How much money you lose in stocks this year ?

How much money you lose in stocks this year ?

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I don't gamble.

Almost 10,000


Up 3500

None. I’m not stupid enough to sell into a panic like this.

based drop player


Can't divide by 0

i went from positive 14% to negative 10% but im honestly not worried im young and just going to wait it out and buy the dip


How could anyone have lost money in this market?

Easiest to see coming crash in history. China announces it has closed 20% of humanity's manufacturing 1.5 months before the crash.

My only regret is I didn't have more money to put into the biggest cash grab of my lifetime.

I lost $40k for this shit

cashed it out and bought a place a month before this all happened. One on hand, yeah my place will lose value for a bit, on the other hand I can live in it while the value climbs. As long as I don't die or get permanently scarred by this virus I'm feeling pretty good!


You only lose the money if you sell it when it is down like a retard. This is the time to buy, so when this virus is over with and the prices go back up you can make a shit ton of money


Smart people have MADE money while bolshevik larpers stew in their own acne grease and post gay threads Ill just report

I haven't bothered to look.

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Serious question: I have a food amount of extra cash at the moment. Should I buy the dip now, or should I hold out until the end of this week?

About 25%, roughly, from both managed funds and my own portfolio

I made a bunch of money
whats ur problem? its easy


Blue chip divvy banks that are gonna get bailed out
I did this in 08 and i basically live off dividends

based retard


Anyone selling at these levels is losing actual money.
Anyone who doesn’t think the stocks will surge once this overreaction “shutdown” is over shouldn’t be investing

Anyone disagrees is a robin hood faggot

$120k as of last Friday. Not looking anymore.

About 6k.

I bought physical silver in 2012 when spot was at $35

still wondering if it was a good idea

Zero. I don't gamble

based and redpilled

number go up, yay! number go down, oh no! its the circle of life :)

7500 out of 35000

30k, half my portfolio.

I tripled my wealth because unlike you dipshits I listened to the Happening faggots and took my money out then started shorting the market when it he first cruise ship patients were brought back

I shorted it so no I'm making Bobo gains

Nothing, I save in Bitcoin since 2013

Started off with 15k and kept buying SPY Puts

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i haven't lost any of it, because i didn't sell. also i have a few things that are offsetting the losses with gains.

Cope, you just lost the moment when there was point in selling. You could buy back 30% more now

I did some tax wash swaps. Toronto Dominion bank for bank of Nova Scotia.

Should grab a few grand am tax savings.

20% of portfolio was cash, averaging in already

Acting like we're gonna be shutdown for only a month or so is hilarious. Welcome to the 2nd great depression boys

My kids' 529 accounts have less in them than the principle amount. They were both up 20% a month ago.

>futures up over 1% right now

bears btfo, it's bull time


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Been making money shorting here.

>hear about "MUH PANDEMIC"
>media won't stop harping on about, in contrast to H1N1 of 2009
>Sell everything I have and short

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Sames. How much longer are we shorting? Thinking of buying in before the stimulus package gets signed

Of course sell again after

Trump absolutely cucked me.
0/10. Not voting for him ever again.

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$12k. So far.

$3000 personal $7500 401(k)
and counting

I’m jelly

I went all in on Halliburton stock. It's been a terrible year.

You’ll never retire either, dumbass.

Stacking silver and gold? Something to do over a lifetime. You don't have to buy once and hope it's the perfect play. How many ounces did you buy?

I've lost maybe 16 grand in stocks.

I was waiting for the next recession to start investing.

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Based. Me either. I lost $0 on the Jewish Gambling Exchanges during corona-chan.

Not a dime... I saw this coming from a mile away, pulled all my money out of the market and converted it into cash toward the end of February. I can't wait for this to bottom out so I can just buy back into anything that tracks the market and make a killing in the recovery.

If I didn't pull out, I'd be down about $142,000.00 right now.

lol only like $800. But i took this time to buy a wholeeeeee lot of cruise line and casino shares

I agree that's a smooth move, but how much is that going to cost you in capital gains tax?

Don't assume everyone is too stupid to have a pension my dude.

whenever you gamble my friend eventually you lose

Pulled out late Feb. So very little

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Declares Hordes of Jews Have Swarmed Into Government Posts in Positions of Control

They knew in 1938.

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2 million