literally zero deaths. Most based president. Change my mind, you can't.
Only 546 deaths
Panicfags really are little faggots.
>132 deaths a day
Those are baby numbers. Wake me up when the bodies start piling up in the streets.
>get testing infrastructure in place
>testing numbers go up
>positives go up
What did he mean by this?
Preventing China from passing us economically is unironically more important than a few thousand dead. All the matters is curb stomping China and reminding them that a third world shit hole nation of slaves should never be uppity enough to release a bioweapon.
>low deaths
that won't last when the hospitals are full....
Consider this you simple idiots:
You absolute mentally-handicapped tier idiots who fixate on death-rates and death statistics of "corona virus™" vs.(insert historical pandemic) need to wake up:
>Whatever "Covid-19" or the "Corona Virus™" is, the idea of so much as even contracting it scared the TRUE powers-to-be behind the scenes so badly that for the first time in the history of the human species, every country and our entire culture has been shut down. Imagine a virus so utterly horrifying to the highest-ranks of every single world government, that they shut the entire human-condition down over something that has a 90% survival rate. Whoever (((they))) are, and were talking about the highest echelons of (((they))), they find even the mere possibility of exposure to this virus, so wildly undesirable, they shut down human culture. THINK ABOUT THAT. Its almost as if no one on the planet has the full story here isnt it?
There are no kids in school anywhere. Freedom of movement is denied. Non-essential travel is in a taper-down. Millions around the globe have had their employment drastically changed over the span of a few days, probably for good. The global disruption to economy has reached all-time human history lows. In less than 25 days, the planet has lost MORE in ALL economic sectors, than during 6 years of WWII. Any one of the events you have seen in the past 7-10 days would have been a significant historical occurrence, yet you have had them all in a week. You need to stop panicking on youtube and really use your brain. Were beyond "hoax" or "elaborate theatrical scheme perpetrated by the elites™". Its utterly unthinkable a scheme could be perpetrated like that across the globe, in every country, and every walk of life.
How about you don't talk to me you 3rd world fuck?
If we're at the point where our cases are spiking and we're already at half of China's "final" number, there's no way the chicoms are telling the truth. Every western country already has more cases per capita than China and it's only begun here, they must have knocked a coupe 0s off their number of cases and deaths.
Wiping CCP off the map is one of the best things we can do for future generations. However we do need to take kung-flu seriously because it's so contagious. Sure, the vast majority will be ok but you only need a small percentage of people who aren't ok in order to overwhelm hospitals. We shouldn't go to war with the chicoms under those circumstances, wait until things are back to normal
Few weeks later massive infections
this. make sure to wear 3 masks at a time, all n145's and never leave the house again.
It's pretty comfy here in the 3rd world, actually
Maybe if the US wasn't filled with a bunch of white niggers and niggers who can't be bothered to do what they are told we could get ahead of it.
Boomer would still be going on cruises if they didn't shut them down.
White niggers would still be going to sports games if we didn't shut them down.
etc. etc.
>no shoppers in pic
So everyone in SK died off and they're just hushing it up?
Have fun drowning in your own snot boomer.
I'm not panicking, you are
>America has a higher number than China
>China must be wrong
Why do burgers think like this?
Has it ever occured to you that maybe welding people shut in their homes reduces the spread of the virus? Something they should have started in the US
Oh say can you shart, in the local walmart
What is your email Kwon?
My ass is pancaked in shit. I can't take it anymore. Help me and give me TP!
Just wait until we go back to work next week, these numbers will look amateur
If a million plus Americans aren't infected with over 100k deaths by June then I say day of the rope.
In Fortnite.
>go back to work next week
I don't work
Also you won't go to work next week due to CoronaVirus
Thanks for posting the real pic, user. People need the truth now more than ever.
Yo Muricafuckyeahbros I can give you great advices about what to do in forced quarantine.
Do bodyweight workout, when do grocery buy only good foods to keep you strong, if you are far from you woman don't fuck the cat but use imagination to cooom once in a while and read some good ebook.
Shit will pass, just wash your hands and watchout for coughing bastards. Like a normal flu.
My stash is just fine.
More than 8k of today’s infected came from Jew York City. That place needs to be quarantined for a year at least. The rest of America is doing great.
I know what you are but what am I?
>More than 8k of today’s infected came from Jew York City.
Those of us that live through this dont want to live in a world where EARN IT is around....
We need signatures to keep encryption alive. Get the word out we have just 2x weeks to 100,000 sigs, theyre trying to make it sound like its for the children when its for undermining our rights to privacy on everything.
Looks like you have less than a week of toilet paper left.
Kill all kikes
yo can you hook me up with IU's number?
>Mfw when it's 6 million infected
Because they are testing. Can't have new cases if you don't test.
Best testing in the world also bigger than all of those piss ant countries combined
I would do unspeakable things to that tight little toilet roll
4 people * 4 rolls/day * 30 days/week = 480 rolls a month and you only bought 123 rolls worth? Lol you're already dead.
Pull that up Jamie.
I don't think worldometer is accurate. They say 600 new cases for canada but that's not even close. It's definitely not over 200 today.
About 400 just in Qc you retard.
Yes, but no other places in the US have seen such a dramatic spike besides NY, even as the testing is becoming more and more widely distributed. JEW Yorkers live in filth and squalor, and only Snake Pliskin will be able to survive.
Not in Mexico, fag. Our President sees it for the scheme that it is.
Nuking China isn't the best option available
I'd choose tiny nuclear bombs dropped to destroy electronics (because of the Electromagnetic wave) and then scorching the Earth with Napalm like in 'Nam
Will non-burgers remember us??
What will you tell your grandkids about us?
Will you remember me?
I'd credit it more to NYC having 10x the subway riders of any other city
All while Trump says he wants the economy back to normal by next week. It's over for you fat fucks.
Of course it's the french retards that are letting the virus in.
Corona virus was our secret weapon against the reptile overlords?
why do we assume a totalitarian government hides information? gee I have no idea
Vlad... calm down and drink some blood. You sperg out when you're hungry.
why do you faggots keep typing this. Whoever types this I automatically assume takes at least 5 loads of cum in their assholes per week.
Hey a pepperoni! how are you?
looks like toilet paper doesnt work