn't want to sell it just yet.

What do you suppose I do? Give my house away? To who? Why do they deserve it more than me?

Is the bank cutting my loan payment? Are my property taxes discounted? Are the other costs of owning/maintaining being discounted?

Justify why I shouldn't receive every fucking penny a tenant is contractually obligated to pay me.

Currently suspended

There should be rent freeze during the crisis, but there should also be a mortgage freeze.

>Think before you post. OP is a soulless chink bugman shill with small penis and smooth brain who thinks like a cat. His parents are ashamed.
Listen you shithead, my cat is extremely intelligent and loving. I will not have her degraded by some disgusting comparison with a bugman.

Look at her and tell me she is a soulless chink. LOOK. AT. HER.

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>another one of these threads

You're not to blame but neither is the landlord. I will ALWAYS repeat that thinking like this is NIGGER BEHAVIOUR. You want gibs, you want to game the law to your advantage and someone else's disadvantage. This is wrong and if your landlord also decides to be smart and hire a bunch of thugs to fuck your shit up, you deserved it.

there is no eviction process because the courts are closed and the sheriff sure as shit isnt going to be doing anything. It takes 6 months anyway.

this is just shitty tenants making this shit up, no reasonable businessperson would ever think to do this because they KNOW the process and KNOW they will NEVER EVICT or press on ANYONE.

Just another nigger

this is just fucking wrong.
this isn't Brazil mutt

your comment is shit, his was truth. u mad bra

Spbp. Your word is your fucking bond.

Go ahead and get an eviction case on your permanent record and tell me what kind of places you qualify for. Hope u like living next to negroes.

>I worked many hard hours to get where I'm at.
Like what? Explain what one hour of this work was like.

And people point their fingers and say you’re the bad guy.

Until we figure out that money is a mean and not an end, we will continue to get it wrong and small capitalists will be sacrificed at the altar of Mammon.

>t. poorfag
We rent our 10k square-ft warehouse out for 12K a month, this guy is getting a nice deal =P

>mortgage freeze.
This. If mortgage companies are expected to get paid the landlords gotta collect.

You're damn right this isn't Brazil, we might be as fucked as you can think but most people here have the decency to see a flaw in this retarded 'logic'

A tragedy happened, we get it. It's neither yours nor the landlord's fault. You wanna ask for something, ask for your government for financial help to pay your landlord. What you want is gibs, theft, and you want it legalized by law. This is wrong and nothing you can say or spin this off as can make it right.

this. if you're a bum its not my fault. either get a new job or fuck off im not giving hand outs

stfu already tough guy. no one cares about you at all or your shit. esp your ex-wife.

>not having over 10K in savings so if an emergency comes up you're covered for a month or two
fiscally irresponsible fucks.

Holy shit, these rent squatters are using the same logic as illegal spics. Hahaha.

At least you admit you’re owned by the Jews.

The rule of law is a facade that only persists when things are moving smoothly. Homogeneous populations can band together in times of true hardship. American tribes will split and work against each other when things get nasty in earnest.

>ask for your government for financial help
believe this is what I plan on doing. small business owners like me are all going to be bankrupt if they just leave us to the elements.

I'm guessing I have 4 months before I have to lay off my workers.

spoken by the country who spoke such bad spanish it evolved into its own bastardized language of portuguese.