I just spent $600 on old fashioned raised meats from good, God fearing people.
Why the FUCK haven't you?
Pic related. The hood I'm at.
I just spent $600 on old fashioned raised meats from good, God fearing people.
Why the FUCK haven't you?
Pic related. The hood I'm at.
It does make me kind of sad to think of how the small rural areas that are filled with a lot of old are going to be absolutely destroyed by this.
beat beat beat your meat
Two weeks ago bought almost 100 pounds of ribeye on sale for 4.99 a pound. It's all I've been eating since.
You shouldn't eat people, god fearing or not it doesn't matter
because stocking up on meat is retarded it spoils to quick unless you turn it all into jerky.
Workin on growing my own
Meat isn't "old-fashioned"
Most of us burgers have these things called freezers.
how was it cut?
This is the new fangled way of raising meat. The industrial revolution was a mistake.
thats an egg farm, you kansas city faggot
Glad we agree.
High meat diet is a bad marker for Corona Chan ICU choke out. Enjoy.
because I can get the same amount of meat for about $200 from a regular farm and it has the same nutritional value
you got scammed, shit for brains
Fucking limpdick Bernie supporting vegans, go shit another thread up. This is a good thread
Fine asshole make me go snag another picture from the web. Feast your eyes on this beef feedlot then, but eggs are meat.
Cocksucking socialists. Bet you trannies love getting fucked in the ass, did you get fucked in the ass after voting Bernie?
Hey queers, nationalists own guns, does that disgust you? Vegans are also pussies and gun grabbers so I wanna know
Hey bitchboys, what the fuck do you have to say now? Bernie supporters are fucking fags
Same, bought a shit load of meat and chicken.
Nothing to say right, fuck you. Vegan queers, I'm gonna make myself a steak tonight to piss you pussies off
Fuck you
Fucking B A S E D
Asshole socialist vegans
Primarily vegetarian diets incur a particularly HIGH GUT LOAD of PREVOTELLA BACILLUS which is directly attacked by SARS-COVID 19.
las survival
That book is an instruction manual on how to raise meat chickens on pasture you retarded Eurocunt.
Man you’re one pissed off memeflaggot. If you’re actually jooish, and chances are you are, you should know Tel Aviv is the vegan capital of the world per capita. Enjoy your heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer
i have a 24 pack of dennison's chili on the way. get on my level
Hey bitchboys, did you run away?
fuck that, I buy meat at the grocery store where no animals are harmed.
Why you eating on a floor, nigga
Vegan fags get me so mad. Thinking of all the hard working white people in the meat industry and how you'd put them out of work
>implying you even understand what you’re looking at
Vegans have much healthier immune systems, get fucked cow sucker
Bernie fucking LOST you dumb faggots. Fuck off
Fuck you.
I think you mean all the illegals
what's supposed to be wrong with this picture?
You have just been reported for hoarding meat! The police will be arriving g soon!
gout lord
that doesnt look so bad. they had a pretty okay life back on the farm before they were sold for slaughter anyway.
Nah, me and a buddy split a cow and a pig every january , my freezers are full. Buy it from this farmer close to my buddy. All his cows are grain and pasture fed, pigs are grain and scrap vegetable fed. We get them from him, and butcher them ourselves. Been doing it several years now
Heil Hitler Heil Trump
I bet that triggers you twinky fags right
>he bough us standard meat and think he got a good deal
Get the fuck of the white man's country
No pussies allowed
Fuck you, Bernie faggots
Not even close.
Being vegan is a sin, you'll get assfucked in hell
Sodomite fags
subtle leaf
I can't wait until God throws you sodomite fags in Hell to burn
Burn in Hell Berniefags #FeelTheBurn
Does thinking about sucking dicks make you hard?
There's plenty of dick to suck in hell you fucking pussies
Limpdick queers
Vegans go to hell
Hey fuck you queers
Bernie lost, fags
Standing nuts to butts in their own shit, not a blade of grass in sight, and pumped full of antibiotics to keep them from dying long enough to reach slaughter weight. Notice the haze of fecal coliform in the air. Imagine the smell.
>must take supplements
>Most i've met are WEAK and SICKLY
>MOST have SHIT hygiene
>MOST have heavy drinking and smoking VICES
>ad hominem attack because NO REFUTATION
Get Fucked s.o.y.faggot...
That paper is 1st year college biology 101 tier AT BEST. I took BIO 340...What is YOUR scholastic background?
Trump is still your president and cows keep getting turned into my dinner, does that get you queers worked up?
Your father's must be so embarrassed by you fags