Still allowed to do whatever the fuck outside and with all my friends
all rest of retarded Yurop in lockdown police state shitholes
Last land of the Free in Europe
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Why do you set yourself up like this Swede?
>herd immunity
what about finnland? pls tell me there are more?
We give up up freedom because boomers are afraid of a flu.
Enjoy it while it last Sven.
Finnish press wrote that half of Swedish corona infections have happened to Somalis
As though your government care if you die or not.
What's ' cough ' in sweedish ?
>it's just the boomers anons
mutts law
not only herd immunity
Sweden encourages to infect the toddlers and school kids first
Then the rest slowly
Finland is on lockdown with military out in streets
yes, somalis comlain that they didnt know swedish and didnt receive any information to take any precautions
somalis live close together in poor ghetto like areas
boomers and niggers? actually a based virus.
>Live in Sweden for 30 years
>Still don't know the language
what the fuck
its mostly the boomers.
you always have to live with some risk.
Don't be a pussy.And in just in case DON'T really DON'T be a boomer
>Last land of the Free in Europe
>half of the dead in sweden are somalis
I guess your government will do something now, to fight racism
>military in streets
Where the fuck was i when this was going on?
Kôf kôf
I want to visit sweden but honestly the way u guys handle this is just hardcore. I mean its the nordic mentality. Snowtribes also sent their elderly who were too weak for basic tasks away for their last walk. So its a swedish cleansing thing i guess. The weak die, the strong survive kek.
Friendly reminder that corona is killing off all the somalis in Sweden. Half of all the deaths were somalis.
>wu flu killing niggerinos
Oh snap, sosserne isn't going to tolerate that.
Prepare for a lockdown that put's us all to shame. Even the Norks
Coronachan is /ourgirl/
‘Cope’, the post!
There is no lockdown in Finland. They only decided to close bars today. All this info is available in English, so you have no excuse to just make things up.
>yayy we're really free
You give more than every third kroner, or whatever you call that funny money that you get paid, to your government.
How is that being free?
57.20 percent
Personal Income Tax Rate in Sweden is expected to reach 57.20 percent by the end of 2020, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. In the long-term, the Sweden Personal Income Tax Rate is projected to trend around 57.20 percent in 2021, according to our econometric models.
That'd be the red cross flags. Sven call it kronar (he was never that good at spelling).
In both cases it means crowns. Just like corona means crown.
You'll be the be the first to get the Gateschip
>Still allowed to do whatever the fuck outside and with all my friends
You mean if your BBC master allows you right?
>What's ' cough ' in sweedish ?
We call it kronor nice quads
okay pewdiepie
according to my economic model here it says americans are a poor faggets who cant even afford parental leave or healthcare
according to macro models and analysts an american could not even pay to tested for tha Chinese virus, this level of economic development is comparable to a third world african shithole like Niger
It's fuckin kôf you sven dickhead
Pewdiepie lives in England you mong
Free to mainline BBC
>go to restaurant
>go to cinema
>go to bar
the rest of the world should cope yes
That's kraut mate, you should know that
>brit flag
>teaching swedish
are you pewdipie?
I'm the anti pewd, I've got a Swedish gf and I'm Italian
> go to gym
> have a wedding
> walk my dog
> go to parks
> get a haircut
> get a massage
> go to swimming pool
> go for a coffee in shop
> go to the mall
all freedoms SWEDES enjoy
while rest of Yurop sits locked inside like little pussies
Sweden has a medicine for migration problem xD
>Sweden closes borders to non-EU visitors
>Immigrants exempt from this
It only says at least 6 of the 15 dead in Stockholm are Somali, so it doesn't really mean shit
based med bvll
Kronor ditt danska fittmögel
Nah just ities, Spanish aren't white
>It only says at least 6 of the 15 dead in Stockholm are Somali
>so it doesn't really mean shit
What did he mean by this? Was it retardation?
>Spanish aren't white
thank god for that
Who's that? He's ugly af
So progressive, much wow
>Who's that? He's ugly af
ur a gay lol
Belarus is still more free. Zero (((quarantines))).
Yeah but they still don't have enough room, that's why they need to allow social gatherings for now.
>That headline
Bet they thought they were excluded from what they have done to our White nations.
Hope you die
Mamma España has been insulted so little mammas boy Argentina comes to her defence.
You're just a worse Spaniard, cope
Yeeeeeeah! Haters gonna hate!
keekekeekek your entire life must be really pathetic, do us a favor and kys
allha is waiting for you-
How does it feel to be poor, turbomutt?
>imagine being a non roman med mutt mystery meat
LOL at 2002
Yes, sweetie, denial and delusion are the Swedish way.
Yes we have extremely incompetent people in charge of Health Defense.
It's infuriating.
Did you watch Löfven speech today? He's terrified of something, wonder why.
oh you feel offended?