Brit/pol/ - Kill Your Landlord Edition

Just fucking do it everybody will cheer you on.

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Poorfags get the rope

Try roping me when you're fucking dead mate.

Just own your own house and you dont have to worry about landlords you pleb

as a landlord, I defiantly disagree with your proposal.

How about you get a job and get your own place instead, zoomer?


>Wheelie-Bin Engineers


>Carpenters, Joiners

>Plumbers, Stone Masons


>Roofers, Handymen, Forkies

>Brickies, Tackers




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I don't get why people hate renting, when you can buy a house pretty cheap. You just have to move somewhere.

>when you can buy a house pretty cheap

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To all those people who are suddenly doing nice things like shopping for elderly neighbours, running errands for the needy, helping out at foodbanks.
Welcome to Socialism.
It's kinda our thing, It’s what we do.

>be renting
>landlord lives in australia
>leaves agents to manage property
>tfw they only inspect every quarter, and it lasts under a minute each time

feels good m8

>spending my own capital on friends and family is socialism

You should read up on what team your on, faggot

I'm about to own the entire street you fuckers.

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this poster is a fed

Thank you daddy Boris for putting me on house arrest. Can I have my spanking now too?

How can you tell?

first for racism

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Typically, houses are cheaper where there are less well-paying jobs.

So you choose between good job and high house prices, or poor job and cheap houses.

Landlords are your lords and you serfs will address them as such


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you're just scared of the chav so u just brushing me off as "a fed"

>Having a landlord
oh dear, user.
you dont have property????

inspect? inspect what? renters not entitled to privacy now wtf.

Why don't you just buy a house if you don't want to rent faggot?

Your wallpaper is a travesty lad. Almost as bad as your mask.

hpw many not paying rent??
They can't evict us all


why aren't people "recovering" from this virus? is it because the virus progresses from "mild" to severe/critical in almost every case? maybe the SARS + AIDS thing is true after all.

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i just have an eye for this sort of thing mate, and i use it to look over my shoulder at my coworker at gchq

that figurine looks pretty gay mate

Don't miss

careful now this is how owen jones ended up in politics
first your having a crafty wank at a bulge in grey joggers, next your having a fit on live tv

>he actually believes 4chin screen caps
Lmao what a loser he is

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not to mention the homoerotic ornament

you have inspections to ensure you haven't shat the place up and aren't sub-letting

SHould be twice a year

don't need to pay rent if there is nobody to pay it to

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it takes 3-4 weeks, so that march 10th spike isnt seeing recoveries yet.

I've been renting a place near 7 years, never had an inspection. Landlord was out once a few years back when the washing machine broke, he replaced it with a really good one too.

I stuck the knife in, I left it to someone else to twist.

Gtfo nigger

burn it down!

I don't get it guys. What do we pay bills with if no work? I have mortgage and family so what do?

Also ways to obtain pistols or shotguns because I don't believe it's possible without being a farmer. Prove me wrong, lads.

checked and skull-and-bones-pilled

how often do we need Thatchers?

Nice try, MI5.

greggs fears the west britonic pasty

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>If only you knew how based I was
Lads, say something nice about the man saving us right now.

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U wot m8?

i challenge you to a fight faggot nancy boy

I’ve rented the same house for ten years and never even seen my landlady, who lives less than a mile away. I try to stay under the radar in case she decides to put the rent up.

I never miss my targets mate.

>does the job of killing
>now owns place
expand your thinking

Will you back out to the highlands in the approaching SHTF scenario?

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I’m here to laugh at all of you who laughed at me when I said this was going to be a big deal.

I’m sitting pretty on my supplies while you all scramble at the shops.

I’m still pretty scared though guys.

There are literally tens of millions of us and not that many of you, and guess who isn't particularly busy with work anymore but still getting charged rent? We have a lot of free time right now you know.

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>Nancy Boy
All breaks down to role reversal

322 is the number used by the skull & bones secret society.

>Work in social care
>Manage a team looking after people in the community with learning disabilities
>Finally get all the guidance out from rhe last big thing the Government announced
>This stupid fuck leaves it until 8.30pm to announce this
What a fucking idiot. I've had workers and parents on the phone for 2 hours now because of this moron. And the guidance on their site is two fucking pages.

got the last two packets of worcester sauce walkers in the co-op lads
might eat em now

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Yes I've done a shit in the middle of the chamber, and no I won't apologise.

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its his pagan shrine

Having rented in earlier life. When a landlord has a letting agent run the property, they usually do inspections. When you're renting privately they tend not to bother.
I have my own home now, so thankfully that's a thing of the past.

Last day tomorrow to stock up on your diy errands gentlemen.

I'm scared lads, my flat mate has just been told he's going to be laid off of work, which means we can't afford the rent.

Lol. Socialism is when the state forces you. Not volunteering. You’re not even a good liar.

you can buy a semi automatic shotgun for about the price of a playstation if you can get permission to shoot on somebody elses land

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what u gonna do poofta??

He still thinks this is the 20th century and doesn't realize that the rules have changed now.

They built my neighbour's extension
> My Neighbour

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And you get the cough

>Kill Your Landlord
Trump is a landlord with thousands of tenants.

based, don't forget a lot of people might not even have anything to lose now if they think they've got it.

Yea, but thats not gonna stop the bank from sendin thugs when the landlord stops payin the bills.

imagine relying on boris fucking johson for life advice

Why is it significant?

Apply for support, pig boy.

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rules are the same
just a lot of braindead bumders online now
ill fuckin 'ave u m8

Possibly, not without taking out some of my enemies first.


workers of the world unite

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its not benidorm out there lad, bit cold for the shorts and trainers

>my flatmate used to work on the docks
>coronavirus strikes, we're down our luck and it's tough
>so tough
I'd say you'll just have to hold on to what you've got lad

So much mileage baiting yanks with this

I haven't seen worcester sauce walkers in years
BASEd flavour

I still miss Monster Munch cheese and onion

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It's government guidance, we have to follow it to appease the care inspectorate.

Landlady wheezing up her boomer lungs as we speak. Remaining in my room INDEFINITELY

renting is a parasitic practice and should be eliminated.

>workers of the world unite
with each other
not with trannys and nignogs

fair enough lad. just sick of all these bootlickers crying to boris because they saw a few people in the park

uh oh which area

the price of green is going to skyrocket

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>Britbongs now need a loisense to leave their fucking homes


Hope you have receipts for all your possessions kek

>Socialism is when the state forces you.
Oh dear, burger intellectual discourse levels.

Listen; Whether your mum tells you to clean your wanking sock or the law tells you to stop fucking your twink, someone owes someone responsibility and candor.

I could read a book, but who can be fucked? Last book I enjoyed was about Goering, and that was last March.

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it's symbiotic actually, like those little fish that eat the buge off of whales

The cunt on the left got into trouble himself because it turned out some of the things he was doing were actually illegal.

That time he burgled somebody's house and it wasn't even the person they were after was the final nail in the coffin. One of the others was also found guilty of piracy.

I'm surprised they are still alive though.

Peter Mandelson is literally a

poorfags get the cardboard box

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get set up on the darkweb
so far the markets are unaffected

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u fackin ponce ill fuckin slash your tits off

Licence required prior tho? And how much of land as I assume a garden doesn't count

Shit banter, I'll have to go explain all this to a bunch of guys with learning disabilities about how they can't leave the house now.

No evictions allowed right now
Tell his landlord that he can take a Buy To Let mortgage holiday
Eviction process takes months

above or below aberdeen

Spotted someone delivering the stuff a couple o' nights ago, noted his registration plate and the buyer's address. Should I be devilish in these trying times and call 111?

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Just fuck him up, the police are way too occupied at the moment and when it's almost over you can leg it.

none of those things happened, but pic related did end up having high court enforcement turn up at his house and he was mates with that nonce whose name i forget

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I mean worst comes to the worst I'll just move back in with my parents