Do Americans actually believe him?
Why is he acting like everything's gonna be rosy in a few weeks?
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he's literally retarded and we elected him as a joke. this is the consequence
He's accepted his demise and is laughing about it
this.. and checked
this. People are surprised a vapid con-man is peddling snake oil and promising a quick fix so he can get back an economy so he can get re-elected?
Almost 5 more years for you to reeeeeeeee
I don't know. I want him to instill more fear and panic, honestly; it's what we need right now.
no, down market means bad image
virus means lower voter turnout
lower voter turnout bad for tRump
checked and facts
Because in the face of despair only real men stand up against it.
They will another view to life, and by doing so give hope to the masses.
Now go get cucked.
You can stop now America. It's not funny any more.
Pretty much this. I think a lot of us learned a powerful lesson about memeing a literal retard into the white house.
Owning the libs wasn't worth it.
This will all be over by June, so we can be forced to watch trannies, faggots and other mutations parade in the street during Gay Month.
Because he knows something that we don't. /thread
Not at all. We're fucked
dying from beer virus to own da libs
It's TRUE.
Every 20 year old who works at Panera does not need to stay home.
Boomers can self quarantine. The show must go on.
What the fuck do you want him to say? That the world is ending? Time to kill your neighbor and seize his wife as a war trophy?
Fuck off, bong filth.
Because we literally elected a retard. Which is part of the fun.
Trump learns about things from Fox News
Only boomers do. Ironically they're the only ones going to get fucked by this.
Time for some self reflection
You've convinced me. I'm voting for Joe Biden.
Fuck you
What has a more calming effect?
1. Person who is trying to make light of the situation, looks at the up sides, and promises we'll get through this.
2. Person who says "WE'RE ALL GONNA FUCKIN' DIE"
Trump is the only major US elected official who isn't panicking over the coronavirus.
It wouldn't be better if he was panicking like everybody else.
He said that a few weeks ago
faggots, lefty pol is open, please see yourself out
>This will all be over by June,
everyone will be dead by june
shut the f****** you goddamn libtard what do you want f****** Hillary we be in World War 3 by now you dumb motherfuker
The one that isn't trying to send me to my death just to make some asshole that I don't even know richer.
Where do your investments lie shill?
Imagine panicking over a weaker version of the flu.
It's part of his job description.
He's trying to keep investors calm until his broker and friends can sell everything off
and / or
find a good location for his bunker
Insider info
Stock market, probably.
People’s hopes are going up.
Even mine do every so often and then the reality of the situation comes back to me that just going back to normal a week or two from now would be extremely retarded
Nice meme philosofag if he was actually using any logic and not bullshitting the public then "standing up" to it would be fine.
Trips of truth
t. seething pede
Okay, now I want this to last for months if it cancels Sodomy parades
ok trump tranny
>8 months till election
>being this retarded
Can you go back to plebbit please? The wood door is right over there
Do you hate the world so much that any indication that it won’t be destroyed is personally offensive?
Neither is true though. The virus is not an existential threat to humanity, or even our country.
It’s a serious problem but we will get through this by the end of the year
You think it's funny how but wait until a mutant strain of the coronavirus infects Justice Ginsberg and makes her immortal! Your cheeto emperor will never get to appoint her replacement.
Once it gets warmer things will improve.
Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
Calm your tits this is almost over.
Because 20% to 30% of the population not being able to afford food and housing (mainly people of fighting age in urban areas) is a much bigger deal than a few million people dying of disease (mainly the elderly and disabled).
The whole country would descend into violent anarchy within a few weeks if the quarantine measures were continued, and the death toll that would entail dwarfs what Corona could do.
I wonder if he truly feels like he belongs where he's at.
I'm really getting pissed with this shit. How do you declare a state of emergency, basically convince my city to shut down, then act like it isn't a big deal? This flip-flopping is lame as fuck. Is it a big deal, or isn't? No wonder everyone was still partying for spring break, it's just the flu bro, 15 days bro.
I believe that’s why we don’t need any relief bill thank you BASED DEMOCRATS for saving us from a $2 trillion dollar stinker!
> The virus is not an existential threat to humanity,
The virus is a beta Project Blue Beam
“Truth is like poetry. And most people fucking hate poetry.”
It will be rosy. How many of these pandemics do you have to see to know the cycle? Life gets back to normal in mid April, and the virus is gone by mid June.
My guess is because he's the fucking president of a country and has to stop people from panicking, you fucking imbecile. Do you want him to rush to the microphone and scream "IT'S HAPPENING, EVERYONE IS GOING TO DIE"?
Mutts are so abjectly dumb, that many may actually believe this hilariously halfwitted Pinocchio... But, as it drags on for months, the reality of a great depression 2.0 dawns on mutts, the cases and deaths reach the millions, and the nigger packs start purging suburbs... not even the mindless mutt will be able to deny the faculty of logic and pattern-finding.
Because preventing China from passing us economically is unironically more important than a few thousand dead. All the matters is curb stomping China and reminding them that a third world shit hole nation of slaves should never be uppity enough to release a bioweapon.
because he's in an amazing position to get what he wants done. at first the liberal media said trump wasn't doing enough, now trump is shutting down the borders and deporting illegals like crazy and if the liberal media criticizes this they know they'll be told "well you told me I wasn't doing enough to stop the virus now I am so what do you want?"
how about neither? How about someone who isn't a vapid whiny bitch with no spine?
don't say that. you'll be accused of being a shill or a Chinese asset.
knowing the orange retard thats exactly what hes doing. wall. drain the swamp. lock her up. right until he got elected and gone full miga
>God again commands Jonah to travel to Nineveh and prophesy to its inhabitants.[14] This time he goes and enters the city, crying, "In forty days Nineveh shall be overthrown."[15] After Jonah has walked across Nineveh, the people of Nineveh begin to believe his word and proclaim a fast.[16] The king of Nineveh puts on sackcloth and sits in ashes, making a proclamation which decrees fasting, the wearing of sackcloth, prayer, and repentance.[17] God sees their repentant hearts and spares the city at that time.[18] The entire city is humbled and broken with the people (and even the animals)[19][20] in sackcloth and ashes.[21]
>Displeased by this, Jonah refers to his earlier flight to Tarshish while asserting that, since God is merciful, it was inevitable that God would turn from the threatened calamities.[22] He then leaves the city and makes himself a shelter, waiting to see whether or not the city will be destroyed.[23] God causes a plant (in Hebrew a kikayon) to grow over Jonah's shelter to give him some shade from the sun.[24] Later, God causes a worm to bite the plant's root and it withers.[25] Jonah, now being exposed to the full force of the sun, becomes faint and pleads for God to kill him.[26]
>And God said to Jonah: "Art thou greatly angry for the Kikayon?" And he said: "I am greatly angry, even unto death."
And the LORD said: "Thou hast had pity on the gourd, for which thou hast not laboured, neither madest it grow, which came up in a night, and perished in a night;
and should not I have pity on Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand, and also much cattle?"
—Book of Jonah, chapter 4, verses 9-11
>Don't get tested unless you have symptoms.
Pence has been tested 3 times now?
>hey the sitting president said everything's gonna be fine in this, an election year, happening over
the absolute state of Yas Forums
Because he's a sexual tyrannosaurus and you're a bunch of slack jawed faggots.
Because if you were actually a real man, you could take something seriously without panicking.
How does that relate?
Because it's already over in China and South Korea, and has even started trending downwards in Italy.
He’s also the Vice President of the United States,
This is on track to be way bigger than any pandemic of this century
People who get angry at the suggestion that this might be over sooner rather than later.
>muh flu
oh boy here we go again
the point is you need to keep that shit under wraps when you're telling everyone else to make do without.
>you're laughing
>those 100 boomers are dead and you're laughing
Because he has to go golf with Israel, so he's giving fat Americans sound bites so he can go play.
Israel >>>> fat people
Yes, Americans are dumb cunts. Just look at all the people blaming the left party for denying the Trumpbux bill and spreading misinformation as to why, they’re an easily manipulated people.