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Medical staff can PURCHASE my masks for the market price.
Nothing is free in this world. I'll taint them with ethylmercury if I see you on my cameras.
Saw a retard on the news during a segment about people defying common sense to congregate in public. I think it was at a beach. Some non GMO sylent grown fuckface with a mask on said "I think I'm more prepared than the average person, I can be out here."
He was wearing a dust mask. Fuck this gay Earth.
They need to sto selling them to the public and gobermints instead than. Muh iq
Yeah masks don't help. They only stop people who have it from spreading it to others.
If they don't protect then why are they needed by medical staff?
Thanks for the input Moshe.
U wot m8?
Tell that to our retarded Fake News Media. I'm sure everyone on Yas Forums is smart enough to realize my OP is satire.
checkmate atheists
In all honestly I'd probably just burn the mask stockpile to avoid govt problems. Fuck the medical system, evolution did so much better.
You have to be a doctor to activate it.
so infected and exposed doctors don't spread it?
go back to elementary and take germs make sick 101 you incredibly retarded snow nigger.
I'm pretty sure the guy said that they are going to confiscate them from people who have warehouses filled with them. I'm pretty sure 1000 masks are more than enough and you don't need hundred thousand of dollars worth of masks for yourself.
why do they need them if they dont work?
>worried enough to wear a mask and gloves
>not clean shaven
literally this
i hate leftists. theyre the ones saying this shit "NOBODY NEEDS A n95 MASK!!! ONLY DOCTORS DO!"
is that because, idk...they WORK?
So they don't breath their own shit all over the patients
A surgeon doesn't wear a mask to keep your blood out of his face, it's to keep his own native germs from infecting your surgical wound
>> They don’t protect against the virus.
>> Medical staff need masks to protect them from the virus.
Do you mouth breathers listen to yourselves?
To look docter-y otherwise nobody will believe they are hospital staff.
Of course that won't protect you you masklet
>He was wearing a dust mask.
Research has proven that even a cloth over your face will protect you in certain cases and is much better than not having any protection what so ever.
They're not for medical staff themselves, they wear proper protective gear which seals their mouth and nose in an airtight way.
The masks are for medical staff to give to known infected patients so cough and sneeze particles are caught in the mask and they don't infect other people. They DO NOT prevent you from breathing particles of moisture that can carry the virus because they're not airtight, air can still get in around the sides. They're for catching expelled droplets from sick patients so help prevent the spread.
God if you lot can get one thing right it could at least be this, it actually affects the lives of everyone how we handle this.
ACTUALLY a surgeon wears a mask because the patient's moist farts can get bacteria up his nose.
Herd Immunity Phenomenon: If everyone is wearing a fucking mask, nobody is spreading germs.
No way.
I have a lot of maks, I will use them all. They are mine.
If you want to survive, follow these steps.
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>>not clean shaven
redpill me on this
mask hoarder here. Im gonna donate them dont worry
They've got some sanding to do.
Translation: masks work to slow infection rates AND reduce risk.
Buy my masks at market price.
gee why didn't i think of that
if everyone wore masks, disease wouldn't exist!
You my friend are a npc.
Why doesn't he just imagine the smell
I have to be a doctor to activate it? I think i'll manage to strap it on tightly myself without 5 years of med school thanks.
IDIOT, learn the difference between a surgical mask and a filtered one (the one in OP). Retarded fucking inner city school educated mutt.
Could you point me to that research? Last I saw the virus is small enough to pass through anything larger than n95s and this dude was wearing the equivalent of wet cardboard on his mouth.
>got a test
>no symptoms
that's virtually impossible, I call shenannigans. In fact, this article casts the whole "epidemic" into doubt.
why would medical staff need them if they don't protect against infection
fuck off, it slows the spread.
dey dun work cuz u 2 stewpid 2 uze dem
now gibs me dat
For you
I'll donate one mask for every one dollar of medical care i've been donated.
this user gets it
The only reason you need a mask is because you already have the virus and you are preventing the spread to other people.
who are they going to spread it to? the other covid patients? cmon man
They protect you at 80%. Ffp2 protect you at 94% of 0.3 micrometers. Not so different.
And they are way better than the common surgical masks you can see in asian countries.
Reposting from other thread.
>Our findings suggest that a homemade mask should only be considered as a last resort to prevent droplet transmission from infected individuals, but it would be better than no protection.
>The homemade cotton masks captured 50% of 0.02-1 micron particles, compared with 80% for the surgical mask. Although the surgical masks captured 30% more particles, the cotton masks did surprisingly well. The researchers concluded that homemade masks would be better than nothing.
>Any type of general mask use is likely to decrease viral exposure and infection risk on a population level, in spite of imperfect fit and imperfect adherence, personal respirators providing most protection.
Poorfag Mask. Least protection but better than nothing:
Now You're Trying Mask:
Schizo Mode:
Same thing as above but replace the paper towel pleb shit with an HVAC filter. Normalfags aren't buying these (yet) so you can still snag some. You can make multiple, reusable masks off just one of these.
Google a filter with a MERV rating from the link. The higher the rating, the better.
>I'll taint them with ethylmercury
You'll do nothing of the sort, because you don't have it, let alone the equipment to safely handle it.
>donate masks
>donate gloves
>get bill 6 months layer for $20,000
hooooly shit
you actually bought the government propaganda
of course masks work
how the fuck would they not?
if they dont work why do medical staff need them
you are retarded
Sounds important for a medical setting where doctors are in constant contact with positive patients.
I have two N95s I had in the back of my car from months ago (Cali-fag here, needed them during the fires) and now people are shooting me dirty looks
Fuck you jelly ass bitches, hate me cause you aint me
hospitals need masks because shitskins steal med supplies from the nurse stations when they visit their families
completely wrong
Yeah fuck them. They try to milk the middle class to subsidize illegal spics and single moms with 5 bastards that won't pay their bill. I stocked up on masks in February.
What smell? I can't smell anything anymore.
Do you want your ER nurse accidentally sneezing into your open wounds?
>shitskins steal med supplies
You have no idea how tightly hospitals control inventory.
Excellent, thank you.
Fuck off commie nigger. Im nurse working at cardiopulmonary department and i bought 40 FPP3 respirators + shigematsu GX2 fullmask with filters and now im laughing at my co-workers. I warned them all and They didnt listen so now 1/4 of my co-workers refused working some of them are even pretending being sick. Normies are pathetic. I told my boss that i want raise or i wont test other normies for corona virus now i have more money and i can laugh at them every single day. I enjoy my shopings in my full suit when normies are panicking. I might even start selling some dezinfection to my hospital if i will feel good about it. Whole fucking system can fall and i will be laughing. If SHTF im taking my BREN2 and CZ75 and moving to my summer house.
Let me; he cannot grow a beard.
Dr. Pavel I’m CCP