Chinks are purposely getting everyone sick!!!
Chinks are purposely getting everyone sick!!!
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She’s cute. Also I highly doubt she knew. Yeah she should have known better, but she probably acted out of fear. Remember, we’re all scared right now. Give the little lady a break.
Fuck you chang!
Chinese don't belong in America at all. They should be interned in camps and deported on cargo ships regardless of their status. The only status that matters is their chink faces. They should all be removed by force.
post the webm of the Chinese ladies wiping their snotty Kleenex all over a park bench
chinks should have their faces smashed in with a hammer, change my mind
When are you gp9ng to realize everyone caught doing this shit is either part of the Chinese military sent to infect everyone, or her family in China is held captive and she is forced to infect others
watch this get taken down.
I’m not Asian. My wife is though and these are scary times for her, my son, my in-laws, and their whole community and the world as they know it. Just remember that people do unpredictable things in times of uncertainty. Don’t hold it against them.
Save it faggot
of course it's australia
where's the KKK when you need them
We going 1488 on the chinks?
I've seen a dozen of these and they're all bugwomen
This one?
It‘s not just niggers and kikes. Chinks as well.
Basically all non-whites are subhumans. Except japs maybe
We already knew what a chimpout looks like.
Now we know what a chinkout looks like.
I've decide'Chang' DNA is from elsewhere
>hit in the face with a hammer
Uhmmm, think they already have been...
Maybe she's just a fucking deranged gook like every fucking chinkset, with no soul and a sociopathic mind set
Also the guy that tweeted this is a mudslime. I wouldn’t take their words for anything.
t roastie
>If I'm gonna die then everyone else should too
gas them all
Good. She's a fucking hero.
toasty roastie
She's based!
This. Fuck chinks.
This is part of their plan so that they can require the chip implants for entry everywhere. We'll be told that the chips will simply indicate whether or not the person has been tested and if so then positive or negative. Some locations will allow negative and non-tested, some will only allow negative readings. But the true intended purpose of the chips is not yet known
It's not normal to spit on fruit you fucking jaundiced penis
>Don’t hold it against them.
Tired words with little meaning left.
She literally spit the infection into produce in an attempt to get people sick. I’ll take the bait user, but only because I actually know people who are saying this exact shit unironically.
reminder this was a controlled release staged to be accidental in wuhan to allow coverup
the evidence of ccp assets in every major city is enough and if you refuse to admit this truth you're ignorant
fuck your whole family you chink-breeding faggot
Yeah, and post the one of the jew wiping his disease ridden saliva all over the subway.
Take your meds. We're at war and this is a bioweapon. These are just soldiers in the war using the bioweapon against their enemies. The enemy is already invaded.
I'll just leave this here
Maybe, but I wouldn't put it past china
Americans consume 7 cans of Mountain Dew per day. If you have a family of 13, that's over 637 cans a week. Over 2821 a month. Mountain Dew will be worth its weight in gold in a few months.
you need to be hanged for quoting a link faggot
I'm starting to think these are state actors. The chinks sending in agents to do this shit. Anyone doing this should be tried for terrorism or maybe even treason.
Digits say yes. The pissy jew must be dealt with
I'm going to cut your cock off and make you suck on it like a sissy boy you fucking piece of dog shit chink nigger. Every displaced chinese person outside of their country is now an enemy of the state and will be treated as such. There is no such thing as too much when it comes to hurting the chinese, especially their little fucking cockroach kids.
She probably sucks bat cock
Is your faggot hapa ass going to start posting cuck porn soon?
wtf I love chinksectoids now
You need to go some place else if you want all your insect family to be safe, let's say wherever the fuck y'all came from?
Niggers are roaming the streets looking for chinks to maul and most people won't help you cus everybody is together in to having chinks
It's been pretty apparent that the chinks have thousands of agents in every state of the U.S, and they are actively trying to spread this shit.
I've seen multiple videos of it at this point.
I hope someone caves her skull in with a tire iron. Don't hold it against them, faggot. Uncertain times!
sending? they are already here
thank god im not a cop
imagine having to go arrest someone who has flu meme aids. no thanks
Ditch your (((family))) now before it's too late. They need to go back, the experiment has failed.
She should be executed via catherine wheel.
Im here. My wife was born here. My in laws have been here since 1962. They literally had family members starved to death in Mao's China. They fled and started a life here. They are not the enemy. They just look like it. All Chinese nationals should be deported.
simpmerican be quiet
>be me
>be police officer in an other dimension and timeline
>faced with such a situation
>would not argue with this chink
>just beat the shit out of her until she keeps her filthy chink mouth
Ah okay so you admit this is a bioweapon created for... population control, no? But you think it's implausible that this pandemic could be used to take advantage of a microchip system. You're an American, you know people would eat that shit up as long as they can get back to their bars, clubs, cruise ships and their normal degenerate life
The Chinese are the niggers of the East.
Because the men have jobs and the women become SJW's.
Chinks and hapas will get the rope.
why is she still breathing?
Disgusting subhuman insects.
Diversity is our strength, I can't believe you people. It's 2020. Grow up.
honestly, i would welcome her execution.
> Except japs maybe
hahaha no. ever heard of unit 731? the rape of Nanking? japs are are just as bad if not actually the most demented and brutal out of all of them possibly matched only by the Mongols. the only difference is after becoming the only country in the world to get nuked, and then becoming the only country in the world to get a nuked twice, they decided they should probably chill out a bit and try the whole westernization thing before they get hit with the ol third time's a charm.
Chink tourists spread a deadly pathogen. Who wants to bet chink government is paying to sending them all over.
Yep. Fuck chinks.
>it's only a bioweapon if it causes extreme death
The fucking yellow fever fags defending this chink rat deserve to get the china aids.
Fuck you chang your a fucken race traitor
There is only one race that behaves this way.
Even niggers don't behave this spitefully.
buy guns, it is america
They're doing this shit in every country. Dirty fucking mainland chinks.
they made tests with koreans and chinks, where is the problem? today we take apes
I'd rather hold it against them. they're all disgusting subhumans and so are you for fucking one you degenerate.
We don't hate all Asians just mainland chinks.
>Why yes I am an ugly pathetic White incel who couldn't get a White women so I settled for the bottom of the barrel insectoid subhuman to have kids that don't look like me
I hope your wife and kids get raped in front of you and then killed during the civil war you racemixing piece of shit, kys cuck.
How the fuck you can live in Canada and not inow by know that everything they do is state sanctioned warfare is absolutely beyond me.