Is Mexico having financial difficulties?

The peso is crashing! Will Mexico become a third world country?

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México is a third world country.

everything is 50% cheaper, what’s the problem?

mexican metropolitan areas are super fucked more than any gov official will admit
also a huge portion of their economy is making shit for the US

We're a third world country, mate.

We already are. Hopefully AMLO dies tho.

Sounds like a good time to bang whores in Tijuana

It already is a third world country lo

As for the peso crashing, look at the bigger picture: US, the biggest consumer market, is not consuming as much due to pandemic; US economy is shitting itself, affecting global economies; border is closed, hitting tourism; and, Mexico's factories are taking hits either from shutting down or no longer having customers.

My advice if you're Mexican: exchange pesos to dollars. Your currency will be worthless, and you'll at least double your money in doing so.

You think it will get worse than it already is? It's already over 30% cheaper since last week

Sell sell sell your pesos!!

Lmao what a pathetic country. Just beg USA to annex you already!

bro how the fuck am I supposed to start a family and buy a house like this?

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imagine if your currency was called peso..

for us, not for you

I shouldn't laugh but this picture always makes me lose it lol

implying I would say that if all my fiat wasn’t in dollars kek

Sell drugs puto

Would Bronco win if shit got worse in Mexico?

okay mario. good job,

Canada Peso is in the shitter lately too. USD isn’t great, but it’s still the reserve currency, so it’s sort of the ‘standard’

CAD and the Peso too does well when the global economy is doing good, because we sell resources. We’ll typically be in the shitter when the economy is bad and oil prices low.

>Will Mexico become a third world country?

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I thought the U.S. dollar was surging against most currencies right now?

Might be good to buy some Bitcoin.
It soared after the Argentinian Peso crashed back in August. More global currencies are likely to crash and the Fed is back to QE mode.
This is the event BTC was made for.

It is but some currencies are faring much worse. The UK pound and Euro are off a small amount, some other currencies are down 10% or so against the dollar, but the peso is especially hard hit.

only part that sucks is it’s costing about 7-10% to convert to pesos

>Will Mexico become a third world country?



What's good to buy from Mexico now the peso is cheap, mexibros?

¡Ay güey!

nothing. we’re not sharing our supplies

a house


LMAO doesn't wash his hands and ge fucks donkeys, he's fucking dead


What should we do with Mexico?

How much is large family house down there?

It's fourth world now.

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hey it's been like that for over 500 years, it's based


Weak troll, homo


>Will Mexico become a third world country?

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Tequila and that's about it

inb4 mexico new china

for you maybe, but not for the average non-firstworld working man

US economy is already tanking and that's before we reach peak cases and deaths.
We still got weeks if not months to go. Do you think every business can hold out that long without customers?
Then there's Mexico. They're still in the very early stages of their outbreak, yet their economy is already tanking.

It will get much worse.

Ask the Mexican intellectuals

You’re nothing don’t delude yourself mutt.

Ask the illegal spics that swarmed my neighborhood and turned it into Tijuana

Anywhere between 5 to 100 thousand bucks, the 5 thousand bucks are ghetto ridden shit holes with a war lord narco distributor in the corner in a suspiciously fancy house which people only referres as el gallero (rooster fighter) or el licenciado.

The 100k houses are in gated communities in low crime areas, with nice people in clean areas this house are like 2 percent in the whole country

They have those?

It already is. What a shithole

Has Mexico ever not been a 3rd world country?

how do I buy BTC?

Real estate in Yuacatan

Remember when Trump said he was going to bring back derm jobs? That just became economically unlikely.

>Is X having financial difficulties?

We are a Republic, you are a failed state.

Leaf currently in Puerto Vallarta
I take walks everyday in the city and to go to the beach. I swear to God it's my 4th time here and I have never heard/seen so many ambulances.
I wouldnt be surprised if a couple people have died already in PV


Vente para aca cabron. Pinches gringos son un monton de inutiles. Aca los mexicanos tenemos grandes familias.

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Unless I'm mistaken only Mexican citizens can own property in Mexico, right?