Where did it all begin?
Other urls found in this thread:
q -> quarantine
With a brain fart and a bunch of retards.
forced meme,obviously not organic.
right here on this very board lad
2017 January is when i remember it started
Tell me the story please
The amount of shilling is unironically making me start to believe this shit, even ayyys don't get this level of astroturfing
NWO maneuvering around wikileaks
Once upon a time, a glowie faggot tricked boomers into thinking trump was a soldier against evil.
Right here on this very board. In fact right over there. Right where the kikes right now are trying to cry to jannies.
Use the qmap to actually go thru the archives and read the posts in context with replies...
Then make up your own mind.
As for all the
>Hoes Mad
naysayers and agitprop countershilling really just legitimizes Q to anyone actually paying attention...
You shills just too stupid & basic to even understand the psyop your'e trying to discredit
Not really a map but I checked it out.
From what I can generally see he’s just some political predictor.
Can’t see anything about being in some Special Ops/Army command BUT I do see that him, you, and that entire page Glows like God’s rays down to Earth.
Thank you :)
Written Introductions:
Forgot this newest vid
it's not a single person user, it's a team of military officers in the intelligence community. no single person could keep up for years and never once embarrass themselves to the point the movement would just die altogether.
When will it all end?
It is of utmost importance that you ignore Austin Steinbart.
He claims to be Q, but in fact is a glownigger
Here, unironically.
Hahaha, and both of the written links are the same piece. Zerohedge just sourced american thinking. I'll have to update my shizz...
Alex Jones... then he disowned it. His first Rogan appearance
>be Yas Forums chilling, calling out the jew, calling OP a giant fucking faggot, and doing digging on LV shooting
>suddenly a wild user appears dropping lines like it was hot
>lines up with mega user and FBI user info dumps
>makes prediction for the weekend
>we were like "screencap this mofo" sounds like a larp
>shit literally happens that fucking weekend
>mfw its not a fucking larp
>but he's a glownigger too so they drop fucking disinfo too
>still the info dumps they drop are fucking fire
>jannies have to shut it down, oy vey the goyim know
>Q has to bounce to cripple-chong and take autistic army with him
>3 years later crippl-chin gets rekt
>turns into a legit watkins pig farm
>Q boned crippychan forever
t-thx Q
>right here on this very board lad
Started on infowars
Categorically wrong.
Literally right here on /pol.
>>be Yas Forums chilling, calling out the jew, calling OP a giant fucking faggot, and doing digging on LV shooting
>>suddenly a wild user appears dropping lines like it was hot
>>lines up with mega user and FBI user info dumps
>>makes prediction for the weekend
>>we were like "screencap this mofo" sounds like a larp
>>shit literally happens that fucking weekend
Alex had Q millennials pretending to be special ops and sounding like fags a year before Vegas
Fake news. Q started on Yas Forums in October 2017.
>some people thinking something is bullshit is "shilling"
>therefore anything that has some people against it must be real/right
You can't be that retarded, can you?
>someone says they like McDonalds
>someone else says they don't like mcdonalds
OMG LOOK AT ALL THESE ANTI-MCDONALDS SHILLS! Kinda makes me think mcdonalds must be great.
Q has always been fake and gay, we have always called out Q's fakeness and faggotry, and in your mind being against fake and gay bullshit makes us "shills" and the fake and gay bullshit is real?
Unironically take your meds
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 23 Mar 2020 - 7:31:36 PM
PREVENT [[D] party destruction] BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
These people are sick!
Nothing can stop what is coming.
Fuck off kike, no one here watches mossad jones
This hurts
>take your meds
Opinion discarded.
Couldn't what you said about people thinking those against Q are shills be turned back around on those who think Q is bullshit?
>we have always called
> the info dumps are fire!
Literally 100% of the TRUE things were posted on pol days/weeks/months before Q.
All the bullshit and disinfo? That is Q
>pol posts real shit
>days/weeks/months later Q posts some real shit from Yas Forums along with schizophrenic bullshit
Anyone who has paid *any* attention already knows this is what happened.
In 2+ years Q has *NEVER* posted anything real/true that wasnt posted on Yas Forums first
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 23 Mar 2020 - 7:13:55 PM
“the CHINA virus”
Worth remembering:
Wuhan Institute of Virology [geo location]?
[1st biosafety lvl 4 lab – 2015]
City/Province origin – hot zone [geo location]?
“Unbeknownst to Harvard University beginning in 2011, Lieber became a “Strategic Scientist” at [Wuhan] University of Technology (WUT) in China and was a contractual participant in China’s Thousand Talents Plan from in or about 2012 to 2017.”
[rapid spread]
>End POTUS rally(s)?
>End POTUS econ gains?
>End POTUS unemployment gains?
>End POTUS [A, B, C, D, ……]?
[weaken prior to P_elec?]
>Delay US/China trade negotiations?
[China pref Biden[+VP] as P?]
>Shelter [Biden] public appearances?
>Shelter [Biden] debate(s)?
>Push new/revised P_2020 > vote by mail? [unsecure]
>Push [D] ‘wish list’ [unrelated] items CV Bill [voting amends]?
What is the mathematical probability this occurs [the ‘time bomb’ explodes] at the exact point in time that allows for maximum damage [above] prior to the P_elec?
Outside of standard deviation?
[Mueller failed]
[Impeachment failed]
>Why was it critically important impeachment be rushed in the House?
[MSM[D party]/Hollywood narrative(s) failed]
[D] party leading nominee established [super T] prior to lock-down [take-over]? [Sanders ELIM_Biden_FRONT]
Occam's razor simply states that of any given set of explanations for an event occurring, the simplest one is most likely the correct one.
Qtards are brainlets
anyone whos been around long enough knows Q is a breadcrumb operation, and its done a fine job of pacifying the boomers making them blind to trumps rabid zionism
Hmmm I’ve noticed this pattern as well.
>Where did it all begin?
Right here on Yas Forums after that mass shooting in Vegas
John-user screencaps got to the normies and boomers after Las Vegas. That's when the jewish psyop Q appeared on Yas Forums with lots of cryptic riddles, that boomers and normies love. Yas Forums users started spamming the threads so it moved it to 8ch.
You understand Yas Forums here on Yas Forums is basically the same thing as Q, correct? Except this is the pozzed liberal nigger version
No, because the whole "shill" thing is bullshit. Only retards and schizos think everyone is a "shill"
You fags are just retarded and mentally ill, not "paid shills from Soros!" or whatever.
Anyone who assumes their opposition is a shill is mentally ill.
Mental illness
>In 2+ years Q has *NEVER* posted anything real/true that wasnt posted on Yas Forums first
And how do you explain the "Q posts, Trump tweets" scheme then?
>Q millenials
Bro, stay on script, they're Qboomers. You're getting your d&c fucked up
Imagine being this late to the party and your 1st move is calling yourself Q outright. they are not sending their best at all
Alex did Q long before and 100% of Q info was recycled 8ch drops. We put up with Q at first because he had this magical army of maga-boomers that never got kicked off twitter like Yas Forums did so it spread OUR INFO.
Then shit got weird
>Trust the plan
>end Iran
>Fake news. Q started on Yas Forums in October 2017.
Alex mentioned Q on Feb-2017 Joe Rogan. COINCIDENCE??
Right here baby
Yas Forums is not a larp
Yas Forums does not insist that everything posted on Yas Forums is real
Yas Forums does not believe "disinfo is necessary"
So no, they are not similar. Q got run off the board precisely because his larping faggotry has no place on Yas Forums
We had already dealt with a BUNCH of larps back to back to back to back and people on here were just fucking sick of that garbage
you type like an obvious leftist nigger user, you give yourself away. you haven't been here very long and your syntax screams that much. it's a known fact this board is infested with intelligence assets from all governments, it's not even up for debate
Actually, the very day Barr was appointed.
First Q says this is all planned and that it is a cover for upcoming arrests and public disclosure and delass of deep state traitorous activities.
NOW - its the DEMS did this to fuck Trump.
How about this - FUCK Q!
Take your meds faggot
Q is posting and there's nothing discord shills and redditors can do about it:
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 03/23/20 (Mon) 19:48:53
The key that opens all doors.
The 'Start'.
S.K. Bro YOU'RE BACK. We need to keep these daily fucking threads up. We are literally being shilled from ALL SIDES. user flags to look for are UK. French, Canada, and Germany and OFC be wary of meme-flags. They rotate but are on 24/7 duty. God bless you and may God protect you.
>Alex mentioned Q on Feb-2017 Joe Rogan
>How about this
Woah, you really got anons with that.
Do you think the other side isn't counter attacking?
Yeah he said he fucking knows who he is. He fucking blew his fucking mossad controlled opposition cover. Just because you don't fucking know anything doesn't make you a better shill. It makes you a know nothing faggot kike.
Used to be regular “The Calm Before The Storm” threads until the jannies nuked them.
>Where did it all begin?
Here. Some schitzo boomer huffed that African fermented diarrhea moonshine and started having visions and kept shit posting until people started repeating that shit.
One autistic zoomer who took his love for larping and trump way too far.
fake as fuck cant find article any where
Did you buy the tshirt and bumper stickers, while donating to the patreons of our latest conservative thots and goys? You’re missing on the latest Trump news and opinions msm doesn’t want you to know!!!!
Imagine believing someone is so successfully larping, getting their entire platform shutdown on gaychan and coming back within months hosted on military servers is something anyone short of a nation state is capable of. You think regardless of it being real or not the fact it is morally good for the republican party and is about spreading information against the globalist faggots is something (((they))) will allow unopposed?
Trying out new shit? Your line is boomer.
It's the Old World Order.
Anyone have those prediction dates he made that never happened?
Were you part of the /pawmg/ threads? In any case I'll be here throughout the day. Shilling is understandably skyrocketing right now; I'll do what I can to help. Godspeed to you too.
kys faggot
Checked! God bless!
im not trying to "get" anyone.
Anyone saying "Yas Forums ran Q off the board" is a fucking jew shill because that's who ran him off. The first of the most obscene shilling to hit this board was in response to Q posting.
Checked! Take muh meds schizopilled
Read the actual threads.
To understand the intel , reverse engineer them back to the first post.
Everything happening now is referenced in 2017-18
>Future PROVES past
This was just spread to millions of people within seconds.
And that's why Q is attacked.
Yeah sure. Here's one.
>right here on this very board lad
>Right here on this very board.
>Here, unironically.
>Right here
>Right here baby
>Opinion discarded.
>Fuck off kike
>there's nothing discord shills and redditors can do about it:
>shill. faggot kike.
>fucking jew shill
>shilling is understandably skyrocketing
>The amount of shilling
>that's why Q is attacked.
Notice how they talk from an 'user' script? That's how you know it's Mossad.
kek what's happening right now? Oh right, a magical virus is spreading across the globe and is the new boogey man. Iran is one of the most effected for a reason, if you think that on 2020 the start of a new decade this is all a coincidence you're retarded
>trying this hard
Yes I was, Keep up those threads, ARCHIVE THEM ALL. Pruning is happening, we are in the midst of the biggest COINTEL OP I have EVER seen.
Still waiting on that source of Alex Jones mentioning Q in February of 2017.
Care to address the fact that my post proves completely wrong? How Q made that post during a time when the rest of the world was fearing we were on the brink off nuclear war with NK (I should know)? Of course not, because it goes against your narrative. That's okay, more and more truth is going to come out, and more and more people are waking up. You're fighting a losing battle.
lmfao you really have taken up the language of your oppressors eh femanon shill?
You fuckin' retarded newfag niggers. You plebbitors don't even know it was /cbts/ general before qanon was even a thing.
without the Q-user phenomenon seducing many patriots do you think they could have shut the country down? These are the people who would never have accepted their most basic rights being taken away. It's all very strange.
> was fearing we were on the brink off nuclear war with NK
That was the media pushing that narrative, user. We were never actually at threat in nuclear war, NK is a proxy state for the globalists it's actually pretty simple to understand honestly. Remember that time the media said hillary had a 90 some percent chance of winning and that trump colluded with russia and it all turned out to be bullshit? Who's being arrested? All the republican billionaire pedophiles like epstein? Oh wait he's not....how about NXIVM, clare bronfman and co? Republicans? No.
>mfw I'm Mossad now
Sloppy job
Nah man. It was late October and November that the Calm Before The Storm thread was live. Set the record for most baked bread as well.