Just wait a week bro exponential growth

>just wait a week bro exponential growth
>we're right behind Italy
>we're growing....
>you'll see
>another 5 days
>in 10 days 1000s will die every day
>another 2 weeks bro
>by next month
>next week the deaths will start
>you gotta shut down....
>drumpf didn't do enough, by april millions will be infected
>70% will be infected
>gotta destroy trumps economy, in 3 weeks everything will explode

And yet its not happening
New York deaths are falling
Virus is functionally non existant outside of it
Its not happening
But we all knew that

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Yeah, but this better be Q's storm or Trump just looks like a raging homosex as well. "The virus" isn't even real, so Trump locking things down was also a mistake, unless he is actually using it to clean out the deep state satanists, which I doubt, but we will see i guess.

>Most of country shut down
>retards can’t understand why infections and deaths are so low

If this turns out to be a fake happening I'll flip my fucking shit

Lmao I can’t wait for a month from now when no one even remembers this shit, happeningfags will never recover

>he isn't doing enough
>he is doing enough
Make up your mind, you raging homos

today US had over 100 deaths for the first time. tomorrow it will be 200+. there will be 1000 deaths by Friday. Screencap this

We are though
Our cases are right behind italy and we were in the triple digits last week

So you're correct whether or not this virus is a nothingburger?

Nope, sorry not playing. If deaths from this don't pass flu, it should be time to arrest journos.

still less than flu bro

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Are you illiterate? Nothing's slowing down, everything's speeding up.
>41k cases today
>20k cases 2 days ago
>9k cases 2 days before that
Nigger you'll have half a million cases this time next week.

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prepare your parents for the exit door.

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ill give the happening niggers the fact that the economy went to shit, but it was going to happen under trump anyway... this is turning out to be even less than h1n1 now

The only reason it might kill less than the flu is because we’re taking extreme measures. If we do nothing, hundreds of thousands or even millions will die in the U.S. from it this year.

What the fuck are you smoking? This shit hasn't even begun yet in the US.

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Cases don';t mean shit when amount of testing is a variable. Deaths are what matters.

If you exclude literally the most dense city in the country, only a single state broke single digit deaths today, and no city except NY is seeing any growth whatsoever in deaths SINCE THIS STARTED A MONTH AGO

>Pol is one person

This lol

new york underwater by 2000 etc. etc.

unironically just wait two more weeks, bro

It already happened. Look forward to eating only bread for the rest of your life. The economy is already half dead.

>Cases don';t mean shit when amount of testing is a variable. Deaths are what matters.
>because the number of cases isn't a predictor of deaths
I think you're lacking a fundamental understanding of statistics, son.

>he's trying to force this meme graph now
omg you guys are truly delusional hahahahahaha

literally all we've learned through increased testing is that the virus is far, far less deadly than we thought


Its the actual cure that is the happening you actual low IQ mouthbreathing retard

that's what you happeningfags have been saying for months, nice digits though

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pretty sure america is just dropping the ball when it comes to testing mate

>53000 ICU beds in New York
>more that 110000 beds needed just for the next 45 days
b-bb- but it's less than the flu!!1! There's no way that the hospitals will overflow and that the mortality rate will spike due to lack of treatment!!

Seeth more burgers

>there wont be a huge surge once everyone gets back to work and is allowed to actually leave their house to buy stuff

im looking for my burger....oh wait...

it's going to fucking ravage the united states on an unseen scale, to the point where the us as an entity will no longer exist.. this is serious m8.

i just hope it kills most of those celebs

Oh I see, you were expecting ebola. Yeah, it's not that bad. You're going to see A LOT of deaths though.

>realize I posted a low-res version where a better one was available
>post it
You sound panicked.


the 21st century is for china, you fucked up america big time.

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>implying they're not under house arrest with ankle monitors
bluepilled toothpaste

Flu has 140k to 810k hospitalization annually, we dont shut everything down every flu season do we?

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You are not wrong the virus on itself is not THAT deadly however the infection rate is so high eventually people cant get treatment anymore.
1 person can have the wuflu but have no sever sickness so he goes out and infects hundreds


It's not even go do that, now go fuck yourself. Hanx.

Thousands are dying every day.

>Don't test anyone.
>"See, nobody has the virus!"
Thanks genius.

>guys I've figured it all! everything is fake and a hoax and politicians lie to manipulate us, I'm so smart oh I'm a genius for figuring this out!
this is not about the death toll or if the virus is real or not. The world is in lockdown state; the happening is already here you absolute asinine cretins.

One of the delivery guys at my job had the world's most icy cold take today
>i'm telling you user, in ten years we're going to find out this was all political

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Shut the fuck up, namefagging nigger. Take that shit to /soc/. We need less egos around here.

>the world is in lockdown state
because of a fake happening, retard

Millions die every day of war, povery, hunger, accidents, and many other things, According to this logic nothing ever happens, because happening are exclusively measured by how many people died in one stone toss. I'm such a genius for doubting everything, earth is also flat! trust sessions WAMAMWAMW1WGAMIGA

Yep and it’s happening.

not even an argument

Because this shit spreads 2-4x faster than the flu and the flu doesn't land 1% of the cases in critical need of ventilators and ICU care - without of which they will DIE. For your dumbass 1% is 3.2 MILLION people, which is a lot more than the 60 THOUSAND ventilators you guys have.

Digits and the virus kills half the world population.

Lol I know youre baiting but here. This is old too, we are at 16k now.

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so according to your logic, nothing ever happens because it was already planned to happen...

Trump didn't lock anything down though.
Governors did.
He just suggested people play it cool basically.

It takes 2-3 weeks on a ventilator.
Until they get low on ventilators.

Well that’s not true. South Korea that the highest per capita testing in the world shows 120 dead 3200 recovered. 3.5% case fatality rate.

>Flu has 140k to 810k hospitalization annually, we dont shut everything down every flu season do we?
Let me break this down for you:
The flu requires 140k to 810k hospitalizations per year, NATION WIDE
That's still going to happen, which clogs up hospitals
People with the regular flu will be going to go get tested for corona, since the symptomes are similar
That will lead to slower identification of actual corona-infected people

And it’s been happening for months lol. Imagine two months ago saying Canada would close its borders to all foreigners bc of corona.


>Believeing with the offical numbers that the response would be close to this drastic.
What happened to "THE MSM IS CONTROLLED BY JEWS" user? Fucking retard.

I remember the first week when nothingfags started to say nothing would happen, here we are at a lockdown resembling some kind of cold world war, but sure...nothing is happening.

whats the cure?

quinine is fake news

The flu is far easier to treat as it has been around far longer.

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I'm actually starting to think this could finish them off as a functioning state. I knew it was going to be fucking biblical but Trump is talking about stopping isolation in 15 days KEK

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its a load of bollocks. there probably is no fuking virus.

All we said last month is that you should prep before normies panic you idiot.

You are supposed to be 18 to be on this board.
High schoolers and teens are easily bamboozled.
Please go to Reddit (age 13 limit) until you are capable of recognizing paid shills.

>spreads 2-4x faster than the flu
that's why flu infects tens of millions annually while nothingburger virus has 300k right?

This is what happens every time. These schizos just pretend it never happened and move on to the next "happening" because the collapse of civilization is the only way they can imagine to escape their miserable lives.


italy has hit the peak (hopefully)

and malaria medication is looking very promising

fuck OFF (((nothingberger))) SCUM

Go suck a baby's dick and give it the corona virus, rabbis

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It took 2 months for the official death toll to get to like 2k. Now it's 16,359 out of no where.

You're retared. OP is a fag.

>two more weeks
I'm starting to think there will be good memes from this one after all

Imagine two months ago saying Europe and the US will be in lockdown, all borders will be closed and cities/areas in Western countries will be quarantined by governments.

We're unironically living in a disaster movie timeline.

As for actual corona, NEW YORK ALONE will need 110000 ICU beds within 45 days alone.
When they can't reach that capacity, they won't be able to treat patients and deaths will spike
New York is seeing nearly a daily doubling of cases, and that's with the entire city on lockdown

Lad Italy has been a police state for two weeks now, before that they were staggering along in our half and half. You're just not going to do that until it's Day Z tier.

This. Take your meds schizos