1. It will not be remembered as a Chinese virus

1. It will not be remembered as a Chinese virus.

2. Nobody will hold China accountable for this.

3. It will go down in history as The Trump Virus or Boomer Killer and COVID-19 in a formal climate.

4. Trump will be the one to suffer the most for this farce and so will America.

5. Conservative politics will be dead because of how the virus reminds people of a conservative administration and how conservative standpoints got us all into this mess in the first place.

I'm loving this to be honest, the right is dead and so are racists. The future is Democrat and liberalism. You've lost.

Attached: autsims.webm (500x438, 2.93M)

Pretty much.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

I can't tell who is worse:

Barron or his cheeto father

Nice larp


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You faggots should go back to plebbit.

god barron is such a king

>Muh china
Literally the USA is responsible

China may have created the virus, and we had no control of that, but this president has been fully in charge of our nation's response. And it wasn't pretty. Gutting the CDC and refusing to ensure we had adequate testing/medical supplies until it was too late is NOT going to go down well at all in the history books. This president will remembered as the Nero of our lifetime, a truly destructive madman and global embarrassment who set our great melting pot back at least a decade. He is an absolute disgrace, and his tyranny makes me ashamed to call myself an American in the company of those from more enlightened nations.

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It’s ogre for ten years max OP. Remember how it was after Bush?

Oh thank god! wew... found the meeting...Yay!
Now lets talk about GAY SEX!!!!



1. It will be remembered as COVID-19 (or depends on the USA foreign politicy about "Chinese Virus")
2. Everybody in the world will know China as a starter of this virus.(But "cucked" governments maybe won't take an action)
3. As i mentioned before.
4. America will take hard take. (But how hard will it take depends on USA government.)
5. Conservatine politics won't be dead. Now everything is %50 - %50. There will be tons of proxy wars in all around world, globalists vs conservatists.

After 5 or 10 years later, we will see who will win this war. But i am sure about that, there will be violent local wars. In EU,USA even Japan too.
Because every people in the world had been brainwashed simultaneously after WWII. You can't expect "pure" country anymore.

China virus

>1. It will not be remembered as a Chinese virus.
That's just flat out wrong. Everyone is gonna remember it as the Chinese bat virus. The mental image of the wet market circumstances that created it are just too vivid.

Nice raid faggots

>China may have created the virus
They didnt

Whatever, I just want it to go back to normal. Just enjoy some bangs and move on

Attached: olietbangs.jpg (768x1024, 81.58K)

Wow you arr a piece of shit.
What has Barron done?

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You are a disappointment to your parents

>hurr durr I'm literally retarded

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This thread is so r*ddit it hurts.

>The future

believing America has one after all of this

Ching Chang Chinka Linga Ding Dong
Wuhan WHO! Fucking Chink Fucking Flu Yo!

Wow 4 bugmen in a room working the same cat thinking scam, between the 4 of you there is about 5 inches of dick combined, china is fucked

Could you make a more canned response?

Pelosi is the Nero. Stop being sexist.

Q isn't real and coronavirus is.


Watch the OP video and tell me that's normal right now.

Ok Chang

>The future is Democrat and liberalism. You've lost.
Might want to wargame that again Jim.

Attached: download.png (252x200, 4.58K)

Oof, you suck at this.


>Trump will be the one to suffer the most for this farce
fuck off, we are all fucked. I stll have to pay my rent and I lost my source of income because of the virus.

Based and also true

>Four Shills from Red.dit
Yeah man i'm fucking sure this shit is going to get Yas Forums on your side
Christ knows it worked so well with the Bernie Shilling kek.

Attached: berniesoyboy (4).jpg (1454x930, 140.7K)

>The future is Democrat
You're dreaming, user. Wake up

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>Citation needed
Can your cat brain and tiny penis find one?

Oooooo you got that Drumph this time! Now clear the way for the senile old pervert to make it all perfect and shiiiittttt

Attached: bideneye.jpg (680x510, 43.17K)

Also fuck this thread
>what is the link between schizophrenia and andrenochrome?
>why are ashkenzi jews prone to schizophrenia?
>how is adrenochrome harvested?
>why were jews expelled from 109 countries?
>what is the origin of the "vampire", and why does the myth exist universally across cultures?
>what is pizzagate?
>why do the people named in pizzagate theories seem to contract corona at incredibly high rates?
>how do the chinese prefer to prepare their meats?
>how many chinese died of corona?
I need these answers anons. You do, too

>virus originated in communist country
>this is american conservatives fault
>numbered list but still uses plebbit spacing
your hero george lucas taught you that jedi mind tricks only work on the weak willed

They didn't though. This was created in South Carolina and sold to Canada and finally let lose in China.

>bringing up unrelated general Yas Forums topics
>generic Yas Forums term
Your response sounds like a bot could have written it

Nah, everyone still assumes aids came from Africa.

What Op says to himself when he's alone in bed at night.

Hahah fucking showed them !

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Dems still think sleepy Joe has a chance

These people are so evil to the core it just blows my mind. What judgement is coming from God on that great and terrible day of the Lord!

>so delusional

Be proud, be the 41 percent

You're a bit crazy to think everyone is in on something 24/7. Go see a fucking doctor sometime



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The future is eternal for those who follow Christ

Lmao yelling in all caps, name calling, go the fuck back to your plebbit discord faggot

You too, definitely need a doctor.


>Things that are not happening

OP btfo all the Trumpanzees

You mean /ptg/ ?

I mean you are a flyover state resident aren't you?

Well your 401k's will be saved but once your over 50 your dead. Happy birthday bitches.

>1 post by this ID
Stop replying to bait.

The future is a liberal administration with a liberal house and senate.

Not exactly the point dude.
The left is just to old and boomer tier to be an actual threat.
Dont get me wrong, civnat magapedes are pretty fucking retarded in and of themselves and are just much "NPC"s
But they are objectively going to win this election as the left cant get out of its own damn way to win the presidency.
>Go Take Drugs you have the wrong opinion.
This is the average quality of argument from a leftist.

Attached: theyhatedhimbecausehetoldthetruthmeme (1) (1) (1).jpg (900x966, 125.36K)

>Changistan reminds everyone that they've literally bought the Democratic Party.

Attached: Great Reap Forward.jpg (381x280, 31.33K)

Honestly thought the dems were being stupid for withholding the stimulus
Nothing is as retarded as this press conference right now

Just like Bernie was "Going to be" The Dem nominee right my dude?

Attached: angrybluehatberniewojack.png (750x841, 543.61K)

I LOVE THESE THREADS!!! Great topic OP...you really "get it"
>HAHAHAHA I totally BTFO'd the Drumpf supporting nahtzees on Yas Forums

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> (OP)
post by this ID
>Stop replying to bait.

Attached: 9cf.png (469x331, 26.33K)

The Antonine Plague originated from the Middle East

It will be remembered as the virus caused by soulless flat faced midget people who eat diseased rodents. We will call it the 11 Jinchink virus.

this is a good shit post

Also, nice samefagging Chang.

don't care

*live rodents user LIVE

You lost. Go do something worthwhile with your life, gayboy


You are a racist.

What's it like shilling for the people who skin dogs alive?

>1. It will not be remembered as a Chinese virus.

It will be remembered as China's Chernobyl, that moment when a failed state was playing with toys it couldn't manage.

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>all right wing people live in cow country
And you call us the uninformed generalists


>What's it like shilling for the people who skin dogs alive?
I dont think OP said he was a Trump supporter.

>Gutting the CDC
"Avoid being near other people" and "wash your hands"
Yeah, clearly we just needed more of these "expert" geniuses on the payroll to avert this crisis

>and refusing to ensure we had adequate testing/medical supplies
Thanks, Obama. Literally used up in H1N1 response and never replenished.
Shill harder, kike.

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Hes thinking and hes nervous. Sometime people think things so realistically that it causes them to have physical reactions and sensations. Its no big deal

You're a delusional racist.

What are you? Some nigger loving nonracist?

Even the sandnigger know the true.
>go fucking kys you fucking OP demoncrafts marxists with your fucking commie insectoid chinese virus.
chinese virus meme will never die, is already the 4th in the last few years. No matter how much they try we will never forget.
When economy's go back everybody go buy a big outdoor and spam damn chinese virus name memes. So everybody knows how fucking animals the chinese are, they would eat everybody mother in this thread if they had the chance.
In this day and age everybody knows that the democrats are just asshole portal for marxists and globalists, I mean every country knows. That's why they can only get the criminals to go to the USA.

holy shit there are so many govt. sanctioned and paid Chinese on this board it really not only shows how integral this board is to the internet but also how fucking SHOOK the chinks are that we blame them and all manufacturing is coming back to America now

Perfectly rational racist, actually.

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According to the CDC, this flu season alone there have been 38 million cases of flu with 22,000 deaths from flu, just in the United States, just this season.

Just sayin.

How many Chong GoodBoyPoints on Alipay do you get for shilling on Yas Forums?

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

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He tried getting travel from China banned in January, but you dug your heels in and called him racist, despite the fact that none of you ever gave a shit about Chinese people until then.

Do the rest of humanity a favor and don't vote or reproduce. Thanks.

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>You're Racist!
So is everyone.
So is the vast the majority of humanity.
So has the vast majority of humanity been throughout the whole of human history.
Preference for those who share the same genetic make up of you and opposition to those who dont is not only natural its a pretty good god damn evolutionary strategy.
And we are about to undergo a culling of all the retards and genetic dead ends who think otherwise and live multi-racial urban shitholes all over the damn country.
California is going to vote red this november
Screen Cap this post.

Attached: coronaviruscullingmeme (1).jpg (1920x1280, 206.21K)

Why are you so toxic? How does it feel to be such a mean, horrible waste or life?

You do realize Trump is going to win again this year right?
Also, fuck off to where you belong.

Attached: Politically Incorrect Has Had Enough.gif (1200x1200, 213.05K)

Lmfao yeah retard I bet people are going to be very keen on open borders after a full scale pandemic

Nice try yellow kikes. Using the runes of banishment, I'm sending you to the COOF CAMP.
>动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

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Enjoy your raid and your sharia blue dollars. The problem for you is that Yas Forums is eternal. Your raid will be over in a few days, and Yas Forums will go on chugging along as it always has. Your work here will be lost in time like tears in rain. Ultimately your raid will have zero impact but you'll lose a few comrades that end up accidentally consuming red pills. It always happens this way. All of this has happened before and all of it will happen again.

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