LIVE youtube.com/watch?v=m_heli65mVQ

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He said specifically this was aimed people who were hoarding medical supplies on an industrial scale, not your everyday prepper.

Yeah he said warehouses with masks or medical supplies.

mate there are preppers on Yas Forums with literal hundreds of toilet papers rolls and breathing masks.

Yeah, not a haul of toilet paper but rather a warehouse of surgical masks being the items to be taken

I keep a pot of boiling oil on my stove just for this event. Can't wait to melt me first piggy

thats not industrial nigger

>not talking about consumers or businesses stockpiling
>we're talking about people hoarding these materials on an industrial scale

OP, you need to work on your listening skills


They're referring to a shakedown of medical equipment manufacturers to get hem to comply.


Will this include hoarding wealth?

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I am quoting Barr: "you will get a knock on your door".

preparing for a time of crisis in a time of plenty is just the intelligent thing to do. im sorry your iq was too low to do that. i am off to make a loaf of bread with the supplies i have gathered over the years.

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is my industrial warehouse of deenz permitted?

Barr literally just dabbed all over your preppar bullshit and he quote "will come and knock on your door" to bring ME your excess supplies. Thank you!

He literally specified that people who stocked up on TP are not apart of that.

ok user
what must you do to get a knock on your door

come and take 'em

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stop being an idiot you muslim pos. go back to africa.

Fuck you, you misleading fuck he said that stright after specifying industrial scale hording to price gouge.

Based, hoarders are all jewish anyways


Hoarding supplies in excess, which many people on Yas Forums have openly admitted doing

but this level of price gouging is easily surpassed by our healthcare system

>women starts speaking
and im done

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This. This is an extremely low quality fear mongering thread. 0/10.

Just don't answer the door, how fucking hard is that

He's taking about ammo

Hopefully scalpers will get prison time if not public execution

They'll eventually use this to break down doors of people who said nigger online because they bought 3 packages of shrimp one day.

Sure trust him

Fuck you troll I'm glad your country is getting possed.

I'm ready for that knock :D
Come, come and prepare for fun*
*Warning fun not guaranteed

Thanks for stocking groceries for me, neighbor.

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thats wrong user
personal or business needs are exempt. barr specifically said an amount large enough to disrupt the market, trying to play the market for profit by hoarding, or hoarding on an industrial scale

based Thornberry poster

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Don't worry most burgers still aren't enlightened to the glory of deenz.

Corporate Hoarding you fucking faggot

>all caps
>bored in his cuck shed
>lying about america

>industrial scale

Well maybe that’s industrial in your tiny “country” of 1,000 people.


No you don’t. Can you imagine the amount of electricity use required?!

Retard - bill Barr said it applies to commercial warehouses not private citizens

When are they going to make hoarding shekels illegal?

Yas Forumsacks stored commercial warehouses of shit.

This will have a great effect on society, they will finally have a cause to be responsible for.

The Ebay listing are disappearing as I tried to get a screen shot

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We do, and not (You) because you lie all the time as a matter of principle. Keep coping though shareblue shill

Prepping =/= Hoarding

Nobody confiscates America’s butt wipe stash. NOBODY.

is this fc2?

For now. If you get to the point where you disrupt the deens availability in the tri state area, maybe, but if you can prove personal use, by say eating 144 in a sitting, I think you’re still fine.

a knock on my door is corpses of government people

such that they will be shot but cannot shoot me

up to them

i thought swedes were somewhat smart?

damn, good thing im "ordered" to stay in my house
fuck these people

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Preppers are the ones who have a year's worth of supplies in their bunker. It's the normies who are now panic buying all the regular food and toilet paper and ammo. They do this because they were NOT prepared.

Don't worry, the house will soon shoot it down, because Orange man bad.

Nigger, I just bought 4, COME AT ME BRO

Had to literally elbow a woman in the head to get my toilet paper. The govt takes it away at the point of a gun.

I wonder if they'll set up a "hoarder hotline", so I can rat out the dope smoking niggers downstairs.

>lockdown everything!!!
>nno wait its too expensive fuck it

Why is it a crime to jack the prices up with demand?
If masks cost more, you'd be able to find them on shelves.

Hopefully this is for all those sneaky gook motherfuckers that have been spotted around the country buying up entire stocks of 3m masks. Get rekt, gooks.

>manufacture literally any product
>some faggot buys up entire stock and sells it for 150% til the end of time

Slippery slope faggot

I mean we've been doing that with oil for long enough?

Trump is a fucking communist!

Come and take it

> warehouse of surgical masks
not my basement
they cant just take my masks

sheeeit, what happened to famous american freedum?

Chink hoarders btfo

500 masks for about tree fiddy

that sounds about right tho

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fake...and very gay.
Op is a faggot.

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its not preppers they are after, its faggot resellers

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> american freedum

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They didn't say until when.


This will stop people who depend on selling shit througg Amazon or people that sell this on eBay. Collectors, stores etc.

imagine defending chink niggers
if you dont want your stash raided dont resell your stash for profit you fucking rats
trying to make profit from something like this deserves more than a knock on your door

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I heard on Rush that people can donate extra masks to their hospital to help with shortages. My first thought however, was how much do they charge at the hospital for an asprin? For a bag of saline that costs less than $5 to manufacture? I would be willing to sell them extra masks if I had any, for a considerable mark up. Oh, that would be extorting the healthcare worker's health and safety for financial gain? Gee, I guess precedent is a bitch.


>Yes, I eat at Taco Bell.
>How did you know?

This is basic policy in a situation like this. Hoarding was illegal in WW2.

Basically if you didn't prep a couple months ago, you can't prep now. It's fair.

what's wild man is that people still go to fast food here, idk what it's like in other states but people simply cant be bothered to cook at home

>tfw you've been hoarding pictures of frogs
oh no, i'm in trouble

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>tfw you've been hoarding pictures of frogs

they are gonna throw away the key

>smaller than a can of sardines
user i...

land of the ((((free)))) LMAO

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lol he's going to arrest all the chinks hoarding baby food and face masks

They may take our lives, but they will never take our urine.

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i'm for rounding up all chinese nationals on visa and deporting
the 2nd gens will get a trial phase
one can dream...

The reason hospitals need masks is cause shitskins steal supplies from the nurse stations when they go to visit family.

182 rolls when I counted a few weeks ago. Down to about 60 now.

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