Why do Democrats hate Americans?
Why do Democrats hate Americans?
Because America voted for Trump and they hate Trump. Pelosi doesn't give a fuck about anyone but herself. She's a wicked bitch.
Orange man bad
It was blocked because faggot Republicans want to help corporations first instead of u.s citizens first.
Republicans want to give a tiny one time payment to workers and a huge trillion dollar slush fund to the jews
It's so hard to take OP claim seriously when Democrats and Republicans are both trying to sneak shit in, blocking each other, and making the same exact claim against each other. I'm tired of this political tennis game going on between them. It's exhausting and pathetic.
This. Anytime people need help, the republifags have to tac on some bullshit for their butt buddies.
I'm a democrat, but I trust a democrat from California about as much as I trust a republican from california.
Fuck that wretched goblin cunt. Time to boog.
One Dem voted yes and 4 Reps didn't vote for it.
Stop spreading disinfo. Also, how would I benefit from pic related getting a 400 Billion dollar untraceable slush fund?
Never let a crisis go to waste.
It was blacked because republican Jews wanted to help big corporations instead of the American people
I’m getting my Pelosibux
The money stimulus checks are just to keep the banks afloat. There is no where to spend it.
because republicans tried to slip trillions in corporate bailouts into the bill while reducing the amount paid to working americans
Secure the Bag 2020
That's not the language of the bill that was already agreed on, though. It's not a free and clear 2008 style bailout, from my understanding.
As far as I can tell, it just an operating loan for companies that pay tax within the US, with no interest that, can't be used on stock buy backs or bonuses. It's meant for covering essential expenses until they can get back on their feet.
I'm sure there will be abuse, but we can handle that later. A bit of protectionism is need if we want to avoid the fate of canada: half our property owned by commie chinks.
most americans can't remember last week
This scene from an old Simpsons episode comes to mind:
Dems voted no because Republicunts tried to make it to where the people who truly needed it wouldn't be getting it.
HAHA Weinstein took a 23 year deal instead of a 50 year deal even though he will be dead in 23 years.
You fucking Qtards are so fucking stupid. No one is going to jail.
fake and gay stop parroting NPR
>Dems voted no because Republicunts tried to make it to where the people who truly needed it wouldn't be getting it
If you honestly fucking believe the Dems give one shit about you, you're absolutely the biggest fucking retard who ever lived.
Imagine blaming trump for trying to give people money.. when pedocrats stopped it.
what the fuck is Op on...most of you gay homo faggot were not gonna vote demoRAT anytime soon...fukken echo chamber of trumpers tell other trumper not to vote democrat hahahahahahaha
What exactly did the Republicans try to sneak in?
i dont understand your point user...why should they help their enemies
Because they want you dead.
If those were all just accidents, just random chance, then at least SOME of the results would be in your favor.
But they are not.
Every. Fucking. Time.
>swallowing the propaganda
It was blocked because it didn’t have the Dems’ faggot wish list
Cuz they are jews
500 billions to cronies and friends of trump without any strings attached or repayment to be used at the corporations saw fix
Not saying I disagree with what they added, but when it was their time to serve the ball they added language to prevent the appropriation of funds for abortions. In addition to a fat slush fund for unnamed corporations.
>fukken echo chamber of trumpers tell other trumper not to vote democrat hahahahahahaha
Are you 12?
You type like a child does.
the thing is Dems actually initially had a good argument. The corporate bailouts with no strings attached from the GOP was bullshit to fuck over Americans at the expense of the elites.
But then the Dems went ahead and did pic-related which is just so much worse.
We are in a crisis. Stop thinking in terms of us vs them.
false. Dems voted no so they could slip in the green new deal and money for planned parenthood.
He’s not going to respond because he knows you posted facts and facts are racist and shit. Good job user I’m proud of you. My mom has gone full pelosi and Schumer hate because of this and she’s pretty hard lefty. If it’s waking her ass up I can guarantee other normies are waking up as well.
Can I get a source?
>500 billions to cronies and friends of trump
Remember when Obama gave the banks trillions of dollars in free TARP money and they ended up putting it all into emerging market hedge funds? I guess if you were 8 years old at the time you may have forgotten you fucking retard.
Do you want this fucker in charge of handing out money to his Jew friends?
the bill is unironically a big business bailout and barely does shit for the common man. Basically business as usual. We as a country have a huge problem of privatizing profits, usually for the already affluent, while subsidizing losses, usually to the detriment of the poor and middle class
Domestic enemies. Demoncrats hate you. Show no mercy.
owned by china
muh russia hoax exposed
Because they aren't Americans.
Also dont forget to shut down EARN IT
We need signatures to keep encryption alive. Get the word out we have just 2x weeks to 100,000 sigs, theyre trying to make it sound like its for the children when its for undermining our rights to privacy on everything.
You stopped poor people from getting paid. Cash in hand. You stopped that.
newsflash: the democrats did the same with their bill - even to the extent of adding full funding and extras for planned parenthood etc. and MORE.
remember when bush 2 took america to war over fake WMD wasting trillions and not getting a drop of oil in return
google it you disgusting piece of shit gay homo faggot...im not falling for your bait
>We need signatures to keep encryption alive.
Do you honestly think these fucks can regulate encryption? They already tried in the 90s and early 2000s and it was a complete joke to anyone with a GCC compiler.
So you can't prove your claim?
>remember when bush 2 took america to war over fake WMD
Remember when Obama went to war in Libya based off completely false accusations of Qaddafi committing ethnic cleansing.
When your government forces you stay inside and are you not allowed to work or face jail time while they let criminals out of jail and fight over money for Israel, sex changes for trans and abortions. What the fuck do you do at this point? You just Trust in the plan!!!!
>1000$ lasts you for two weeks
Lol. This right here is proof that UBI can never work. You could give them 10,000$ and they would still want 20,000$ because "10,000$ only lasts you a couple weeks". UBI is as utopic as communism.
>Why do Democrats hate Americans?
Because Americans don't vote for Democrats.
Found the absolute retard.
Yeah... Democrats are the problem.
$1000 can't even cover rent in some places. Battles with landlords is the next immediate crisis in this shit
>Children, I'm making you go hungry to show you your father is an awful person!
All those things he said were unironically true except for the last one which was politically motivated.
Check must be 2,000$ MINIMUM.