What are British / European Muslims like?

Do they integrate into European / British culture and act nice?
Or do they crowd together into enclaves and disproportionately create crime wherever they go?

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Why do Arab people have huge asses?

High estrogen therefore high birth rates. Your women need to learn that.

It honestly depends in class in the UK.

Pakistani bloke in my office was born here and is a senior IT director. He wears a British flag pin on his suit, voted brexit. Told me deep down he feels all organised religion is bullshit.

If they were all like him I'd never whine but one walk down a shitty neighbourhood and you get the shitheads.

>Do they integrate into European / British culture and act nice?

>do they crowd together into enclaves and disproportionately create crime wherever they go?

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Im arab, do you think I can easily fuck sweadish girls ?

British Muslims are pretty based and the most traditional. It's the American Muslims that are completely cucked

they're fucking awful
one thing that did surprise me is that a lot of the blacks who have lived there for 2-3 generations are nowhere near as bad as our niggers, a lot of them were actually quite pleasant.
The new niggers there are fucking awful though

That’s a cam whore but it’s still somewhat accurate.

Half those women are probably taller then you

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Sure you can, because the average modern swedish woman is a complete retard.

I'm married to a latina.

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Also speaking from experience, I visited Germany and went to Hamburg. There was one part of town that was sketchy as hell and it was a whole city block. It was just a block filled with degenerate afghans doing drugs and drinking beer. They view the west as a way to get away with vices they couldn’t do in Afghanistan cause they would probably be executed by the Taliban.

Don't ask Yas Forums, they give heavily biased answers

It’s muslims in general. Here too Muslim women have big tits and ass. Swear to god some of these Muslimas are total hoejabis walking around with their bf wearing tight dresses like in op.

The reason is they don’t let their women work and eat high carb/fatty food

nice. I will go there for my holiday :D

Absolutely based, same in Ireland desu there's the few that are normal and integrate into society but they're few and far between, the fucking shitskins that keep together and go out in grooming gangs, raping women upping the crime rate and generally being the sand niggers they are the vast majority and need to be culled

They're like Brits but are Muslim.


We give realistic answers jew

Do Indians like afghans more than the Muslims that live in India? A lot of afghans share a hatred of Pakistan with India.

These people arent "Muslim". Just cause they are shitskins doesnt mean they are automatically Muslim. We dont associate with degenerates, they must hang.

Its the same as comparing pride faggots to real Christians.

>No true Scotsman
You need to go back.

Helo my dear plz do milk


Here are many nordic tourists in France, they're much easyer to pick up.
Girls in holiday just fuck anything and then go back home pretend to be good girls

no,american muds tend to be lebanon,syrian,turkish,saudi,iranian/persian etc the more palatable types

europe gets pakis and bangladeshis......totally fucking disgusting sub humans who act like they are better though they come from dirt

they not only refuse to fit in but take pride in standing out,they are a cancer

they are all muslim and who are you to say they are not? no true scotsman fallacy

Some of them integrate and some are decent people.
They do like to stick together on the whole though and create their own communities. Because of their religion they dont view brits as their equals either.

>Do they integrate into European / British culture and act nice?
No... and that's a good thing if integrating into European culture means turning into a faggot and forcing children into becoming drag queens.

it may seem like Hindus hate Muslims from the media but the reality is we have 250 million+ Muslims. Many of us live side by side with Muslims, make friends, and in many cases marry. my cousin sister married a Muslim, my current gf is Muslim even though we are Hindus.

i could compare it with whites and blacks in America. there’s a lot of political strife between the two groups but there’s also a lot of brotherhood. whites and blacks in America would probably come together if they saw a 3rd party.

and as you guessed it majority of Muslim hatred comes due to pakis and their inability to control terrorists in their own country. so yeah hating Afghans would be irrational. There’s a lot of Afghans that live around the Delhi area, we call them Pathans.

cringe. Scandinavian women are feminist whores


>High estrogen therefore high birth rates
Then what's the deal with their mustaches?

They just fuck their cousins hence are too dumb to do anything. Guess some of their women are cute, but that's about it.

>Pakistani bloke in my office was born here and is a senior IT director. He wears a British flag pin on his suit, voted brexit
What a cuck.

If they integrate they are cucks, if they dont' they are harmful to society.
Why do they even move to another country where they are not wanted?

Dollars, goy.

Phwoar, look at the baps on that slag!

believe it or not, i seen few muslims, in my town even (about 70k, south-east), mostly turks i think. and they do integrate, know the language, work etc. the condition is, you cannot have many of them in one place, otherwise they create ethnic groups, missbehave and dont integrate for fuck - that's what you have in western europe after massive imigration

This. American Muslims are liberal retards.

Fuck fatima

Immigration is like spices.

The right amount elevates your recipe.

Too much spoils it.

Most white countries accept too much immigration. Instead of slowly integrating, they form separate communities and never adopt the new culture.

>Pakistani bloke in my office was born here and is a senior IT director. He wears a British flag pin on his suit, voted brexit. Told me deep down he feels all organised religion is bullshit.

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Ah yes. And LGBT+ friendly Churches are real Christians.

>Immigration is like spices.
>The right amount elevates your recipe.
>Too much spoils it.
Would Japan be improved if 1% of their population were blacks? How about 2%? 3%?

My family immigrated here 10 years ago.

Theres nothing here in Canada that makes me feel proud to be part of this country. Also I always get the impression the groups who settled here earlier have this, "No one asked you to come here in the first place fucker" attitude.

Its alright, i'll take the skills I learn't here to the USA where i'll make the big bucks.

Just low iq retards who don't belong here and turn everything ugly and sad, and breed like bacteria.

I've lived in 12 houses as an adult, in different cities, and only 1 set of neighbours has been friendly, a Muslim couple...granted she had a massive crush on me. Little Bangladeshi qt that brought round curry and Samosas. It wasn't in a Muslim area so they were more integrated.

Fuck you OP and fuck your draining of our energies through sexualized narcissistic foid pictures

Just like foids post this shit for attention and are looking to get raped by psychopathic Chads, you are similarly a homo looking to get dominated by niggers

How about you go back to mahgreb instead, friendo.

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Can confirm

At least their women dont fuck niggers. Anything else is irrelevant because that just means your society is over.

There are a lot of qt traditional muslimas around and i hope that (((they))) domt destroy them like they did to us.

There is no european culture anymore because culture is religion, music and mannerisms. Christ is gone, niggers killes music and we dont even know who we are any more.


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You worst people you can meet.

Abdul, Mahmoud, Jabril and the gang are keen on getting between your wife's legs, Frog. You just gonna sit there and let it happen?! Or are you gonna get up off your ass and go DO something about it?

The "normal" ones literally keep to themselves


Nobody did ask you to come here and the reason they don't want you here is beacause of the piss poor, third world, take whatever I can get, attitude you just displayed in your post.

they owned black slaves from subsaharan africa
gene-mixing happened


>volunteer for Salvation Army
>major says it's a Christian organization, we are urged to say Merry Christmas, but we can say happy holidays if we want
>noticed right away that minorities don't give any fucking money
>get my jollys off by telling packs of Muslims merry Christmas just to see the dirty looks they'd give me
>some white lady came up to me and thanked me for using merry Christmas instead of happy holidays

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