Kraut/pol/ & Reichzeit General - Don't Fear The Reaper Edition

>merkel quarantined

>Thread Theme

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First. :)

Take this one? Oki ... :)

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Seems so :D

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>merkel quarantined

>Red Pill Germany

>Corona Live Ticker

>Election analysis 2014-2019

>Meme Collections

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

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Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative.
Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion.
Get Yas Forums.
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Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.

>English language analysis
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>AfD TV (german)

>Thread Theme

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So who will go out and pillage when everything breaks down?
First stop will be a gun store, of course, to go hunting deer in the local forest.

>unser könig knossi!
post your last Klavierstunde Sütti


But in all seriousness - if every single restaurant chain dies, amerifats will die of hunger. Do they even know how to prepare food anymore?

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You're such a good man.

Oh stop it, I'm blushing already.

Enjoy! Sadly on zero alcohol policy right now ... not used to it anymore, not worth the headache. Cheers nevertheless, got small but nice consulting contract yesterday. Been going through some minecraft strategies today, comfy so far. Offer for secure comms still standing just in case. Btw ... were my mad ramblings of any use to you? ;)

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Pretty much what got us fat was homemade food. Especially if you are in a confederate state, it's well known that's what started you out big.

Just wanted to wish you luck for tomorrow morning. Kisses and hugs.

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Nabend! :)

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Thank you, kisses and hugs!

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>Maredo bankrupt
>I still have a voucher from 2004
Guess that thing is toast now. :(

>Offer for secure comms still standing just in case.
Oh yes, good. Guess I should create a address for that soon. Or what do you suggest?
>were my mad ramblings of any use to you?
They often are. The genetic or biochemical stuff is usually outside my expertise, but in case of C19 I might give it to the virologists.

not good nor horrible.

Whatever you prefer, fren ... you still got my adress? Could switch to alternative later on.
Btw glad to have been of service ... need further "expertise", just ask.

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pic related
i fucking love argonnerwaldlied
did you ever try "Die Forelle"?

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>you still got my adress?
Never got it.

Also what gets American's fat are the school lunches. It just felt like we were eating all the time at school, where at home, it's normal just for you to go out and play all day long, then come home for dinner to eat. But then with school, you were eating 2 full meals, sitting around all day, and then a snack. And the food at the school's aren't healthy.

Nette Edition, Professor! :3

>Do i need to be worried?
Nah, i wörk with MS Paint & a Notebook

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Got it, now delete your post.

Oh yes, that one is nice for the upcoming convergence event! :D

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But in the US as children, "eating is BOORING!" so we would ride bikes all day long, then go swimming, then go back to one of our friend's house to night time swim, then run around and chase each other or go on long walks to talk and in WV it's 45 degree angle hills so you get a lot of exercise, then we'd go home and never felt hungry or would eat dinner. Sometimes we'd grab a light snack like an apple, banana, or even corn. But these liberals keep pushing that we need to eat more and more, and so the schools obey, so then they stuff children with sugary carbs, an extremely too high carb diet in general, and the law is that every child has to buy a school lunch, and if you let it go to waste it was a bad thing. So yeah, the real American life is a good one, but the government is slowly killing Americans and being a generally extremely poor influence on them.

Don't pillage ethnic Germans.

Isn't Vapiano also insolvent now?

Very comfy

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Btw have been looking up a bit on vaccines and antibodies ... there have been cases in animal model where experimental vaccine made Coronaviridae disease worse. Seems the problem is that triggering a too low antibody titer by inadequate vaccine leads to situation where virus binds some antibodies but not enough to "neutralize" it ... instead, the antibodies allow it to more efficiently infect immune cells such as macrophages. Second Erkenntnis: a funny little concept called "original antigenic sin" ... older patients have likely been confronted with a similar virus several times and have antibodies against a different Corona strain. Issue here is that the immune system mounts an immediate antibody response by memory B cells and never starts to manufacture "new" and potentially more efficient antibodies, instead sticking with those it already has. Could as well lead to a situation similar to what I described first.

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No clue, have this half-ready mess instead if you can recognize it.

what do you mean with quarks?
i need that adress :D

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Du bist ma ana ... ;)

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Kann mich einer der Anons hier über Funkgeräte rotpillieren?

das zeitalter der schuld ist offiziell vorbei also hört auf weicheier zu sein

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sounds like pic related

Ive saved that for later.... what does ethanol DNA extraction got to do with quarks?
its probably a no-brainer for more intelligent people but hey, atleast i knew what that picture symbolizes

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Had it emulated a few years back. loved it.

Yeah, they're hoping for coronabux.

no idea what this is :D
seriously sounds like minecraft.
>deutscher pass = deutsch

Als Funkgerät bezeichnet man eine Funkstelle, die der drahtlosen Kommunikation dient und mit elektrischer Energie betrieben wird.

Je nach Geräteart ist es stationär (Stationsfunkgeräte wie Polizeifunkzentrale, Amateurfunkstation usw.) oder beweglich (Mobilfunkgerät, Handfunkgerät oder Walkie-Talkie, Babyfon usw. ) Aus heutiger Sicht werden viele Geräte, in Feststationen wie auch transportabel, als kombinierte Geräte wie zum Beispiel Sendeempfänger/ Transceiver ausgeführt.

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Is this the German version of la creatura? The resemblance is striking, even if he's whiter.

This fag would not survive a minute in the concrete jungle.


My address (around weekend, okay?) will have something in it we both love to awaken.
>looking up a bit on vaccines and antibodies
Thanks, just c&p'ed it, might talk about it with the virologists.
(Fren, I refined my studies on C19 being an attack, the pic gets clearer though I don't have proof yet. Will talk this through with biosecurity. Hope I'm not a fool who sees what he wants to see, but then I'm just a typical Yas Forumstard and happening addict. From what it looks to me, it won't be apocalyptic but devestating enough to weaken the West and to allow "someone" making inroads. There's obviously more, but for later.)

You need at least two, otherwise it makes no sense.

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>muh concrete jungle
is your brain already fried from listening to nigger rap all day?

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Hast du tips welche man sich holen kann? Auf lizenz pupe ich.

Why are you so obsessed with niggers, user???

Nein. Tut mir Leid. Ich hab dir nur den Anfang des Wikipedia-Artikels gepostet.

Do you ever sleep, mountain jew fren?

Tfw foreigners leaving
Buerger working together
Feels good man

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I am currently neeting in quarantine. I think one more thread Tonight and then its enough.

They were on life support for a year or so, they failed on their own. Wonder how many failed companies are now using the coroner virus as an excuse and beg for a tax money bailout.

That's correct, and it's what the constitution states. Any opposition would go against the constitution.
How a German passport is acquired, though, and who can acquire it, that's a different matter and up for discussion as much as you like. Just better don't question that German passport = German.

Many will. Brrroomers are not gonna turn down these losers as long as they can demonstrate they took a "hit" from Corona.

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but you are aware that europe isnt the us and passports are not given to someone who just happens to be born on our soil right?

Oh you ... ;)

Good, awaiting reply. And yes, unnatural origin seems like only viable scenario to me too. Yes, I have my bias too but unless I find a good mechanism how a bloody RNA virus can take up three quite distinct new motifs (I think number four is actual noise, its now good homology) from "thin air". Alternative to an "attack" is still lab accident I'd say ... but if so then quite sure someone by now had a chance to be opportunistic. Would have been enough if some overworked cleaning lady or student did not properly autoclave the waste from the virology cell culture room.

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Sadly, recent years (past twenty years or so since the millenium) have seen steps to eradicate ius sanguini and instead install ius soli, which is a step back from a civilized country imo, so getting closer to the US. These steps need to be scaled back again.

Sauf nikt so viel du Penner

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> I want 5 kids minimum (and don't say I'm too old for that, that not how it works with da womenz).
True, but it's difficult to find a stable partner with that large of an age gap (how much are we talking about here? My parents are slighly more than 10). To have 5 children means that gril would need to be mid 20s tops.
> And I have an extended clan, ranging from tard to not so much tard, haha.
I'm a globalist regarding intellectual and material reach. You could also say I'm a sophisticated imperialist who sees good people in many places (but not everywhere equally distributed, I'm also slightly racist in a well-meaning sense).
We've been through that.

(You) #
> There are several ways where you could significantly do something about it. What are the things you're good at?
As a family we send money to relatives, we don't send it to some organization who will spend it on niggers. Not gonna go outside or something. We gave some food to old people we know and thought them how to order at Bofrost. That's the most we can do.

Na ja

Ah geh kumm ... it says so even in the thread title: we all smile in the end. ;)

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So your saying
We did win

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