Why is Coomo so based? He is the only person I like in gov right now

Why are the rest of the democrats mentally retarded? Why isn't he president?

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They're all shit including that pasta kike.

Cuomo 2020

>Every Dem running is a total shit sandwich, try our new flavor?

I'll vote for him

it's because the blood of Italians runs through his veins. Even when Italians become cucked, they can easily uncuck themselves in times of crisis

he actually cares and gets shit done, regardless of party affiliation that's a rarity

He's gonna be biden's pick and then biden is gonna die and it will be cuomo

He’s just awful.
t. Jew Yorker

NYC is basically the Israel of the America's.

So Biden really is dead, huh?

Did that harp player do the funeral?

he's only doing this because he got emergency fundus from Trump after they were taken away by 'muh sanctuary city"
follow the money fags, quit sucking politician's dicks

Gun grabbers get bullets


I am claiming this thread for UPSTATEGANG. You are now in /Upstate_General/.

Mayor Cu*mo could find a cure tomorrow and I'd still piss in his lasagna

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Romefag reporting

This. Every Italian is a fascist mafioso under the surface. You just have to scare them enough.

Ahhhh I’m Cuooooming

He's a fucktard gun banner the other 364 days of the year.
Live in NY for a couple months and realize how FUCKED the state is all because politicians like him only focus on the city. Hes a terrible politician and an even worse leader.

NPC detected

I am a proud Cuoomer

He is like the only sane politician I have ever heard. Dude has a based vibe it's invigorating.

Schoharie reporting in. Faggot Cuomo gets gassed second to last for his superb handling of this.

Based mafia plant

You’re retarded Cuomo fucking sucks. He’s a cryptokike and is acting like one. He already said today that he wants to try sending younger people back to work. During his announcement of the shelter in place order he was more worried about not collecting tax $$ for his own salary than anything else. Fuck Cuomo and fuck you.

Kaisch, Hogan, Newsom, Justice are doing well. Cuomo is a like shill.

if cuomo didnt give illegals free college, healthcare, welfare and foodstamps we would have money to combat virus. lul fuck cuomo

I'm divided as to where the capital of the New State should be

>Buffalo- It's the biggest city upstate, next to a world wonder but also next to fucking Can*da
>Rochester-umm.....jazz? how about no
>Syracuse-centrally located, named after famous city
>Albany- reputation tattered
>Rome- Yo it's fuckin ROME dude!!! get it?? EMPIRE STATE?? winner by default

>What if mockingbird looks just like what we have now?
>What if mockingbird was about dividing a nation?
>What if mockingbird then fed both sides equally subjective views about what was happening?
>What if both sides got to claim a truth, whether moral or absolute?
>What if a state of ambiguity and confusion was the goal?
After 60 years, what would a free republic look like?

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Because it's clear now that Chloroquine (and possibly plain old quinine) is an effective treatment, so all the politicians are trying to attach their name to it before it really takes off. Trump will forever be able to bask in the glory of the "Trump cure" and state governors want a piece of that action too.

Utica user, can concur and confirm.

Never forget the SAFE Act.

This thread is clearly being slid by DOWNSTATE Shills
There is no doubt about it

He should have ran, but now we know that he’s very capable to lead. Next time.

He should have ran away. But now he leads the chain gang on trash pickup day.

Cuomo is bought and paid for by the Chinese. Pompeo destroyed them at the governors ball.


Go to 3:40. It's a good speech and a warning. Look at Cuomo's face. He knows he's a chinese bitch boy.

You do know the National Fascist Party was responsible for pretty much destroying the mafia in Italy?

Where is his brother fredo?

He's probably a piece of shit, but apparently he & Trump get along well enough, which is more you can say about 99% of Dems.

and rightfully so. The only reason the mafia came into existence was due to extremely weak gov't institutions. People in Italy couldn't trust the government to protect them and their property, so they turned to the Mafia.

As long as the government is strong and capable, the mafia fades away into irrelevancy

as the stock market collapses they'll need the national guard to protect the bankers from the hordes of people who want to string the bankers up.

Maisie Hirono is the only person in American politics I can think of who’s stupider than him

Imagine all the blackmail there must be on Mayor chomo

this. fuck cuomo and fuck Mario "there is no mob" cuomo

Because if he doesn’t do the best possible job his head will be on a pike in a month
New York is getting hammered

No, i agree these retards dont know what theyre talking about.

The solution is to make New York City it's own state so that rural people don't have to deal with rules that were made to control niggers

I’ve never heard a man suck more kike cock than Andrew Cuomo. I’m honestly surprised that I haven’t heard him compare the infections in the New York Jewish community to the typhus infections in Nazi extermination camps yet. He mentions the plight of the poor persecuted Jews every fucking time I hear him talk

>tfw New Yorks massive numbers are due to Jews having 500 person weddings in a Manhattan backyard when they were supposed to be distancing

Yes, I was just pointing out the irony of that memeflaggot's post

>Actually believes they are getting along and it's not cuomo getting on his knees because NYC is boned without fed help
>believing cuomo won't throw trump under the bus the very second it's politically favorable for him to do so

The city will forever vote for him no matter what. Economic and then total Separation is the only way out for upstate


Unlike how you forgot the term “steamed hams”.

See Lakewood NJ numbers compared to the rest of the counties in the state. Same reason.

>New York is getting hammered
Because it's population density is absurd


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it's albany because the british occupied NYC during the revolution


They need to do that with every city. Seattle, Portland, SF, LA, etc should all be their own states.
Make whatever faggot loving rules you cocksuckers like then.

Is Barr healthy? Looks like he's about to drop dead.

Like his late father, he’s never shown interest in being president. I’m sure he’s also a crook like his late father, but he’s competent for sure. And he knows when to STFU with the partisan bulkshit, unlike Pelosi and Schumer.

would work if upstate wasn't a bunch of tax-leeching welfare queens

He might be on tv a lot or whatever but his state's getting hit harder than anywhere else in the country, he waited too long to lock NY down

Saratoga reporting fuck yeah

pretty sure i'm posting the one with town opposition too. I can't remember how old

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He’s a gun grabber

Pimps his own children out the LBGY community

Is the current Godfather of the most corrupt & dysfunctional state in the union

Pull some old clips up on YouTube. He literally speaks like a complete ass. He’s actually changed his tone & inflection. Almost like that MLK shit Obama used to do.

He’s an alleged wife beater with closet filled with skeletons.

He has been pretty good with this corona shit, but a leopard never changes his spots

he's running in 2024 ya dingus, cuomo has been positioning himself for a presidential run for years and years

I happened to catch his press conference today and he actually seemed very reasonable, very chill.

Jew Yorker here. You're a stupid faggot if you think Cuomo is in any way a good politician. He's nothing but a spoiled wop brat that got his position because of his mafioso father. He also passed the SAFE act in some really scummy way. A real scummy turd.

>Because if he doesn’t do the best possible job his head will be on a pike in a month
>New York is getting hammered


His political career's gonna end in a few weeks when NYC becomes the next Wuhan or Lombardy, I can't imagine he can avoid blame for the disaster on his watch.

>He’s a gun grabber
this. Even more after the SAFE actdoubt he'd get the nomination

>wife beater

Based as fuck

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Based, Roch user here. Non NY tags google buffalo billions/Adam skelos

>Put absurd taxes meant for city on whole state
>Industry leaves upstate for china
>upstate is now NYC's welfare bitch

Amazing how the same faggot in every NY thread needs to be told the same thing over and over. Do urbanites all have brain damage?

How would she have done?

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No, Biden already cut a deal with Liz Warren. Payment for her stealing votes from Bernie so Biden could snag more primary victories.

Lousy, honestly

Months of lockdown? Fuck off then suspend alternate side parking.

city rats should be assumed mentally ill by default.

Hes preparing for a 2024 run, dont be fooled though, hes a high tax pro nigger piece of shit who renames bridges and other things after his parents. Plus hes all for that sanctuary city shit and free medical for illegals but not you white man

He has to be a technocrat during this time for New York. He is pursuing solutions that are non-political and common sense. Good for him, I'm sure his constituents are confident in his abilities.

Because he's a terrible person who hates white people and wants them dead.

What an authoritarian kike

no one's forcing you to take those gibs cleetus

What's with all the Cuomo shills? If you lived in NY you'd know what a corrupt, fascist piece of shit he is.

/Upstate/ threads are some of the Fastest on Yas Forums
I also acknowledge the role of Honorary Upstaters in occupied territory doing their part

/UpstateGeneral/ could even -dare I say- compete with /Pennsreich/ General.

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>Months long quarantine
>Too keep boomers and junkies from dying
Fucking delusional unless there plan is to absolutely annihilate the working class and get swept away in either a NatSoc or Marxist uprising.

Syracuse is centrally located along Route 81 and Route 90. If Upstate became New Amsterdam, Syracuse should be the capital because all major cities could be connected to it by a main highway.

Because even if he is a democrat he actually cares about his people. Dude is doing anything and everything he can to help even if it means writing WITH the president. I'm at a loss right now, as to how Newsom and Cuomo are the two most reasonable politicians right now. NEVER thought I'd be saying that

Fuck New York and north jersey
t south Jerseyian

I'm upstate earning 35k where the fuck are my gibs? I pay for everything with the money I earn from my job and our goddamn gas is more expensive up here too.


Schoharie user here, fuck Cuomo and his greasy associates

Would vote