So after this blows over, which of the "safe zone" states are you moving to?

So after this blows over, which of the "safe zone" states are you moving to?

Attached: montana.jpg (1800x1058, 325.14K)

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You do realize that's a "safe zone" because nobody fucking lives there, right? A lot of that is a wildlife preserve.

and? Sounds comfy.

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yeah, moving to yellowstone's doorstep sounds great

>any day now
People have been saying it's gonna blow for decades at this point.

It's not a safe zone anymore if you go there, idiot. It's a safe zone because you're not there.

If it blows the whole world is ducked anyway so it’d actually save you n your family lots of suffering if you’re at the source of the explosion.
But desu geologists would prob be able to predict and evacuate you should a happening ever happen (which it won’t)

>People have been saying it's gonna blow for decades at this point
because it's possible not because it's imminent
fucking morons need to get the fuck off the internet

Fuck off, we're full

guys im coofing

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Missouri is it then

Florida seems fucked

Montana would be comfy, desu.

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In the near future I’m moving out of the United States I cannot live here with you stupid fucking retards.

Oh my go to Singapore or Europe or east Asia United States is a horrible place to live

That's the Yellowstone volcanic nuke zone.

Inferring we'll let you in.

Already livin in West Texas so fuck all you niggers.

Already in a safe state. Montanans will not take kindly to people moving here after the pandemic or even right now. We are self sustaining and don't need pussies who have no value to society

I never thought I'd actually live to see the end of civilization, yet here we are.

Who wants to pool their Plague bux to buy some land with me? I'll show you how to build houses. It's spring time and we can plant some potatoes. We gotta get moving on this as soon as they pass the plaguebux bill.

Please, I'm desperate. I can't live with my boomer parents another fucking day, I'm this close to strangling them to death to show them who's boss.

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>insert: Der coofer meme


Strangle first, show proof, then we can talk

>NYC looking like the epicenter of all this

lol that's where all the jews who consoom the andrenochrome are

Fuck off, we're full

Wyoming is fucking beautiful. Idk what kinda jobs are available there, but if I could find a way to sustain myself there I’d move in a heartbeat. Great wilderness for days. Laid back people (brief experience). It’s the kinda place where time moves slower and life isn’t so hectic.

But then I won't need to buy land. My problems will be solved then.

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Fuck off, we are full.

I am fucking moving SOUTH of the 43rd parallel for once in my life. No joke, when this blows over, I'm moving. NY is fucking disgusting which is why this shit blew up here.

The UP of Michigan.
Literally willing to sell nearly everything I own and move into a shack in the woods.

This is the safest place

No cross country travelers passing through and very low population density

Attached: 10252_64333_868_upper_peninsula_postcard_curt_teich.jpg (1024x656, 740.69K)

You know that's where all your nuclear silos are, right? In the event of a war, that region will end up looking like the surface of the moon.

Montana. Place is magical.

How much shekels you think you can raise? We can do it right rn now. As soon as they pass the "relief bill."

Houses are cheap, and they don't have to be shacks either. The merely have to be simple.

I guess your problem is solved then.

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C'est la vie.

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Only the places where the silos are will. Go to the nukemap game. Even using the massively impractical "tsar bomba" style bombs, try to cover montana with their fireball radii. You can't do it. Inverse square law is a bitch and a blessing.

B-But I don't wanna kill my mommy. I mean I do, but I love her even though she's a shitsucker.

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Lol dude you dont. Just be a decent human. We need our moms. Just stay home and protect her.

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All of you think you're going to move to the woods and never see anybody again. I got news for you. I moved to a rural area 3 months ago, you WILL come across people, and they will ALL be the most retarded people you have ever talked to, because they have zero life experience; their whole experience of the world is within a 20 mile radius.

Good luck dealing with actual retards. Most of them are going to make sure you understand that you do not belong wherever it is you moved to, and will want to shoot you.

Have a girl that wants to fuck and cuddle, but I think I might just bail. I just want to be with my family deep down.

nigga that's mongol country

I unironically was planning on moving to either Idaho or Wyoming for my job prior to all this BS going down. Mfw all the fucking normies and liberals will move out there and ruin it now.

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We're full fuck off

>safe zone is basically huwhite ethnostate

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Email me and we can get the ball rolling
Maybe a discord

And memeflag off

SD is soooooo awesome. Wish I was there

Yes and no, brutally hot Summers and bitter cold winters but overall kind of cozy

Shhhhh let them dream, they gotta have some type of hope in all this bs


I just noticed, but why is the Florida Panhandle essentially untouched?

Montana user here. Sick boomers won't stop traveling. Infected Washington State boomers keep driving here to buy out Costco. Sick boomers keep ignoring signs posted at all clinics and keep walking into unprotected areas because "ain't nobody gonna tell me what to do".
This place isn't safe anymore. And people are getting pissed and talking roadblocks.

Hurricane Michael beat its ass in 2018. Look at Mexico City.

Refugees fleeing to the UP will be shot on sight.
Fuck off, we're full.

never heard of those states, maybe in school geography...

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>mfw Colorado

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How fucked is the New York area on a scale of 1-10?

Hoping for Wyoming, where I was born and raised. based