When did you realize Coronavirus is a hoax?

When did you realize Coronavirus is a hoax?

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When the media got ahold of it to politicize it

It's real, but it's severely exaggerated.

why do you think it is a hoax? the 15 million dead Chinese?

Fuck your mother with a machete.

been saying that for weeks but everybody loves panicking too much

I hope your lungs fill with fluid and you slowly choke to death as your oxygen supply is cut off and all the hospitals are full so you don't even receive basic care in your last hours.

I can confirm it's fake

when the narrative shifted away from the virus itself and over to "orange man bad"

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When I watched the Live Camera of Tokyo ealrier.

Streets full of Japs side by side not giving a shit. Apparently they've had the virus in Japan since January and made little to no fuss.

Boomers these days. Am I right guys?

When Pelosi started playing games

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can't find a single video of someone acting infected or coughing their lungs out. therefore its fake

When I saw how much the (((media))) is sensationalizing a virus that's milder than the regular flu. Now I realize that (((they))) are just trying to crash the economy so they can find an excuse to forcibly microchip everybody.

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>in b4 1 post by this ID

day 1
You don’t want anyone to die, do you? Of course you don’t!

Therefore, you WILL stay in your home and watch the fear porn channels each day.

Start begging for still yet another government safety net.

Demand that government receives more power and authority! Demand martial law and the mobilization of the troops!

Demand Bill Gates release his vaccine antidote - you know, the one that comes with a handy-dandy microchip that can be scanned at government checkpoints to make sure you got your shot.

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lol media doesn't fucking know what it's doing. more than 1 month ago media was downplaying this now they are feeaking out. that's why i know this is not a hoax.


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They were able to Orange Man Bad it, so we’ll be hearing about that until December after Trump gets re-elected

>When did you realize Coronavirus is a hoax?
Found the Russian shill trying to do harm to America.

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if it's such a hoax, why don't you just go get pozzed already? you're begging for it. for a little wuhan in your neghole.

when it burned out on Yas Forums in Feb and the MSM picked it up for no reason in March.

>When did you realize Coronavirus is a hoax?
When Rand Paul tested positive.

No shit. I keep asking all the normies I meet to show me the facebook, instagram or youtube style vlogs from victims or their families. They haven't seen shit .

when Zero Hedge got perma-banned from Twitter

7 days till we hit 1k a day!

Fuck you, I got Corona >:^3


I knew it was going to be from the minute ALL corporate news outlets started simultaneously hyping it. It was so well coridinated that you just knew it was an "influence operation", and that was 2 months ago I told my wife it was gonna be a hoax. So I look for confirmation of the hoax where I can, and the biggest is drive by the emergency rooms. They are all dead. Here is big hospital pic Herman Memorial Emergency room from today. Now don't get me wrong, they are catching onto that people are using the hospitals as proof of NO VIRUS epidemic, so Governers are ordering ALL doctors and dentists to shut down now in order to drive up the numbers going to the hospital. Here is Emergency room from 2 hours ago. Notice 1 car is there.

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Immediately. Anyone falling for this needs to reevaluate their lives.

Truth is scary. Most people prefer to live lies. They mount up as they grow older.

When OP chopped off his balls.

If it isn’t a total hoax in the sense that it’s actually real and actually infecting people (I personally think it’s completely fake but maybe im wrong), then at the very least it has been indicated to be a lab grown disease designed to spread FUD and shift blame for the global economies downfall

When meme flaggots muh Russianed it

Better question, why was Israel working on a vaccine before it was known? Are we to take their claim of it being "pure luck" at face value?

It's going to disappear over time with no negative affects

>At work trying to explain how kung flu is a hoax and how they're arresting celebrities under the guise of the flu
>Bring up how there's no youtubers or vloggers talking about it
>People actually putting two and two together
>Some autists spergs off about "well I guess muh dad is a celebrity he's currently in the hospital with corona right now! He's had pneumonia three times in his life so I guess that's a hoax too"
>dude wut?
>Ask if his dad got tested, says no
>So what makes you believe this is kung flu and not the condition that has down'd him three other times in his life?
>Guy doesn't say anything, just sits there and looks at his phone

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According to everything I read about the Corona Viruses is there are many and they cause about 20% of all common cold symptoms so we have been living with this virus on everyone for quite some time now. Its no wonder most people will test positive for it, and have no symptoms.

A good example of this was my wife got the flesh eating bacteria, and we went to the emergency room and they confirmed it on her foot.

They said after the test with a swab, the machine read 5000PPM of the Strep Bacteria on my wifes skin. The normal count is 500PPM, so ALL humans have Strep Bacteria on them right now. Its just under control.

Since day one, I never believe anything until I'm able to really analyze it and as it unfolded it never convinced me...
remember freemasons come in all shapes and sizes and work together to decide the fate of the world.
The previous hoax flu shot was losing credibility they needed something new to get people begging for the shots another decade,
they did alter the virus a bit so they can recognize it on their new tests without the risk of a rogue nurse or doctor getting curious and saying:
"I bet it's just the normal flu, let me check "
and testing for that and getting a positive result then whistle blowing ,
so yeah, they do alter it to make it unique,
But it's definitely not that bad and it's a hoax overall , even in China they where upset about this hoax...
they'll also use it cover up some other big event that may be taking place, use it to see how prepared a country is for this sort of scenario and sometimes even to revolutionize certain work places without the hassle of dealing with too many strikes saying things like :
"oops! we got these automatons to do it for you, it's just for safety user, we don't want another outbreak do we "
But again all in all just a hoax ,
look up what the symptoms of a panic attack and an anxiety attack are and join the dots on the placebo symptoms people are feeling,
then mix that with a common flu or cold and bingo! you have a disaster,
Then look up if staying shut indoors can provoke anxiety attacks and the "news" can cause fluoride addicts panic ,
then look at the extremely obvious tips and recommendations and orders all the jews and their puppets are giving out ;

-Stay locked up windows shut curtains shut and away from any fresh air or vitamin D/sun (look up what vitamin d does to respiratory infections) in a moldy room if possible.

- constantly masturbate while quarantined cause it will raise your immune system HAHA

-practice fasting and malnutrition


There's a lot of theatre going on, too, though. Here in Melbourne, Australia we had hospitals setting up tents for 'overflow', but then number of people dying is miniscule. They also say we have only 1 case of POSSIBLE community infection.

Etcetcetc, its just too funny to be true.
They even make sure to cover their backs quite well saying things like:
- "blacks don't get it , we have our scientist looking into though"

You know why ?...
Because the masonic jews behind this know how savage blacks are and if they are pushed to the point whites are always pushed they will go wild and not be so easily controlled with threats of jail and shit like that like whites tend to be ,
blacks are stupid and savage so it's best to not get them all riled up, plus we don't want countries like Italy amongst others saying ; "throw these niggers out !!"
And have nigger acceptance levels go down,
Not to mention they would never catch any sensationalist footage of African blacks with the dumb ass masks on and fighting over toilet paper when they're too worried about some diamond cartel goons or wild lions on a rampage to start buying into this hype about a killer cough.

They also started off saying ;
"children don't get it"
and of course it was for similar reasons;
it would be pushing too far, if they get kids scared to a point some parents start feeling a natural instinct to do anything for their child that could be a risky scenario,
but now that slowly whites have introduced their children calmly into the hoax, they started saying it could affect them also.

Amongst many other dumb shit that you can tell it's a hoax,
like causing the toilet paper riots,
they knew that if they made canned food scarce it wouldn't be a good test of the level of flouride Americans have,
but a shortage of toilet paper on the other hand, the least important article in any survival situation, now that is a clear indicator that the level of stupidity is at its appropriate level and that they wouldn't be found out.



Do that again with timestamp please and thank you.

Did you count them yourself?

Just like 6 million dead kikes right?

you have room to talk

are you denying the 20 million?

I need an answer for this. It's looking like Corona is another 9/11 esque Jew trick to get the US to wage war for it again

>I knew it was going to be (a hoax)
>So I look for confirmation of the hoax

Around the time the euromomo.eu/ all-cause mortality report came out, I became skeptical.

When domestic flight in the USA continues to operate, as well as no politicians or reporters wearing n95 masks at any large public gatherings gave me even more cause for concern.

When media refuses to report EXCESS mortality from the normal Italian death rate as opposed to "Covid-related" mortality.

When I found out Italian hospitals were highly overburdened and overstressed during the 2017-2018 flu season.

I am not saying the whole thing is not an extreme problem or could be very serious, but these things all made me more skeptical than I was initially.

>the evolution of nothingburger posting
So it is now literally nothing

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When I remembered Trump is a kike.

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The coronavirus is the holocaust of the 21st century. All fake,a fraud.

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>why don't you just go get pozzed already?
Because it's a hoax. I can't get pozzed by something that doesn't exist.

Your meme is very old.

The victims of coronavirus are just like the victims of the holohoax. There is none.

Fuck off boomer

So all the videos from Italy are fake?

prime example of why you should never trust the msm

Post the videos. I have yet to see a single video.

The average of death from the coronavirus in Italy is 80, and 99% of those who die have comorbidities. Tens of thousands already die there from the flu each year.


Both Italy and China were preceded by a tuberculosis outbreak before this all began.


Dr Wolfgang Wodarg says: There is no evidence that the coronavirus is responsible for killing people; death-statistics are meaningless; all we are doing is testing more sick people for coronaviruses this year.

This is how China and Italy were first "overwhelmed" by the supposed "pandemic," and then quelled it. As Dr Wodarg says, first you manufacture the problem by testing everybody for the disease. Then you inflict absolute tyranny on the general public, who, owing to media panic-mongering, are now begging for it; finally, you stop doing the tests, and claim that your authoritarian measures solved the problem. This is how totalitarianism beyond the wildest fantasies of Alex Jones is now taking hold.

There is no evidence that the old people flooding into the ICUs would not have died at home in any case if it were not for the media panic.


Dr John Ioannidis of Stanford University: the only true-case study we have of the coronavirus shows a death-rate as low as 0.05%.


Peter Hitchens:


Ron Paul: The coronavirus hoax


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Months ago during the cali blackouts.
>Martial law practice
Look for a huge false flag soon.

Are you denying the 60 million?

not at all actually
yet no proof to back up that claim