Everyone move to Florida
lucky fucks I just want to go to the gym help me
The thing about florida is youre safer when you CAN see what florida man is up to.
Can we open the gyms back up please I’m missing leg day and chest day and it’s pissing me off
WTF is this country doing? Every other country on earth is in lockdown, meanwhile we’re just letting the fucking chink flu roll over us by doing absolutely nothing. This is the fucking end of American hegemony
fuck off kike
This virus scare is fake and gay.
Good. Fuck boomers we need something to wipe people out.
The Florida economy will implode when millions of service industry works have no job
Desantis is a literal fucking idiot.
Oh no boomers will die whatever will we do?!?!
Tampa nigger here. We should be on lockdown immediately. The mexicans and blacks are roaming the streets like wild animals.
>Desantis is a literal fucking idiot.
He basically said that it would be pointless to lock things down because young people don't give a fuck and are disobeying orders, and we can't go out and arrest tens of thousands of people.
We don't have the money, manpower, or force to actually lock people down. Martial law is not possible in this situation.
Fuck off, we're full.
The Florida Man marches on
If you’re moving here, bring your own TP.
You cucks don’t understand the implications of this shit. What happens when every other country is chink flu free while America flounders with hundreds of thousands of cases? We’ll be fucking blockaded by the whole rest of the planet for this stupidity.
Stay mad kike
>he doesn't have a home gym
Shut the fuck up jew, the only reason that jewish golem won florida is his opponet was a adrenochrome addicted opoid loving negroid that was put there by kikes. DeSantis is still a fucking retard.
lol Trump will lose Florida because so many old Republicans are gonna die there now
Calling me a jew because I don't support totalitarian unconstitutional jew lockdowns? Fuck off. Your desperate attempt to have a cover to crash the economy has failed. Next monday everyone is back to work.
Orlando should also be Permanently Under Construction. I am 30 going on 31, 29 of which were spent in the area, and not a time in my life has I-4 ever not been a "work in progress".
>WTF is this country doing?
the numbers dont add up faggot when did you start believing MSM? Poll numbers? impeachment? What was the straw that turned you retarded?
If it’s a kike hoax to scare the goy than why is israel locking their shit down? The kikes released a fucking bio weapon against us and your advice is to do nothing? Fuck off, now is the time to head for the hills and build your bunker
That's because most of the people whom are sick don't know it yet and will return home. He's just not wanting to force all those spring breakers to die in his hospitals.
>Week ago
>Oh shit gyms gonna get shut down
>Run out to buy a 7' bar
>There is no workout equipment to be had anywhere
>WTF is this country doing? Every other country on earth is in lockdown, meanwhile we’re just letting the fucking chink flu roll over us by doing absolutely nothing. This is the fucking end of American hegemony
Say the whole thing really is fake, why wouldn’t you support martial law lockdown anyways? It’ll wake the normies up to ZOG. It’s chaos and chaos is good. The absolute worst thing that could happen is for things to continue on as normal.
You are so desperate to have cover to collapse the economy and Trump won't let it happen
The whole point of getting trump elected was to crash the fucking ZOG globohomo usury system.
It's really interesting how Bannon is upset that Trump isn't doing a nationwide lockdown and once again there's shills on Yas Forums trying to push for this idea. You're really all bad at your jobs.
This. He also said that lockdowns for 9 months are unsustainable. Also he will lock down flights from New York and Jersey, which is kinda late for that.
>Yet Tampa's dyke mayor is about is issue one for that city
What exactly do you want from trump? High value stocks? Easy access to a wagecuck gig? Why are you even here if you don’t want a collapse?
You've shilled so heavily on this board you've actually believed it to be organic posters. All your psy ops fail all your copy paste talking points are outdated. So here you are trying to convince people that unconstitutionally keeping people in their homes and crashing the economy is a good this. You're both stupid and desperate.
im in orlando. only the tourists are afraid. Corona is on sale at my local nigger mart. Weed is plentiful. The weather is good and construction work is not stopping.
Best part is all the typically liberal jobs are closed so the highways are comfy now.
Yeah right, we will see about that. This thing is just getting started.
Of course crashing the jewish economy is a good thing. Pissing everyone off by locking them at home is also a good thing, it’ll wake them up to how cucked they actually are by ZOG tyranny. Why can’t you answer any questions instead of simply accusing me of shilling?
No. Crashing the economy under the cover of a crisis is what Jews want so they buy up everything for pennies on the dollar. Your games are outdated and your words fall on deaf ears. Man you kikes really don't know what to do anymore do you?
The airlines should have been shut down months ago
So what’s your solution then nigger? Let the bubble inflate forever? Let housing prices inflate forever? Let the fed print debt forever?
Cali got their shit together and I was staying in my house before that even whent down. Some people just wanna spread lungaids and think it won't affect them 10 years down the line
4 questions 1 post. This is the outdated shit im talking about. Enjoy your demise kike
He is actually ordering a shelter in place order for people coming from NYC.
Trying to tell grandpa not to get in his Oldsmobile and drive around. On a good day, the silver alerts are a circus.
Imagine complaining on Yas Forums that ZOG isn’t instituting martial law enough. Fuck off statist bootlicker. You happeningfags are scum
Time for other states to ban all travel from Florida
Oh you're finally catching on?
Half of the population of Florida is illegals who do not speak English. How do you force them to not move around?
They did a lot of random testing in S.E. FL and 50% of the people tested positive for the chink plague. It is already too late.
The kikes already own everything. They literally control the fucking money supply. What would they buy up for pennies on the dollar during this crash when they already fucking run the whole damn planet?
Gainesville bro here, came in to say this
Good. I am an isolationist. We need to stop all contact with the rest of the planet and clean house here.
Shut the fuck up LEAF.
Nice...real estate in Florida gonna be dirt cheap soon. Based boomer plague.
below the 30 degree line
Wuhan and most affected places above
>WTF is this country doing? Every other country on earth is in lockdown, meanwhile we’re just letting the fucking chink flu roll over us by doing absolutely nothing. This is the fucking end of American hegemony
It's called suicide, user. Enjoy it while you can!
I don't answer to you. I take orders from daddy xi now.
305 checking in
fellow g'ville Yas Forums bro. stay strong bud!
Lol yeah but you live in Orlando hahahaha
Orlando bro here where is the toilet paper? I've been going to Publix every morning for a week and it's been sold out every time. I have enough for a month but I'm trying to restock before I need it.
Lock down imminent. WI governor said the exact same thing a couple days ago and now we're in full "shut it down" mode.
Texas doesn't have one either. But that isn't stopping the cities from issuing one
And is anyone under 40 listening to the lockdown orders?
user everyone in Florida spends plenty of time inside with air conditioning. Corona-chan will spread just fine in the cool indoor buildings.
Regardless given the age of the population in Florida its going to be a bloodbath.
And what about all those college Spring Breakers partying down in Florida and spending lots of shekels?
Part of living in a free country includes having the freedom to make bad decisions.
Anybody with sense right now is working from home or at least reducing their personal risk. If retards want to throw caution to the wind and endanger themselves, that's their prerogative.
You miss the smell of other sweaty people and showering with other men. Hmmmm. Try some home calisthenics and watch some gay porn.