How could chinks eat such cute sky puppers?

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Because the chinese are animals and animals eat other animals.

Non-whites are not human.

probably for the same reason they eat ground puppers
because they're subhuman

>nooo i'm sorry i fucked the world economy
>pls don't put me in the bowl

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>have Chinese gf
>rub her belly and say in the most Chinese voice I can muster "Ohhhhhh, been eating too much battu soupu" to remind her she's getting fat
>she doesn't appreciate it
>memories of it make me smile


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they don't just eat them they cook them alive

Who was in the wrong here?

They're not people

Because the Chinese are niggers.

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bat lives > chink lives

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>he cute
received my 5oz silver bat coin and quarters today

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Their culture killed our people. Business, commerce, travel, food, leisure and porn. Drain them dry.

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These are the bats in question

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Sometimes I feel
Like I don't have the virus
Sometimes I feel
Like this is the end
But the city I live in
The city of Wuhan
Quarantined I am
We're all gonna die
Can't drive on her streets
'Cause my neighbors are Asian
Can't walk through her hills
'Cause walking's been banned
I hear someone sneeze
And the plague is now airborne
I never worry
Now that is a lie
I don't ever want to feel
Like that bat i ate
Take me to the place I love
Bat soup sealed my fate
I don't ever want to feel
Like that bat I ate
Take me to the place I love
My fav'rite bat soup place (yeah yeah)
It's hard to believe
That the flu comes from bat soup
Now I cannot leave
The quarantine zone
At least I have bat soup
The city's best bat soup
Hungry as I am
We're all gonna die
I don't ever want to feel
Like that bat I ate
Take me to the place I love
That bat soup sealed my fate
I don't ever want to feel
Like that bat I ate
Take me to the place I love
My fav'rite bat soup place (yeah yeah)
Ooh no (no no yeah yeah)
Love me some bat soup yeah yeah
Under the bridge downtown
Is where we catch the bats
Under the bridge downtown
They grow up nice and fat
Under the bridge downtown
The cleanest, sweetest bats
Under the bridge downtown
My fav'rite bat soup place (yeah yeah)
Ooh no (no no yeah yeah)
Here I lay yeah yeah
Here I lay

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No they arent, havent you seen the pictures? They eat the bats in the op pic

cows are also cute


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Cute is always tasty

Fucking kill your self you onions faggot

They are cruel people. Hard times create lack of empathy to others.

That's just a little brown bat.
They eat shit like mosquitoes.

Pigs and cows are also extremely intelligent and cute animals, yet the west eats them like they are nothing.

Go vegan and stop eating your hormone, antibiotic, steroid filled disgusting meat like the kikes want you to. The Jews subverted your vision of this beautiful creature to be nothing more than a cholesterol filled slice of meat.

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>Why did they eat me user? It didn't have to be this way.

can somebody post the webm of the bat pissing and then shaking his dick off. it was very funny but i deleted it because i thought it was weird to have it on my hard drive

he mad


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>sopa de bastão

Why feed it a danish, isn't that bad for them?

Again, chang, it's not a question of intelligence. Maybe you use this as a yardstick and that's why you cannibalize low IQ Asians but things work differently in the west.

We don't eat stupid meat, we eat domesticated-for-meat meat. This doesn't mean animals like dogs. Dogs objectively cooperate with us better than almost all animals. Horses are another example where utility has evolutionarily bled into instinctive companionship. Dogs and humans literally trigger oxytocin production in each other without physical contact.

The reason WHITES don't eat companion animals is because of coevolution and love, they're perfectly analogous to brothers from another mother. They are special for the same reason your wife is special. You're not closely related genetically but behaviorally and hormonally you are in perfect sync.

CHINKS and SHITSKINS are animals themselves and can never understand.

looks like banana

kek. My fucking sides

>Horses are another example where utility has evolutionarily bled into instinctive companionship.
In Europe horse meat isn't rare..

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are you okay buddy?

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more like flying rats

Because snownigger barbarians were behind the curve as well

It's called chicken of the cave.

i really really really really hate chinks


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>only whites are human.
>whites are effeminate cuckolds
I'll take being a savage animal any day.

My body needs robust animal protein. I can be vegan mostly, but its not sustainable absolutely.

Okay, Zhang. Now go back to your shithole.

Brushie brushie brushie

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aw he looks like he's smilin :+)

First off, I'm white and come from a whiter country than the United States of niggers and spics.

Second, stop lying to yourself to trying to make yourself feel better about eating pigs and cows. A pig is as smart as a dog and could have been domesticated in the same way for companionship. Just accept that we are also savages who torture and murder intelligent creatures.

You sound like an addict defending your meat. If you kill your own meat, fine. It is still immoral but not horrible for you. But if you eat factory farmed meat that is full of drugs and all this garbage, you are no worse than a onions eating faggot. Next time you watch tv, note down how many ads you see for meat products. They want to keep you eating this garbage to keep you unhealthy and addicted.

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foxes are more related to cats

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>I'll take being a savage animal
t. effeminate cuckold

Rabbit meat is also not that rare... especially domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus)

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Eating meat ALL THE TIME is unhealthy. Humans are omnivores. Eat what your body needs, dont subject it to some mental ideal.

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Only redneck cleetus cousin fucking trailer dwellers eat rabbit here

They eat regular puppers as well.

Shut the fuck up retard. I know what's moral and healthy and it's certainly not thinking that whites aren't morally superior to changs for instance.

Obviously, as it isn't kosher you fucking kike

>sky puppers

So true

Fucking based.

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BWAHAHAHHA. I can barely tell Asian “men” apart from Asian women. Your people are seriously lacking in masculine traits.

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Because civilized people dont eat vermin

In a not really kind of way

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You do know you're living in a third world country.


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It didn't had to be like this

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Rabbits are herbivores. They don’t consume other animals or have an increased risk of an inter-species germ jump. Only savages eat predators and scavengers. Very poor, risky behavior.

The problem is that the majority of americans especially don't see meat as a treat but as a part of EVERY MEAL. If you eat what you hunt yourself or maybe a few times a week that is fine. There is a reason why americans are so fucking fat and unhealthy.

Good goy, keep eating your cholesterol, fat filled, hormone pumped meat! Heart disease is just a normal part of aging!

The only moral superiority you can say is that we don't eat our meat alive or cook it while it is still alive like the changs. Other than that there is none. I see no difference between killing a pig or a dog for enjoyment.

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They also eat real puppets. They torture dogs to death because they believe it makes the meat more nutritious. Chinks are vile, soulless creatures. Closer to bugs than human.

>civilized people
Yeah, civilized people torture their food before eating it, like the good rabbi

eating bats at wet markets isn't immoral, it's unhygienic.

I don't get why some bats are absolutely fucking hideous and some are cute

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rabbits are good meat
when I buy my own property up north I'm gonna breed rabbits for meat

Chinks are the worst.
The nips were right along.

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>the jew nosed bat

their "cute" reaction is tied into their feeding response

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at least they had the decency to clean their kills

That short is hilarious BTW.

It's a fruit bat. It's eating a banana, cletus


How will retards ever recover?

>Making a companion animal from a pig, who lives in mud and it's own feces.

Brushie Flu

Bastão is a bat, in a baseball bat.

Morcego is a bat, as in flying puppies and vampires.


(Brazilian niggers drop the u because they can't write properly)

Yes. And they’re herbivores. The risk of an inter-species germ jump is extremely low. Bats and dogs on the other hand...

>when you catch the jew

Don't Americans together with bongs eat squirrels?

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i'm sure people do, under certain circumstances, but i've personally gone my entire life w/o eating rabbit and don't know anyone who has

Bat lives matter

imagine boiling that little bastard and eating it whole. Fur, bones, leathery wings and all. Like what the fuck are they even doing

we don't boil them alive you savage