Rate my prep

I have more ammo and more meat in the freezer.

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prepping is gay

Off topic, but at least you aren't shilling. Bump.

Are you retarded

why is your ammo in the freezer?

A fun weekend ?

Not nearly enough water.

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Need more veggies

I hope OP is satire

Nigga has alien toes

>no water filter
>no survival equipment
>not nearly enough food
>no stockpile of medications (even OTC ones) and common medical supplies
>no cleaning supplies to speak of

snibbeti snab you know have the cholera

That’s the most Kentuckian thingIve seen in a while.

rate mine

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Where is pasta?

U guys told me to get deenz. I thought thats all i needed

Ramen bro. Its $2 for 12 bags

Don't post your guns online.

Why are you bothering, you are throwing a grenade at your pancreas with every sip of that sugary shit.

>diet mountain dew
post dildo collection fag

10/10 for biodegradable

cute dildo

>Air rifle
Ah, a fellow illinoisan dying because of the FOID, at least it looks like you got a good one, mine gets 1000 fps with a .177, what does yours get?

Its a ruger 10/22 and an ar15. I have over 2k rounds of 22lr for small game hunting.

Greek feet
Homosexual confirmed

why are all of your toes so long

Only one case of water? You wot m8? Good choice on the Jim Beam though.


I just have this Daisy .177 pneumatic that takes 10 pumps to shoot at full power, at least I won't burn through ammo too quickly

Why is your ammo in the freezer?


Nasty ass feet. Good luck keeping your strength up on fucking ramen. How will you even cook it when the power goes out.

Dude I will break into your home and butt fuck you into the dirt and steal anything valuable you have before I cut your fucking head off and mount it on a stick

how many mags you got for your 10/22 and what size? Ar?

Not very cute feet, desu

>I have more ammo and more meat in the freezer.
You are seriously prepping with .22LR weapons?
Dude, are you afraid of rabbits or what?

Why would you stock up on garbage food like ramen and soft drinks?

4 30s. Its a 10.5in "pistol" with a brace stock.

Sorry. 4 30s for the 223. 2 25s and a 10 for the 10/22

because he's a fucking retard. imagine buying ramen and mountain dew

>no TP weak 2/10

rate my prep

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>all junk food

Thank you for getting chipped

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Because hes a fucking retard. I'll break into his home like a wild anjmal and while hes cooking noodles with a candle and drinking diet mt dew and rape his fucking corpse and chop his god damn head off. I'll steal his guns and ammo and whatever else hes got worth a damn and move to the next house. I'm not teaming up with anyone so dont ask. Im going solo and kill rape anyone I come across

The ar is 223 (5.56). I'll Mozambique ur ass with that 22lr and you wont know what hit u.

god ur feet are gross dude

lmao posint weapons online, enjoy being on fbi list bud

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"Why get food when you can get food-flavoured substitute!"

>merica faggot.
And im already on the damn list. They are registered.

No wonder I cannot find any ramen. You fucking nigger.

I love it! You are ready to go to the islands mate. Let’s steal a sail boat and be like Kevin In waters world

Severe thongosis.

Love that X22 stock, bought one for my wife's 10/22.

>no IFAK

>Frontier ammo

Never gonna make it. Pic related is how you’ll survive corona Chan

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>They are registered.
>no IFAK

double OhKrappa

best place to buy toilet paper online?
reasonable price, in stock..

I got some rice too. Its a short term prep. Im still depending on food services. If they collapse, I'll be good for a month while the initial chaos ensues. Thats a ton of sausage, and i have about 20 frozen chicken breast (assuming power and refrigeration still work). Also, i have well water, so as long as i can power the pump im good. I should be able to do that off some car batteries.

Our mayor put us on curfew today, stores are empty. We are a small town in georgia and just got our first case. Its our damn tax commissioner, and the dumb cunt went to church yesterday.

The Jim Beam wasn't the best choice.
Should at least have gone cheapest Makers Mark

You need a lot more water I’ve got 20 gallons so far

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>.22 weak bro
Fudd meme-tier. Whoever gets shot first in .22 rifle vs anything is still going to be the one who dies. Then the .22 guy picks up the other guy's bazooka. Better options does not = can't still kill tf out of you. Dead is dead.


Lol, you think that’s enough liquor for the eternal boredom?

I admit. The frontier is not great. I have to rack out a bad round every now and then. But im not gonna freak out if that happens in a fight.

no guns here. How far out can you consistently hit a deer sized target with that ruger 22lr ? Also nice toes

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I've got 60

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I only drink good stuff usually. Makers, crown, and higher. But 3 handles for $90 isnt bad for the beam.

I have a well. I can run the pump off of car batteries if i have too

Imagine not living on well water. Imagine not having a hand pump backup.

Is that the PSA AK Pistol? If so how are you liking it so far?

More than what /k/ has, to be honest.

Need moar water

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Peeling bananas

I have an array of pic related set up on my front step where packages get delivered. They're rigged to a lightswitch inside the house. I turn them on for an hour when anything delivers. Hopefully 252 nm is sufficient to kill most of the bugs. If it can give me skin cancer it should kill the virus right?

75-100yds easy. I havent shot it much since i put the bull barrel on it. Only once actually. I just did the stock and barrel like 2 months ago

Don't know about your prices, but makers i only slightly more expensive as a jimmy here, so i would have chosen that.
But I'm more of a scotch guy, so i won't judge.

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