1000 leafs die of common flu each year and nothing is shut down...

1000 leafs die of common flu each year and nothing is shut down, corona virus has only killed 20 and the entire country is shut down - wtf is going on?

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If China went to war with Canada, how would the news tell the story?

in 2 months 50%+ of the population will be infected and the ICUs will be full, so there will be a 20% death rate, and a huge majority of those "recovered" will have permanent lung/kidney/testicular damage

That's why your Castreau is retooling all autopart manufacturers to make respirators

>Hi I'm OP you may remember me from the show
>I'm a retarded nigger who can not comprehend exponential growth

A bbc would fuck the goth straight out of her.

Testicular? Mind explaining that part?

I don't know but the same question could be asked about your country too

Multiculturalism, diversity and open borders are the most fucking retarded idea to ever be attempted in human history. At this point I think it's an even more retarded system than communism (although the two systems have big overlap and similarities).

>20% death rate
>testicular damage

>muh exponentials

Yikes! Imagine unironically believing this shit.

Do you dumbasses have any reliable sources on the actual mortality rate of the Chinese Virus?
everyone knows china is lying about their number of cases which inflates the apparent mortality rate by a lot

the flu spreads exponentially as well, why not shut down the country every year during flu season?
why not impose martial law for the rest of eternity?

In Italy, the normal death rate is 1350 people a day (500K deaths/year of various causes)

With just 0.1% of the population confirmed infected, Italy's death rate has nearly double and is the leading cause of death each day. Imagine if 1% of the population tests positive, or 10%, or 50%.... a huge portion of the population, 10%+ will die, and a huge portion of the population will be permanently disabled.

80% of SARS "survivors" are permanently disabled and cannot work.

Hi i’m Denmark faggot who fell for a psyop hoax who can’t understand the exponential decline that will inevitably happen after this thing peaks and the warm weather arrives in two weeks.

give me sources for your numbers, I gave you sources for mine in the OP

It was never intended to work for you, but it is working as intended.

>believing CCP propaganda

Any Chinese person will tell you millions are dead. The CCP are masters at hiding shit.

Italy's #'s reflect the true death rate - 10%+ when there are respirators and ICUs. Once those run out it will jump to 20%.

Just look up any research on SARS survivors. 80% are disabled, 10% died. They released the first guy from New Jersey, some doctor's assistant, healthy 32 year old recently that was on TV. He has to carry with him a portable oxygen machine to function and has to sleep with an oxygen machine because his lungs are so fucked and doctors told him it's likely permanent. That's why you see so few survivors, because most of them are still on oxygen just "sent home".

>Any Chinese person will tell you millions are dead
this definitely requires a source

>believing deep state burger propaganda and paid shills

I can answer this, its one or multiples of any cover up you can think of that makes sense right now. The USA is turning over 5000 Taliban and the Taliban has declared victory over the USA and the USA is withdrawing its troops right now, thats going on. The stock market is tanking, so we got that. China never signed the trade pact, so we got that also. Could be any number of those things. This does seem to be directed by the Fed, CDC specifically, and they are telling the Governors of each state to shut down ANYTHING the State licensed.

I consider that a good thing. Its important that people recognize this government is enept, and anything licensed or tied to them is also going to end up being ENEPT as a result. So local Doctors and Dentists offices on top of restaurants are all now UN-reliable businesses as result of them being licensed by an UN-reliable government. So next time you go and push bigger Government and Socialism I will throw this one up in your face.

40%+ had PTSD and were mentally fucked

>Ninety subjects were recruited, yielding a response rate of 96.8%. Post-SARS cumulative incidence of DSM-IV psychiatric disorders was 58.9%. Current prevalence for any psychiatric disorder at 30 months post-SARS was 33.3%. One-fourth of the patients had post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and 15.6% had depressive disorders.

Seventy-eight (45.61%) patients continued to require prednisolone (

corona-chan has the power to permanently steralize you. this happens to people that have survived viral pneumonia sometimes.

I heard that around 80% of cases should be asymptomatic and will never be reported. In Italy, only 12% of the early deaths (they aren't checking anymore) weren't in serious health problems already.

Wonder why they are demanding the bodies to be cremated.

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basically viral pneumonia attacks the lungs. lungs bring in oxygen. oxygen feeds the brain. if the brain is not getting oxygen you get brain damage. since it also attacks the tests if corona-chan gets to you you will likely be brain damaged and sterile - just how the kikes want you. Your daughter will be like that mentally retarded porn actress after she got hit by a truck.

let me repeat that: when your lungs are damaged the chance of getting brain damage is high. we're going to have a world full of pic related when coronachan runs its course.

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so, if you have any money invest in some porn companies because all of the brain damaged women will get put through the ringer in the porn industry after their parents die of corona-chan.

Thots like the one you posted were worth a can of spam in bosnia during the 1 year without government.

Exactly. We know this is just their way of bringing in totalitarian austerity under the guise of a pandemic.
They discovered the perfect vehicle for justifying having to restrict your civil liberties bc of your "responsibility to the collective".
Isolate the elderly and the sick and let young healthy people wear a mask and take their chances instead of destroying every aspect of their lives

because this disease is still in its infancy and already is BTFO the faggot flu with daily deaths
keep up, jew

it's called rapid exponential growth, go back to school

common flu infection rate - 1.3
coronavirus infection rate - 2.2
common flu mortality rate - >0.1%
coronavirus mortality rate - 3%

>365 days in a year
>divide that by 2 to get flu seasons (fall and winter) = 183 days
>1000 deaths / 183 days = 5.5 deaths/day

the flu kills more people and is killing them at a faster rate than this overhyped chinese virus, keep sucking the MSM's cock faggot

>sources: my ass
nobody knows the true mortality rate of the Chinese virus but it's way lower than what is being reported because of all the unreported cases that don't result in death

6,000+ have died in Italy. That's why.

Not this fucking thread again!

Its called bullshit
Thanks tho boomer, I love it when you faggota repeat what you heard on tv like its actual reality

>coronavirus mortality rate - 3%
Only if you are over 60 or have a pre-existing condition.

take a cruise faggot, post pics!

>source: my big gaping dog-fucked asshole
seethe, jew lmao

It’s all a scam for the jews to loot the stock market. The Jewish media gets everyone to panic while the Wall Street kikes loot the global economy.

no idiot I just looked at the numbers and used a fucking calculator

the source is up here retard: 1000 deaths per year from the flu so neither the total amount of deaths or the rate of deaths is anywhere close to the tiny insignificant impact of this Chinese virus

It’s all jewish bullshit.

My dude everyone would have been infected by now. In this world where planes are constantly landing and taking off the entire civilized world would have been infected in early February.

not true, i dont know what is the exact mortality rate for older people but it is very very high - maybe even above 50% for older than 65. 3% mortality is total of all infected people. take in mind that corona infected many more younger than older people but majority of hospitalized is old

ive taken common flu infection rates from wikipedia, coronavirus estimates from WHO's report.

Half of ICU patients in the Netherlands are under 50. It's not the death rate but the disability rate. 85% develop bilateral pneumonia which always scars your lungs, including young people.

That is not true about the pre-existing conditions, just being unfit can lead to you dying. If this shit spreads, 5% of America is dead which is 18million people!!!

Last winter's seasonal flu in the US killed 500 a day for a hundred days and no-one closed anything.

This whole episode is a fraud.

>meme flag

Who are you?

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What's going on is that you are a rather dimwitted and low information individual that doesn't understand fat-tailed distributions or systemic risk.

>This whole episode is a fraud.
It's the Corona Caper. The politicians are holding the country for ransom, and they will only put the gun down when we give trillions of dollars to their campaign contributors.

stats show 13% death rate so far

They said that two months ago.


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Show nose

>stats show 13% death rate so far
You're both stupid and wrong. Real death rate for CV is well below 1% because most people are asymptomatic and haven't been tested.

>source : your ass

>>source : your ass
No, the source is actual extrapolation of data you fucking retard.

In Chinese, presumably.

that's nice faggot 22k people died today, because of corona, because faggot democrates couldn't agree upon a BIPARTISAN bill. THEY BOTH CONJURED IT UP, and LOBBYIST NIGGER added 1200+ pages of corp dick-sucking.

There are 8900 confirmed cases of CV in South Korea.

There are 111 deaths in South Korea.

South Korea has the best testing practices of any country hit by CV, yet they likely missed thousands of cases that were asymptomatic.

Which means 111/8961 = 1.23%, if we assume that there are thousands more cases, than the real death rate is below 1%, and most of those deaths are coming from old people with multiple preconditions.

Anyone falling for the Corona Caper is a fucking retard who can't do basic gradeschool math.

ill try and explain it for you withought any sort of negativity or bias.
essentially you're retarded

They want you inside so they can arrest pedoscum without false flags and school shootings.

When the coronavirus is asymptomatic, you can't include it in the death rae yet because the person hasn't healed/died yet. The rate is people who died divided by people infected who had an outcome

>coronavirus mortality rate - 3%
Only if you are old and already have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.

>They want you inside so they can arrest pedoscum
No, they want you afraid so you accept the 5trillion dollars they are going to give to their campaign contributors as an unnecessary bailout.

Don't argue with a leaf. They are all idiots.

Let’s say things are as bad as all the doomers say. Wouldn’t the governments disseminate that information so the public takes their warnings and restrictions seriously? So far all we have witnessed is a virus from the 50’s that can be cured by a malaria drug from the 50’s.

I’m not saying this is a nothing burger. I jus don’t see any evidence that it’s such a big problem we have to shutdown.

>the person hasn't healed/died yet
CV only lasts a couple of days for people who don't develop complications.

It would be something along the lines of workers of canada line the streets to greet their liberators from their capitalistic oppressors and so on

COVID is the new black plague or something like that

The fact that 87% people survived and that some of them was within a few days doesn't change the death rate idiot

>87% people survived
100 - 1.2 is not 87 you fucking innumerate retard.