LOL Pelosi nixed the Senate Bill and just made a dem wish list

Read this thread. Nothing relates to the coronavirus or the economic crisis

1. Corporate pay statistics by race and race statistics for all corporate boards at companies receiving assistance

2. Bailing out all current debt of postal service

3. Required early voting

4. Required same day voter registration

5. 10k bailout for student loans

6. For companies accepting assistance, 1/3 of board members must be chosen by workers

7. Provisions on official time for union collective bargaining

8. Full offset of airline emissions by 2025

9. Greenhouse gas statistics for individual flights

10. Retirement plans for community newspaper employees

11. $15 minimum wage at companies receiving assistance

12. Permanent paid leave at companies receiving assistance

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Other urls found in this thread:

Postal debit is because of the stupid retirement program Congress forced on them

What's so surprising about this?


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I don’t know about you all... but this is the first time since college since I’ve felt alive. I have lots of silver and been waiting for this to happen for 5 years. The point where 1 silver Roosevelt dime buys me a blowjob from a formerly well to do housewife and her 18 year old daughter at the same time. I’ve been waiting in the shadows laughing at these cuck husbands who buy their wives range rovers instead of buying silver bullion... knowing that I’ll be face fucking their wives mouths for the 1.30$ it cost me to buy that silver dime.

Just yesterday at Whole Foods I seamlessly entered a conversation with a roastie milf with a ring about corona in the water aisle... and I said it’s a cover for trump to bring us on a gold standard. She was looking at me in amazement like she wanted me to paint her lips in cum. At the end of the conversation I’m like take my number l, have plenty of protection and freeze dried food if you ever need it and she took it from me.

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That she would use a crisis to push bullshit through.
Or this could be all bluff for the election year, so that she can say she "fights for working families/illegal immigrants" or some shit.

Not surprising, these people hate America.

>Permanent paid leave at companies receiving assistance
Permanent paid leave???

Why the fuck is it allowed to change the voting requirements in a republic? Doesnt this break the system in a republic?

>full airline emissions offset by 2025
So she wants to destroy the airline and aviation industry?

no one if fighting for neets tfw neets are seen as less then a nigger or a woman this is fucking wrong bros

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Yeah that one and the one about community newspapers don’t bother me too much

They need to bailout any company with


Except those immigrants and families are scared to shit right now and they just heard or read soundbytes on democrats rejecting a bill for giving them money, even if they don’t know the full details.

Trump is seriously going to eviscerate the DNC.

those carbon emission non profits are just dem slushfunds too. Most of the money doesn't go to green tech or environmental restoration

>Holding the American people hostage to get your political wish list
Rope and Guillotines 2020

All these provisions are being included because $$ is going to these industries. It’s not too much to ask for something back from these corporations. They are being financed by us. They should be working towards the increased goodwill of the collective. Fuck you corporate cocksucking betas. Boooootlicker dicksuckers.

I can't wait for November
>Slow Joe Biden cant form a complete sentence
>Greedy Nancy has to defend blocking Trump Bucks.

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It’s going to work. The dems have all the power here. The longer republicans don’t sign it and give in, then the longer the media and many people blame the republicans for this shit. The republicans can’t win.

wow you're delusional

Lol okay zoomer

imagine actually sticking up for the dems

Trust me the media will successfully spin it as the republicans fault they always do.

Trump will be talking a ton of shit about this shortly. It's easy to blow holes in this bullshit.

they always fail

Give Nancy a call.
I'm sure she'd like to hear how you feel.
(202) 225-4965

The entire Senate should have an imidiate pay freeze untill they vote on Corona reliefe

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>literally blackmailing the american people and holding relief hostage
Who the fuck votes for these people still?

what a cankerous sow.

That she’s doing it with the entire unemployment nation watching.

Nothing, but it’s more of an indicator she doesn’t want this shit to pass.

>10k bailout for student loans
Based. Fuck you, Navient.

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I mean there is some bullshit in there... but raising minimum wage for companies which receive help to 15$ is pretty based.
If they want tax money they should pay their workers a fair share

r-dditors and women

My loans are at 80k. Does this just mean they'd go down to 70k?

>10k student loan bail out
>money loaned by students is going to be covered by what is effectively credit which in turn will be covered by future income tax of these same students, with extra interest of course as the federal reserve doesn't even let the sun rise for free in the US.

Oh man, why is the US so shortsighted. Also fucking faggots turning everything into a Thurnberg ride-along bill.

>t. PermaMinimum wagie

I guess. Mine are only 8k, thank you SUNY.


My Facebook is already full of people talking shit about the Republican Party for not agreeing to the democratic bill, clown world

based and notponzischemepilled

Hoorah for the pasta man

>40+ posts
>no source
>no one requests source
kys, everyone

here is the tweet. This is a senator going on record.

He's not wrong... all the Dems have to do is push through their version of the bill, wait for Repubs to vote against it, and then all normie voters will hear on the MSM for the next 7 months is
and the retards will fall for it

>ask for something back from these corporations.

why do we want something from them?
because of this fake virus?
they get money?
and we get shit for the reason they get shit?
a fake virus event?

this is more fake then i ever realized, it's just a BIG FUCK YOU to the tax payers and workers

heres a bunch of crumbs we promised
now we get to give ourselves a feast!!!!!
At your expense too!!!!!
Thanks you $15 hour suckers!!!

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Nothing. Dems pull this bullshit all the time.

Honestly none of that shit helps anyone during this crisis, nor will any of that shit will even be feasible should the great collaspe actually occur.

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If she just stayed with the economics as opposed to social justice she could have made a case for this being part of the economic support the country needs. What a stupid bitch.

See it always works. The whole nobody believes the media I thing is a lie and a meme. The right wing will be blamed for the dems shit. Like always.

Give more money to college kids, and colleges charge more. It's an institution that takes advantage of dumb 18 year olds who grew up hearing that their life will be shitty unless they get a degree. Instead of giving more money to students, make the colleges charge less. As is they just make tons and tons of money off dumb kids, many of which are getting useless degrees.

>nothing about illegals / undocumented / visa workers etc
well color me surprised
fuck it, I support this over giving billions to corporate jewish cocksuckers

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Learn to google you fucking nigger.


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>nor will any of that shit will even be feasible should the great collaspe actually occur.

they must be depending on that fact
they give themselves first all the big money, then when it all collapses
that $15 an hour never materializes cause said company gets sold or bought out or closes up shop still holding its golden parachute

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Less jews on corporate boards? Is this what Nancy wants?

That's not all of it. They also want to block colleges reporting the citizenship status of their students and extend visas for nonimmigrants, among other things.

No Jews just count as minorities, corporate boards must be 20% white or less

Imagine thinking people give a fuck about offsetting airline fuel emissions or race/gender quotas for corporate boardrooms.

what the fuck, nvm then
really don't understand how they can't all just say, hey, let us limit this to just literally the money and who gets it, then do a separate bill for shit like paid leave, mandatory raises etc

These anti-American democrat traitors never let a good crisis go to waste, do they?

I wonder how many millions of Americans will go hungry in the next week because that anti-American crypto-kike Pelosi and Rabbi Shumer want to make sure LaQuasha and Consuela get more free gibs paid for by the American taxpayer?

Most of these demands are pretty based.

Hold them hostage or let it all collapse

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The republicans are putting riders on the relief bill also, more money and bailouts for big corporations.

They're both traitors to the people.

Lets see how much bullshit the people will take in exchange for some NEETBUX.

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Millennials are the shittier version of their boomer parents so it's not a surprise that they want to kick the can down the road with a handout to banks and make everyone else pay for it.

The postal debt makes sense. Why should any government agency be in debt at all when it's performing a public work. Only brainlets who don't understand money and coinage defend this kiked up bullshit.

Most everything else is bad though

Eh, sounds fine, honestly

>10k for student loans
unironically would help a lot of people more than a check

Thanks for the chuckle

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It's the most poorly run organization in the country. Fix the structure, fire the deadbeats and get back too me.

>subsidizing propagandists

I thought so too, but see this post

Their called Rhino's ya fucking kike. You're a kike rhino yourself so of course you can't see this.

And zoomers are even worse. The whole "betamaker" meme is bananas. They'll give birth to generation beta lmao betamakers

Here is the Democratic version if the bill

Well that's because you're a huge faggot.

Dumbfucks who took out loans they couldn't afford for degrees that make no money don't need $10k to reward their shortsightedness and the university's greed. People who are out of work and can't pay rent or buy food are the ones who need relief right now.

There's a lot more to it, I'd recommend searching it up and reading it yourself.

These dumb niggers are just going to fight for months while everyone quarantines themselves, we're not getting money. America is a retard country.

And that's how Trump won the presidency, part 2.

No it isn't. You've just been fed a bunch of bullshit and have no idea what you're talking about.

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>He thinks he wil ever get his Trumpbucks

Jesus Fucking Christ

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You forget
>banning colleges from reporting to immigration services on the citizenship status of their students
>extending visas for nonimmigrants
And a whole lot more

This, kikes tried to kill and privatize the only part of the government I like

Too late, the narrative is already reading the other way

>there's a plague going around
>I know, let's open the borders

The RINOS did this on purpose.

Get the fuck off my board you cringe boomer.

LOL nigger the USPS is quite literally the best postal system in the entire world.

Literally does more with less over a bigger area and for cheaper than any other nation.


Holy fuck. These subversive assholes aren't even trying to hide it anymore.