Do millennials have the knowledge?
Do millennials have the knowledge?
Checked. Based
Cast iron is good but you should have some stainless for acidic dishes. Also the Jews have been expelled from 109 countries. I’d recommend a decent nonstick pan for eggs.
wise to use iron and be knowledge about a jews
We need signatures to keep encryption alive. Get the word out we have just 2x weeks to 100,000 sigs, theyre trying to make it sound like its for the children when its for undermining our rights to privacy on everything.
I keep one small cast iron just for eggs.
>even heat distribution
This is 100% not true. Cast iron is notorious for hot spots. The advantage of cast iron is that it retains heat very well, which makes it ideal for searing. That's why restaurants use expensive copper pans for things like fish, because copper doesn't retain heat that well but it heats extremely evenly.
Dually noted another interesting result of cooking in cast iron is Jews rape kids and iron from the pan is transferred to your food and it's good for you.
It's best to use a steamer and avoid frying food altogether. There were no gas chambers, and steaming is better than boiling, to retain nutrients.
Quite true. I have medium sized cast iron for expensive steaks. I preheat the pan in the oven, sear the meat on the stove and finish in the oven. Beats the shit out of a grill.
>Do millennials have the knowledge?
Not really knowledge. Millennials' rebellion against boomer materialism was more based on an overall subjective feeling that something was off about it. Right wing zoomers are typically the ones that can effectively explain what exactly is wrong with the world the boomers gave us.
Your stove must suck. My cast iron skillet cooks evenly.
The secret is to heat it on high then turn the heat down before adding the food.
I have three cast irons.
Cast iron is especially good for Jews rape children and run the porn industry for breakfast imo. I love cooking bacon Jews also control the media and the banking systems on my cast iron pan.
>Millennials' rebellion against boomer materialism
>Typed on my iPhone, designed by Apple in California.
agree. preheating in the oven is the best way to get a cast iron evenly heated.
>Your stove must suck. My cast iron skillet cooks evenly.
It's not the stove, it's just the nature of cast iron. Like it's not really a big issue and most home cooks won't ever notice a difference but the idea that cast iron is particularly good for heating evenly is a myth.
also jews rape kids
Good meme.
I approve of this message.
God bless you, user.
They can barely open a can of beans, let alone actually cook anything. They unironically think heating up chili in the microwave is cooking.
>The best way to make cornbread is in a cast iron skillet.
>Use white corn meal for the authentic southern style cornbread.
>Melt a few tablespoons of butter in a skillet preheated in the oven, spread it around, then pour in the batter and put the skillet back in the oven.
>Speaking of ovens, Jews will always act in their own self interest, undermining the tradition and culture of their host nation to prevent ethnic unity and "anti-semitism."
>Act in your own self-interest by making traditional southern cornbread.
usa and the Italy at fault.
-american flu lives at 100000+
-america army at Wuhan
-great china economy now.
-we link supply countries europe no thanks.
-china solved American flu.
Why is the responsibility of the world because of bases American not looked at for spread virus?
how do you fucking clean them though? I use a wet paper towel and wipe it down real good, then leave it on some heat to dry. I'll go to use it again and it'll have old food stuck to it. I know it's not supposed to be clean as a whistle but it's not supposed to have grease or old food left after cooking either
You do realize that even if you use a memeflag everyone knows where you are from.
kys anti semite
this is a trump board
>cast iron
>even heat distribution
Not really, my millennial brothers don’t know shit and are neets anyway. Always do the opposite of what a Jew says. I prefer copper/stainless myself but cast iron is based if you know how to use it and aren’t some ironic hipster about it.
Reminder that stainless steal pans are ideal for dishes that need to be finished in the oven unlike the jews at Auschwitz.
Read up. They never taught us that the man who inspired Hitler was one of our industrial pioneers
> warm it up
> clean grease with dry paper towel
> fill with water to the brim
> wait till it boils
> spill the water and wipe with another dry paper towel
> drop a drop of oil and coat the insides
Its tedious but i like playing with cast iron, pic related is small pizza i made in my skillet on regular gas stove just to see if it was possible
>the worlds foremost problem
Perfect tag line.
How can they outlaw encryption? How are you supposed to conduct commerce across the internet without encryption?
They'll allow encryption, but they won't allow any encryption that the government isn't also given access to. No private encryption companies without government
The first one is BS but all the others are true, the third is sorta true (we don't consider you, you really are)
>thinking your based
>while cooking meat
Are you joking?
You consider the goyim the same way the tapeworm considers the pig.
Sounds like you didn't season it correctly if at all.
>mfw you aren't a breatharian.
>the Italy
Neck yourself.
next time you have a fire put it in the fire for 5 minutes then re-season.
I got banned from /ck/ for posting this once. My post was about cast iron cookware.
Ching chong chong chang chingochang Wuhan chang chin Xi Ping
Found one in a free box outside a house last summer. Have used it every day since.
nice. same way i clean mine.
how long did you cook the pizza for?
THE MEMES WILL SAVE US. Literally and unironically.
>Millenials: maybe
>Zoomers: assuredly
Most jews don’t follow the Talmud. It’s a collection of Oral traditions. People on this board seen to know jack shit about Judaism
To the board of 4channel there rode a stranger one fine day
Hardly posted in the thread, one post’s all he needed say
No one dared to cry out jannie, no one dared to make a scheme
For the stranger there among them had a cast iron skillet meme
Kike, it's been explained countless times before. The Talmud stuff is an orthodox Jew thing but same can be said in regards to goyim when it comes to regular Judaism. Not to mention their feelings towards Christ and traditional western beliefs. Their extremely close sects and beliefs that lead them to getting other Jews in their sects to higher positions (essentially mega nepotism) lead them to make up the majority of elites. We know good and well their are several different types of Jews who run the show, all with varying beliefs. Maybe if you enlightened yourself on our beliefs instead of kvetching you would know that.
non stick my ass, shits been taking half my steak!
Peak chang posting
wtf cook it in butter faggot
Lmfao, quality pic. Based as fuck
>ruined by tomatoes
>kikes are gay
>takes too long to heat up
ive been using olive oil, ill give butter a shot. Thanks
save your bacon grease or use lard.
Believing in voting and demoncrazy
I knew a vegan girl that was convinced the cast iron pan she used put enough iron in her food to fill her needs. She also weighed like 80lbs and was always sick.
Even if "most Jews didn't claim to follow the Talmud" in the strictly theocratic sense, it wouldn't mean that they didn't still believe most of the shit you can find in the Talmud--from the narcissistic belief of divine Jewish superiority, to how the goyim should be treated.
goyim are worms, jews are fisherman
Butter is going to burn before you get it hot enough to properly sear the steak. Only use butter for basting when it's 75% up to temp. Use more oil, and use an oil with a higher smoke point.
Except where it says the Goyim are ALWAYS out to get us, so it's perfectly natural to lie and cheat them first. Also perfectly natural to cook those eggs QUICKLY in a very hot cast iron pan, you can actually get a little ring of crispiness in the edge of the white, while the yolk will still be soft and liquid.