The german authorities are lying, the death rate from covid19 patients in Germany is not any different from Italy, France or Spain.
The german authorities are lying, the death rate from covid19 patients in Germany is not any different from Italy...
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they just dont want to admit the deaths because inevitably they would have to talk about how hard it tis to cremate them all
Naw man. Germans are so efficient, industrious, law-abiding they are doing the perfect social distancing. But I guarantee you the beer will flow in September.
Or maybe it's a nothingburger and you are a fag?
>refuses to close borders to protect from millions of invaders
>closes borders for a fucking flu
she has 0 charisma
Ahmed... the only faggot here is you.
thanks for the source faggot.
we are doing 160 000 tests a week, that's why the number of infected is that high.
if italy or murica would do tests like germany the numbers would be way higher. and the deathrate way lower.
It looks like the true numbers are not being reported in any country. We are in the exponential phase of increasing numbers no doubt. They don't want to alarm the public.
It’s like 0.2%, it’s a nuffin virus.
Does your uncle work for Nintendo, retard?
The capacity in Germany is very, very significant. We can conduct more than 160,000 tests per week, and that can be increased
Lothar Wieler, Koch institute
after checking your source i have to say that you're a huge faggot
why then no crowded crematoriums here, he?
...just explain, why should be lied ybout the numbers, it makes no sense at all? we do not win, we make no profit, the people dont care if 100 or 500 ... explain, whats the profit when lying about the numbers??!
nice shizo thread dumbo
riddle me this: if rates are as high as italy and spain regarding severe cases and death, why aren’t our hospitals clogged up and failing under to many people being admitted? why are they still sailing smooth and even admitting patients from france and italy here?
Get elected again because saved us from Corona
We are the creator of the test (Prof. Dorsten)
We control most of the chemical used for the test
how can you tell?
Any sauce you kraut?
are you stupid? merkel already said she will not make another term.
China kills the curve
USA flattens the curve
Germany suppresses the curve.
Everyone knows you guys have been leaders in cremation tech since 1943
Fake and gay
I've some friends in Monaco coffing their lungs and they are still not tested.
The deaths are lower just because you don't test the dead people and you have different parameters for comorbidities
I work in a university clinic and you are lying
Op Lying dont Fall for the 160k Test per week.
i for one trust the germans to be at least 3 times more efficient, conscientious and responsible than we are
just wait another week
They dont test people that obviously have it, they dont even admit them to the hospital, they just send them home
Then when they die from it, they still dont test them
It's a gigantic farce
monaco isnt germany
your point?
oh man that is going to be a fun press moment
wenns so schlimm ist warum muss ich dann noch zur arbeit gehen
would automaticaly deny holocaust
makes you look better
it's in your blood
it's a social rule there, everyone competing to look more efficient and to be the one who best follows orders
>Germany the only ones shrewd enough to just list boomers as dying from old age or the underlying issues instead of Chinese Flu 2: SARS-mutation (but the WHO was asked not to name it like that because it could reflect poorly on these goddamn insect oil chinks).
Unbelievably based. Literally crashing the economy because boomers are dying and taking up ICU beds.
>and that's why 70 million people are dead in China but we just don't know because they're REALLY good at suppressing information. You think you can just casually take a satelite pic of supposed literal millions of people being killed and buried? Yeah right.
Pathetic gay french, netherlands is better at everything than Germany yet has way higher deaths
He means munchen u stupid faggot
The reason why none of the data is consistent is because the whole premise of collecting it is a sham. According to Dr Wolfgang Wodarg:
First you manufacture the problem by testing everybody for the disease. Never mind that everybody who dies with it is eighty years old with comorbidities.
Then you inflict absolute tyranny on the general public, who, owing to media panic-mongering, actually beg for it.
Finally, like China and Italy, you stop doing the tests, and claim that your authoritarian measures have solved the problem.
This is how totalitarianism beyond the wildest fantasies of Alex Jones is now taking hold.
>...makes you look better
... maybe we are just better prepped when the shit hits the fan, whats up whit it? german angst, while everyone get anlong we piss our pants because shit, autism is the a german trait, we dont take shit easy. it so difficult ti accept that we are better in handling crtical situations than most of the other super duper nations ... difference is, we make no big deal out of it!
good shitpost
So, does she have it?
can't argue with that
Economic collapse actually did happen but it was because of the retard HABBENINGfags and their retarded panic quarantine.
The COVID-19 PCR tests are for genes that if found individually result in a negative test, but found together result in a positive test. So one false positive is negative, but two false positives makes it positive. How accurate are these tests? We have no reference to know if someone recieves a false positive, or if the tests are accurate. No one can be sure they have the virus. 86% of infected never show symptoms. It's just like the HIV/AIDS hoax!
The chances of a virus mutating across species is ZERO, and across multiple species even less. It has never happened, never will happen, and never could happen. The only way humans can get a virus or flu from another species is if it is injected into them, period. And the chances of it going across species multiple times? It can not happen, ever. Dogs, cats, sheep, pigs, and others have tested positive for this COVID-19. It's 100% impossible. All signs point to the testing being false positive. How many times are we going to fall for this?
It's exactly like the HIV hoax. West Nile, SARS, AIDS, and Hepatitis C are all invented by the CDC and WHO. The testing is even similar to HIV, which is fake. The statistics make ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE.
Watch this documentary House of Numbers on how the CDC and world governments invented the AIDS epidemic out of nowhere:
Thousands of people died to the h1n1 vaccine. The spanish flu was created by vaccinations. All viruses are symbiotic in that they detoxify the body to prevent aging, especially in the respiratory system. They have been evolving with us for billions of years. They are manufactured within the cells. They are not foreign invaders that hijack your cells. That is fantasy. They are as much a part of us as our immune system. We have never proven viral infections are contagious. ANY deadly virus is either man-made or made-up.
Do NOT get tested. Do NOT take any drugs they give you. And for the love of jesus christ DO NOT GET VACCINATED-
This is actually true. But these days every fucking moron (happenoor, boomer) wants a test.
if they want a happening they should start a war
>Germans are so efficient, industrious, law-abiding
Unfortunately the world isn't American stereotypes you fucking moron
Cringe nerd kys
Hospital worker from Bavaria
They dont test everyone with symptoms only those who had contact with confirmed Corona patients/people the statistics are a lie
2 of my co workers were sent home and never tested even tho they have all the symptoms.
I hope that Merkel does >an hero
if you actually believe that humans are capable of orchestrating something this sophisticated on a global scale then you have clearly never left your basement
what do you mean
t. high school dropout epidemiologist
That probably would only decrease the mortality rate. Critical cases get diagnosed, mild cases won't. I had medium symptoms and recovered would thus contribute positively to the mortality rate.
Dr John Ioannidis, Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, and Dr Ron Paul are not idiots, and the arguments which they make are completely sound. Please think for yourself. What you are saying essentially amounts to "whatever the television tells me is true must be right." Whereas there are innumerable things which most of the establishment is either lying or catastrophically wrong about.
Flatten the curve or the world will end
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Building 7 burned to the ground
Assad is gassing his own people
Whole cities are going to be underwater soon
Mass immigration is good for our society
Children have the right to choose their gender
We need to police hate speech
Pornography is good for you
Austrian economics is outdated; bubbles and money-printing can last forever