What are the spiritual, mental, and emotional consequences of women who engage in casual sex and/or have multiple sexual partners before marriage? How do the consequences differ for men?
What are the spiritual, mental...
Wow, would love to see her take a black cock.
Women are the medlar fruits of gender. They go rotten before they're ripe.
>what are the consequences of starting a family with someone who has had intimate relations with men before you?
can someone post that infographic of divorce skyrocketing after one pre marital partner
Marriage is a patriarchal institution to begin with and modern society has made it a source of income for lawyers at the expense of men. Why get married?
who is she?
French girl
You're right I wouldn't get married today. Marriage has lost what it was intended for.
But that's throw the baby out with the bathwater
I don't understand the bait and switch fatalism MGTOWs have.
Just because something sucks now doesn't mean it is inherently bad.
The girl that aborted my baby and banged half of my town is now an elementry school teacher...
Roasties are rewarded in todays society.. nobody cares, if i even try to talk about it people get mad at me.
Contrary to what POL might believe is that a woman who has had multiple partners (the more the better) turned out to be more loving and sensitive to their current partner's needs. This was all observed in a 2018 study, its like training your body for martial arts except with love instead.
If the past couple generations have ruined themselves for marriage, isn't the only choice polyamory without the legal requirements that the state has put on what used to be a sacred union?
Just because she has a job doesn't mean she's not an emotional wreck that will most likely be miserable for the rest of her life.
worth it
oxytocin bonding is diminished with multiple partners making long term staying in love difficult. that much seems to be true though not much research is done. seems to effect women more then men, not that men are immune. whether or not the oxytocin bonding system can be restored through a period of abstinence or something i have no idea. more research is needed but for politically correct reasons we wont get that research.
There is a scientifically established correlation between how blond and light skinned a woman is and the number of melanin receptors in her pussy. This is why the whitste women always want unprotected BBC, their body literally craves an injection of melanin into her gene pool to create offspring with awesome sun resistance
and yet women with multiple partners each relationships seems briefer then the last and the more partners you've had in the past the higher the rate of divorce so no. you ar training your body to commit to brief flings. its like training to run the 100 meter dash instead of a marathon
whites built their civilization on monogamy.
some of your graphs are stupid because they don't account for race and assumes that outliers like children having sex at 12 and younger aren't mentally unstable already.
again you are engaging in fatalism. the world isn't ending, family units just need to be fixed.
why is polyamory the answer?
>well niggers keep killing each other and having out of wedlock babies. let's just abolish marriage and the these poor basketball americans wont feel so oppressed.
>brown skin
>brown eyes
I can forgive the brown hair if she had light eyes/skin, but this woman is a pure shitskins, would not fuck.
Yeah but she made me an emotional wreck that will be miserable for the rest of my life....
Because marriages will not work for Gen X or Millennials. Either that is accepted and society moves forward, or we try something that won't work. IF a child is had the two must remain together, because the child needs a role model from both genders.
The world is not ideal. Not everyone is meant to continue into the future. In the past 1/3 babies died. The answer is biological, but still possible it takes more work and pain.
>IF a child is had the two must remain together, because the child needs a role model from both genders
agree. dont think ending marriage is a possible or desired solution. our you could outlaw no fault divorce like what we used to have.
just because a bunch of jews brainwashed our youth into a culture of promiscuity doesn't mean i want to further encourage promiscuity.
Hmmm, is she though?
Basic supply and demand: woman has high supply of dick, you dick in particular is demanded less.
Jade Urtebise
Because of the abortion?
That plus banging half of my town...
i know it is beta or whatever but i really did care about that girl and it hurts so bad knowing so many scumbags were inside where my child was literally ripped out of.
i can't even sleep at night sometimes....
You do not know how to appreciate real beauty.
just another log to add to the fire for my hatred of what (((they))) did to us
we're all gonna make it fren
Have you tried moving on? Clearly she isn't worth caring about if she did those things. Sorry to hear about your baby though, that must've pierced your soul.
I moved on from her as far as like ever wanting to be with her but i will never get over what has happened... it has caused me so much trauma i literally dissociated for a good chunk of my life.
Did you bring that injustice before God yet?
What do you mean?
I feel extremely guilty but i was told i had no say..
I can't find her nudes. where they at?
Women have 10 good years.
Even former pornstars can get a betabux, so there are no consquences.
Civilization collapsing. No, seriously. Civilization required suppression of animalistic behavior and enhancement of natural human behavior that was beneficial. Current society completely suppresses the masculine and enhances the destruction power of the feminine. The physical strength and logical brain of the male has been suppressed and the hypergamy and emotional decision making of the female has been enhanced.
why don't you throw yourself down a well then?
seriously, I can relate to your situation somewhat, but you have to move on eventually, your life wasn't and isn't coextensive with that woman's
Well if you're a Christian then you sinned by having premarital sex
I can tell just from this picture that that woman is a massive cunt.
Spot on. This right here.
You lie!
>tfw you'll never have a 10/10 qt look at you that way.
>most famous pornstar of all time, getting married to her Swedish beta retard
And people will still tell you there are consequences to slutting around.
I feel more sorry for you than for the foetus that was aborted, or the state of her womb or whatever. These things shouldn't concern you, right now she could be miserable or very happy, alive or dead, rich or poor, relationships are reciprocal things, undue or unwanted care will only absurdly torture you for as long as you let it affect you.
There aren't enough guys with weird fetishes to go around
She's looking at a camera, probably her own reflection in the lens
Leaf's law
Another based leaf wtf?
Chang's law
>Vengeance is Mine, and recompense;
Their foot shall slip in due time;
For the day of their calamity is at hand,
And the things to come hasten upon them.’
(Deuteronomy 32:35)
>17 Pay back no one evil for evil. Take thought for what is good in the sight of all people. 18 If it is possible on your part, be at peace with all people. 19 Do not take revenge yourselves, dear friends, but give place to God’s wrath, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.
(Romans 12:17-19)
So all tribes and primitive groups of people around the world are doing it wrong or for financial reasons? You sound like a Roastie.
She's so beautiful. Damn.
Slow spiritual death
Fornication has consequences. Should have listened to God.
Is she really that famous?